Pursuit of Appiness Podcast

International Internet Friend Connor

Marta Reeder

Connor and I know each other from social media because we both share a deep love for a band. And now, our friendship has taken the graceful step to becoming podcaster and guest. We talk about how Connor has very Utah hobbies for someone who lives halfway across the world, and how his friend group sound like a fun time. 
Sound Supervisor B.T. Measles. 
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Hmm Hello, and welcome to the pursuit of happiness podcast. I'm your host, Marta. And this week we talked to international internet acquaintance, Connor. And maybe one day, I'll infiltrate his friend group, even though we're 1000s of miles away from each other because his friend group sounds like a blast and don't take my word for it, listen to this podcast and take a gander for yourself. Also, just so everyone knows, we are both using hotspots to record this. So there's a tiny lag and maybe you'll be able to tell, but I guess being you know, 1000s of miles apart and using hotspots, like the satellites in the in space, I couldn't, you know, do it fast enough or whatever. However, internet works, so just keep that in mind. It's still good conversation now. So listen up. We start this podcast off by doing an icebreaker. Are you ready for this? Cat? Have you ever sent a dick pic? Or is that just a United States thing? Maybe you guys don't do it over there. Let us know. I actually I actually haven't ever done that. That's good. Which it is. Uh, I think it is a dumb thing over here. Okay, just just not. Not for me. I guess to know, I've never really never really felt the need, I guess. I don't know. I don't know. What has it. Has anyone asked you for one? That's what I'm curious. Yeah, okay. I think people are lying to me on this podcast and they are full of shit and saying oh, they asked for it. I don't think that's true did gas for one alley use a flatbed stick pick? Which I feel is kind of humiliating, like, not everybody knows the dumb things. But that doesn't strike me as what what it's about you know. Now. Yeah, well, worn in new things every day about men and dick pics. Okay, so next thing we're going to talk about is you a little bit so we don't really know each other. We're like internet, lurkers. So we're gonna, I'm gonna ask, first of all, you're actually technically at my second international person I've interviewed I have a pen pal from Canada. And he was on it. So second internet, tell us where you're from. Tell us where you're from. Yeah, so I'm from. I grew up in the Midlands in England or the UK. I guess. There's a more wider set. Which is, I guess, probably the biggest point of reference for you guys would be somewhere near Birmingham. Yeah, near Peaky Blinders land, maybe about an hour's drive from there. Okay. And I currently live in the central South, so maybe 100 miles south of there, which is not really near anywhere. Anyone I imagine Missing in America would know where it is. And sort of to the left of London by two hours. Okay. Is it Are you dying over there? You're wearing your like a button up shirt. I don't know how hard it is. It was hot there for a while. Yeah, it's not too bad. Now, I think we're at like, maybe 20 degrees 20. Somewhere between 20 and 25 at the moment, so it's not too bad. Okay. Yeah, I'm used to that he in Utah, but we have AC like no business. Yeah, we're preparing for like all types of weather here. So we're lucky in that way. Um, next question. I asked these because I feel like it helps me get to know people. What is your favorite movie? First question? If you have one. Yeah, I'm not sure really. That's a very good question. We're about to this will come because you're very movie person on Instagram. Yeah. I thought about this today in mild preparation, but I can i How about? Oh, embarrassingly, the one that springs to mind for some reason, which I think maybe this isn't a hill to die on. But I really like to 21 jump straight for us just so it's so low rent that it's just like it's just a good time right. Enjoy that anytime. I say that nobody should be embarrassed of liking any movie that they like. I am not Ah, a pretentious person. So I never judge people for liking funny movies. While I'm on that petition, and you like watching it, you go for that. Trust me, I deal with film people all the time, and I get so annoyed with them. So. Okay, and it's the new I mean, the 21 Jump Street was a TV show, which I didn't know that. And Johnny Depp was in it. But you're talking about the movie remake? With the one? Yeah. And Brie Larson, isn't it? Oh, I love her. She is, isn't she? Yeah. It was a very competitive. So every time I watch it, I sort of recognize someone that I hadn't really realized was in it. Yeah. Great. Okay. Next question. If you have Spotify, you can say your top Spotify artists of this year, or does your favorite musician or something you listened today that you really liked? Let's hear. Yeah, this is I think I'm definitely more of a music person than I am a film person. environment. I really like a little band from New Zealand called up Zuma, who do sort of like, kind of, I don't know how you describe it really. It's like, kind of like, indie pop. It's very like, it's very, like easy listening. But the lyricist I think is quite like deft, I guess? I think it's really nice. Basically. I mean, I'm in a mood for just kind of things that I can put on and enjoy whilst I'm doing other stuff. So I think that's sort of Yeah. Doing it for me at the moment, basically. Okay, I have to look about I don't know who they are. Yeah. In New Zealand. Yeah, I can go more relatable if we want. No, no, no, you should say what your heart feels, and I'll look it up. Okay, next question is what do you do for your job? You live really far away. So you could say where you worked. But I always tell people not to say because you don't know. You don't want your work to get a hold of this. We don't really talk about that. But yeah, we'll see how that goes. But ya know, am I a design engineer, so I do vehicle lighting at the moment, which is pretty broad. Do sort of, we've done kind of like, a like headlight for an electric vehicle. And we do sort of any sort of work vehicles with flashing lights, we design them and then done quite a lot of interior stuff, sort of leisure vehicles, like, done a few bits for yachts, and a few bits for sort of motor homes and that kind of thing. So quite varied within that sphere. So yeah. It's interesting. I didn't think I mean, that is a job, but you don't think about somebody? Somebody had to do this. Yeah, I'm interesting. Okay. Anything that wasn't wasn't made in nature. I guess someone's had to design it. Someone. Yeah. Okay. Next question. And you can interpret this however you want to? What's wrong with you? Well, that's a good question. Pick your favorite. Or, you know, you can decide what you want to share with that. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. What's wrong with me? The initial thing is you are right at charm a bit too warm. That's, that's that's low level right now in media issue. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I could do that opening a window. But big picture? Probably, I would say I am. The overarching thing is, I'd like a bit more freedom. So I don't know what that kind of translates to. But I would like to be able to go on holiday more and spend a bit more time in the evenings doing what I want to do. I feel like I'm constantly either at work or doing the washing up or washing my clothes or doing some mining or you know, I mean, like, there's a lot of adulting to do at the moment. And I think if I didn't have to do any of that, if I had a butler or something, then I would be sweet. That'd be better. That'd be good. Yeah. Yeah. Like think of the lives of the really rich and famous they don't have to do shift from themselves. They get all the time to I don't know develop cool hobbies or whatever celebrities. Time Off. Can you say happiness, but it's obviously doing make you unhappy? Yeah, definitely. doing dishes cooking. Exactly. I actually I I find cooking very calming, so it's not terrible for me. Yeah. Cleaning up cleaning up. Yeah, but so we methodical about that. Yeah, I have a robot that does it for me, because I have cats, but I have a used now they're all very afraid of it. I wish that I haven't tried it. I got a new kitten, and she's just insane. So maybe she would love it. I'm gonna try that when I get help. She might do because I guess if it's already done. Yeah, you know, it's not it's not new to her. It's just part of life. So yeah, maybe yeah. I'm gonna put her on it. See what happens. Okay. One more thing, because I think people will want one to know, do you? So I have been to the UK? I've been to Ireland. And it seems like nobody knows anything about Utah. Do you know anything about you? What's your impression? Say off the bat? Let's hear. I think that's gonna be embarrassing, isn't it? I think no. The image I have in my head is yes. Sort of deserty Do you have like you have like a really famous big rock or something. Right? A big red with red weed. That's from Archie's got the coolest name. We do have a cool name. Thanks to the you know, natives that the Mormons massacred. And we're like, Get out of here. Yeah, but yeah, that's true. Southern Utah is very desert a, and that's where like, My childhood was spent a lot of time here. But we're I live in Salt Lake City. It's a very, we have very big mountains, lots of ski towns. And but it still gets hot here. I thought it was going to be a reference to book, you know, the Book of Mormon musical. I feel like that's what people's does describe Utah as or they just don't know. That's what it was like, everyone was like, Oh, I don't know anything about it. So. And most of our listeners right now are from Utah. Yeah, it's like, oh, Mormons. And you're like, that's true. She says, moment. Is it. I mean, it's hard to say because it's so part of my life like I grew up Mormon and so going to watching it is something totally like it. They just make fun of a lot of the stuff that they believe in which everything we believe in is pretty wacky. But it's really fun to see it because we see that we have like a theater that like traveling Broadway shows come and it's really fun to go to Book of Mormon on a Sunday, and they will song about Salt Lake City and you're in Salt Lake City. And you know, the whole crowd is just like, once Mormons and you just it's, it was fun. It's fun to see it in Utah, specifically. But yeah, it's funny if you it's the South Park, guys, so it's just like hilarious. I recommend seeing it. Again, learn a little about for events. Okay, now we're moving on to our next segment, which is over generalized questions for men about men. I've have all these note cards, which you can sometimes hear in the podcast that I just pick randomly and you have to answer on behalf of all men everywhere. And also these might be very like American based because I'm in so maybe they just don't even maybe not applied to you. But you have to guess anyways. Okay. Why dad jokes? Do you get you guys have to add jokes? I know you do. Why do men think that they should be telling dad jokes on the apps tell us? I think that's a I think the flaws in the question. I don't think they think they should. I think it's just instinct. It's like, it's primal. I think I think some men just are born to to tell bad jokes. And to you know, yeah, yeah. That yeah, I don't know. I guess. I do. I don't know. I find myself doing it now, especially as I'm getting older as well, which is, which is worrying? I think it's just a natural progression. You know, you get gray hair and you go wrinkly, and you just start telling really boring jokes that no one likes and getting enjoyment from. I mean, I people have said that a lot of my jokes are dad jokes, but I think it's just because I don't think they are but maybe they are. I don't know. First me when I see a man that says, I always tell jokes. I don't think they actually do You think that they're lying? And they're just trying to say that they're funny, but they're not actually funny. Because we're a defense mechanism. I think yes. Like, yeah, maybe your joke falls flat and you're like, oh, sorry, I'm always telling dad jokes. Like, you know? Yeah, it's just you're they're unfunny. And that's how they're like, I get away with not being funny because their dad jokes. I don't know, I haven't had anyone who's had that in their bio agree to be on the podcast. One day, someone will agree. And we'll find out the answer from them. Okay, good answer. Next question. Okay. Why do men dump women? It should be us dumping you. Yeah, no, I agree. Let's blame yourselves. Yeah, I'm actually a massive coward as well hate. Don't think people are really bad at it. I've never, like, you know, do me wrong. I've never just sort of ignored someone or something like that. But it does bother me a lot to do. And I have been thinking about this recently, you know, on dating apps is that maybe a quick like, way to view if you could, like, harmlessly get someone to dump you? That'd be great. Like, so I find like, you know, once a day, and I wasn't happy with it, and like, I didn't want to see this person again. I could just slip into conversation be like, Oh, I don't really believe in the pay gap. And then they would dump me. And then I wouldn't have to do it. Yeah. You know. You know, and although would if I don't get enough data, this would happen, but it would potentially ruin my whole image, which wouldn't be good. You might feel like oh, he's a massive anti feminist or whatever. And then there's a big source image but around like by me about me. That would be the sort of Yeah, that'd be I felt like could be a good TV show. Don't tell me I'm a writer. I'm gonna step up to the premiere. Okay. We'll see. We'll see what happens. Yeah, I have. I've never dumped anyone. I've always been dumped. But I think it's, they always say like, it's cuz you're too good. That I like you're just shit. Well, one of them. It was like, he dumped me. And then he was like, just kidding. Can we not? Let's not break. Like now. We're breaking. Breaking up. Yeah. Yeah, I think that yeah, I'm also a coward. So I'm lucky because I've never had to. Well, okay. I've been like, in a half relationship with people. And then I'm just like, I don't know what I say to them that it's been a while. But it's been easier situation. Yeah, because you just are like, Hey, I'm not. No, thanks. Bye. Yeah. Are you sure I you know, I just show my true self or like, eat tacos in front of them. And then they're like, Okay, we're done. It's the same. It's the same as the theory I was on. It's the opposite side of that coin, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. My, it's gonna be easy, cuz I'm a little bit, a little bit grosser than normal, then it's over. Okay. Next question. What is what I feel like? I've said this one so many times, I'm gonna pick one that I haven't done. I feel like I keep picking the same ones over. And over. That one I've picked so many times. Okay. Why sports? What is it about sports, that makes men love the, um, I think from a, from a plane perspective, like, I'm, I got a very sort of short attention span, I guess. And just if I were to stay fit without sports, I would really struggle like just going for a run, I think is the most boring thing in the world for me. So if I get to chase a ball around, then I'm happy. You know, that's makes it more more entertaining. In terms of watching, I guess it's like, I guess it's kind of like a bit like tribal, you know, like, you sort of? I don't know, I guess it's a talking point. That's a good question. There's going to be something I think that the, the x that's like the the exercise thing makes 100% sense to me like that is the best reason to do sports, because I also think that working out is boring. So if I can make it more fun, than Yeah, yeah. And I feel like there's a weird thing with men where I don't feel like they're as active and commune It is as a women are. And so sports it's like, yeah, if I have a reason to be like around each other and like I'll root for the sake. So I think that's a good. I guess that's interesting to say about communities. I haven't really thought about that. But I guess that makes a lot of sense. Like, it might be Metro people. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe it could be an again, American thing. Men don't like your deeds here. That's not true. Well, just a lot of men tell. Okay, we're moving on to our next segment. And this is me, asking you questions, interpreting your dating profile. And then you can tell me really what that picture is, or the whatever prompt means. But I'm just taking guesses. You could tell me if I'm right or not. Okay. We kind of talked about this and you kind of answered it. Do you have a picture of you playing football, aka soccer here? And America? Is this accommodating? Thank you? Yeah, this is to prove that you are from the UK? I'm sure it's not a problem. When you're in the country? No. Requirement. Yeah, I mean, it's, it's true. And that makes it very generic picture as well. Small to prove that I do things. You know, I think my dating profile fear is there looks like I'm someone who stays at home all the time. So there's concrete proof that I have left the house. Yes. Follow up. This is my follow up. I'm gonna say that I watched a documentary and who knows if this is scientifically backed up, I just want to say that. So it's also to show that unlike American football, playing this sport, won't give you brain damage that may or may not make you go Psycho and murder people. Didn't you? damage while playing football? Yeah, it's more South brain damage with football though. Because it's like, you don't really like American football. You guys learn how to smash into each other. We tend to kick each other. It's just I guess a cultural difference. We like had the ball. So like, someone will kick it in the air and then like, like, smash it into your forehead. And that gives you our size, but it doesn't make you kill people. No. Big thing. They're talking about banning banning, like, how does from like the game completely and like taking they think they're taken out of kids games up to a certain age and stuff? Because yeah, it's big. Could you meet her profile? Do you think they wouldn't just be like, wear a helmet? Wearing a helmet helmet? looks so funny. Just it would be so hard to hit a ball with a helmet on. Like, it's hard anyway. Yeah, it's such an unnatural product to use to like direct something. I think without help me it would just be I think maybe it'd be a good technique. Actually. They make people wear helmets. And then after like a year, everyone's like, this is ridiculous. Let's just stop doing it altogether. And it'd be like a soft transition. No one would resist. Okay, so there is a little bit of brain damage with Yeah, football, okay, soccer. So there was like a documentary. I forget what his name is. But basically his team, he murdered, I think his family. And they were trying to prove that his brain damage from football made him do it. I don't think that happens. I think they have maybe found a correlation between like aggressiveness, and this brain damage. But again, don't quote me on this. Do your own research. You think? I don't know. cause and effects there. That's not the right phrase. But like, surely get into football. If you are someone who like who is you've got to have like a certain element. If you're a complete pacifist, you're not going to get into a sport where you spend like how many hours just like bashing people otherwise sort of thing. So yeah, I guess. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. Something in that maybe? Yeah. I never watch it. I never played it. I'm not I never even went to the like quintessential American high school football game. I think I didn't realize like in junior high and I was like, this is weird. I don't like it. So. Okay, next question. You have a picture of you rock Climbing in a gym, which is very, a very Utah thing to do if you didn't know where I've seen pictures of boots off. Oh, yes, every person on in Utah, everybody's a rock climber. Okay, this is to tell him in that in the most normal way possible. Don't take this the wrong way. You're good at using your hands because I do feel like half the battle of climbing is you have to have like good grip. And yeah, I mean, you can take that however you. Yeah, I mean. Yeah, I mean, I suppose is a I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm thinking about. I don't know if it correlates if it translates being able to hold hold something. Like, is that useful? Yeah, it's not a desirable trait. Yeah, I can like I'm just gonna, every time I'm trying to rock climb, it hurts my hand so much. So I think if you're doing it, grip strength is important for daily life. I don't know. I guess so. Yeah. I'm actually I'm really good opening jars now because I've got very good grip strength. So that traditional cliche I'm actually very good at opening them with tricks that I learned when I worked at a tea shop. So I don't even need anyone to open step for me. Okay, can you could use those tricks and rock climbing? Could you could you switch it around the other way? Let's take a tea towel because you just drop drop things on there. The lid? The section gets looser than then you can open it. I couldn't do that. With rock climbing. I could maybe like tape all my fingers? I don't know. I don't care that much to do it. I'm gonna be real with everybody here does it? You're not unique. If you're in Utah, maybe it's unique. Where you're from? Is it Do people rock climbing? It's definitely like a growing home in the UK. Like a few years ago. Okay. You are much more unique than so far that yeah, we have a lot of rock climbers on the podcast really real? Because that's a profession. That's so men do here only well, okay, I think only three. Okay, so next question. You have a picture of you and what appears to be a snowy ski town another very Utah thing. Is this you telling women that you have enough money to ski? Or you know, guess where you were? Oh, yeah. Where is it? It is less ox in France. It's very nice. And is it a ski? ski town? Yeah, it's like I think it's one of their like, geographically like on the largest ones like it covers a lot of area. It's quite sort of sparse. Like there's not much like woodland or anything there. It's probably more me morning women that I don't have much money because I've liked to go skiing when I can spend. Yeah, it's um, it's not it's not me. Trying to find a way to spend bottomless pits of money. It's it's me foregoing a lot of normal tees because I want to go skiing i Yeah, in Utah, it's like the the rich kids would go have ski passes. And you know, you weren't a rich kid if you didn't get a ski pass, which was because we were, it's like you're either a ski or Well, now they're always you always got the outdoorsy people who do both both. But as a kid, it was like you're either a skier, or you're like you do Southern Utah camping. And my family was like, we're camping. We have four kids, we're gonna do the poor thing and just go sleep in the desert and go hiking in like a normal 10. Yeah, it's not that hot. So you don't go in Utah. Well, there are people who are dumb. And they go in the middle of like, summer, I guess I said summer but it's more like you go into spring. And because it's too hot there. But I'm telling you right now, there are people in southern Utah who are dumb and go at this time of year. And just like we had somebody die of like heat stroke last year in Zion. I don't know. I don't know why people are like, Yeah, let's go in the middle of really hot weather and like go on five mile hikes and not bring it I don't know. People are not very smart. That's the truth. And also now camping is a lot more expensive because everybody wants to come to Utah. Yeah, everybody from everywhere comes in camps. And when I was a kid, it was like, nobody would be out. And now it's like, you have to pay schedule stuff a year ahead of time to get a camping spot. It's nuts. But yeah, Archie walls camp. Yeah. Yeah, so we have like, I forget what they're called, there. There's places where it's like, you can camp wherever you don't have to, like rent a camping spot, and I can't think of what it's called. But yeah, you can do that. And that's what my dad does, cuz he knows all the secret spots. So we do that a lot now, but when we were younger, it was like, you could just go to a scamp camping spot, and nobody else would be there. You would be there. It was really awesome. Okay, so next thing, under the dorkiest thing about you, your prompt says that you and your friends share a song of the day and then rate them at the end of the week. Did you share this? Because it's not dorky at all, and makes us all jealous of your friendship? Oh, yeah, absolutely. It's, it's concrete proof. I've got friends and I speak to them. Which, I mean, that's the biggest green flag I've got going for me. So I've got a nice group of people who seemingly like me. So that is actually a reference. Right? Yeah, references available upon request sort of thing. Yeah. It's a it's an organizer. Like Yeah. At all. Oh, it really ends up just being a massive argument every week. Like, we get very entrenched in like, what we share we get we, you know, we're like very passionate about it and then end up just kind of having like a childish squabble in our little group chat and I fall out over it for a few days and then style the next week. Does anyone like vote for that? Any songs that aren't theirs? I feel like you would just be like minds the best because Oh, yeah, you can't you can't vote your own. You're okay. There's rules. Okay, yeah. I have a spreadsheet and everything is is all consumed. That's cute. I wish I had people that all my friends don't really have the same taste in music, which sucks when people come into town. Because then I have to force my sisters and they're like, most the time they aren't into it. Okay, follow up question was them to listen to your stuff? Yeah, they, I mean, they like it. It just we are. We're just home buddies. We have like in August. We have a week where we have four concerts. And I think we're gonna die because that's a lot for us. You're gonna see so it is it's a very weird lineup. We're going to see Sharon Van Etten who's touring with Angel Olsen. And then we have Backstreet Boys. Which is a very It takes it's a turn and then we have the vodka and then brandy Carlisle. So mostly pretty good. Backstreet Boys. Yeah, thanks for boys is probably the one that's the weirdos out of that Butch. Okay, so follow up question what is actually the dorkiest thing about you because I don't think that's a dorky tell Oh yeah. Oh yeah. If we're going properly niche I'm really into computers. Since I was like 50 I've like sort of taken apart and put back together and built them and stuff like that. Is that I think that does she's by quite some margin is is by far and away the dog is saying about me so. Okay. So bad. Don't be embarrassed. Okay. I'll tell you something dorky about me. To make you feel better to share with the world, so they know I am. Lots of times I will on YouTube try to find illegal videotapes, or people recordings of Broadway shows to emotionally prepare before seeing that because for some reason, they make me very emotional. They're always very emotional. And I need to know if I'm gonna cry or not. So far I haven't they're not very good. They get taken down very quickly. So I have I'm not very successful. And Broadway stuff, people think that's dorky. So there's that next question, you say that you'll know it's time to delete hinge when your wife Mr. Secretary or girlfriend asked to see your phone? Are you telling ladies that you're a polygamist? Is that what you're saying? No, I just, I guess, as you'll see from the next prompt, I just, I really hate writing the prompts. The next ones are really lame one that's just kind of left in from ages ago, right. And I was getting rid of some lame ones and I was just kind of a bit hacked off with writing hinge prompts, and then I am I just saw that on us like, oh, yeah, seriously. So that's what we ended up with basically. But no friend did say as well that polygamy is very popular in like climbing community people and people who like climate a strong correlation and I didn't realize that so my profile does apparently give that off, but I'm I'm a firm monogamist personally, I haven't Earth. Okay. I haven't got the stones for polygamy, basically. Not Yeah, actually settled enough for that. Yeah. Yeah. The polyamory but they call it polyamory. But I also don't understand it's, they all have different language because polygamy is you know, and that's another Utah thing. We were you the Mormons loved polygamy way back in the day and then it's specifically marriage. So I think polygamy is usually like one the, the, usually it's a man, but the one guy has multiple wives and they don't like how the wives don't specifically have an opinion on the other wives. And polyamory it seems like they are more involved in who like, it's a couple and then the polyamory is like you both choose another person and you're kind of in a relationship together see? Right, I don't really know I'm sure it's different for each couple, but that's how I understand it from the the TLC shows that have you know, polyamory and then because that's where I learned about these things. TLC the team it's a reality show station you get really low down the list. We Yeah. Because they've Channel Five USA I think just reruns other stuff. If you have Channel Five I think that's like a British old school channel. Channel Five is usually it depends on which state you're in but that's like the NBC or CBS of Yeah, of the US but they have they just released a 90 day fiance UK and I was pretty stoked around not just Americans doing this stuff you people from the UK or Marian from other countries so learning yeah and and all that stuff here the yeah Married at First Sight thing as well. I didn't know what that was. You guys are Australian to get that first but I watched a lot of that in lockdown actually, my me my housemate watched a quite a substantial amount of that and it's quite bizarre, isn't it? Yes, I also watched that and I haven't watched the UK version. I don't think we have it. Here we have the Australian one on Netflix but they like to keep UK shows away from us, which is really annoying. I have to like find a subscription of some like I have to buy taskmaster off of YouTube as an app taskmaster so much should have been should have easy access to taskmaster I think they had they had free the the first like eight seasons free but now you have to buy them look sorry we keep a slight delay. I keep talking over you sorry for Oh no. It's just a delay. It is a delay flight. Yes. I love James A Castro season. And he's so good at it. James Okay. Oh, wait, we have one more question. Okay, you Do we already kind of we already kind of talked about this, but we'll just talk about get you have a lot of pictures with friends. Is this telling women that you have friends tell you, sometimes I'm worried about men on this app, because they are alone. A lot of the time these men are alone. And also follow up question. Do your friends have to approve of your lady? I assume yes. But let us know. Sorry, they broke 11 aspects. So they have to approve the photo. Oh, do you have to Approve? Approve the woman? So if you're dating someone to your friends have to approve of her? No, I don't think they do necessarily. I don't think I know, like, obviously, like a lot of a lot of women and like, they're, you know, like they bring a new boyfriend and like they kind of get, you know, group chat roasted a little bit and stuff, but I don't know, certainly nine not in my group. There's not really that sort of thing. But I think generally most my friends are quite sort of careful with picking long term partners. Like there isn't we don't have any, like, serial monogamists in the group sort of thing. So, you know, there's a bit more personal vetting goes on, I guess. And that tells the previous question. Yeah, basically, it's a, it's a full on, you say a lot of pictures is to consider a lot of group pictures. That is more than most men have. I'm gonna tell you right now. At least from what I've seen, are we trading green flag or red flag? It's up to many. I think it's good. No, I think if it's your if your first picture is you and like a group of people that's always like, what, what are you doing? You're trying to trick me who you know, like, it's just weird. But after that, I want to see you with people that like you by yourself, which I think mine is all by myself, but it's not my real what I would use if I was dating someone so Oh, I should have asked to see yours actually see your obviously I haven't found it by now, but it's just it's not it's not like I put my podcast picture in hopes that people will be like, Oh, she's doing a podcast because I have like, I can't say outright or I'll take it kicked off. So yeah, okay, yeah. Okay, we are finished with questions about profiles. Next segment. Well, we're gonna do some what you rather's because they're fun, and to break up our dating questions. Okay. Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or live to 100? With a lot of regrets? Hmm, that's a good one. I'm quite neurotic. So I will probably regret a lot of very small things anyway, no matter how long I live. So that's leading me towards the 100 Please get a good innings. You know, and I can just regret that parking ticket. I got 60 years ago, whatever, you know. I think like big regrets. Well, you know, if it was something big like if I'm really hurt someone or upset someone, I think I'd probably die in the 20 years. We found right. Yeah, faster. You're gonna I'm gonna go 20 years. Feeling feeling adventurous today? Yeah. Okay. That's a good Good answer. Good answer. All right. Next was shit. Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every song you hear? Oh, my God. That's horrible. Person. Yeah, cuz you view the shops like everyone has music on right? Yeah. How, like, how committed you have to be. Can I just be like, Yeah, I feel like dancing is more obvious. I think you I think that it, you have to just do it to be considered either dancing or singing. So it doesn't have to be like, Hi, kids. spins, it could just be like you snapping your fingers. So I think saying, I think Brad, I think involuntary motion is more like, I don't know if I'd love that. Yeah, I'm just imagining just imagining which one would be more embarrassing. I mean, I guess you get a boyfriend pretty quick, right? Like, I saw like six months of being able to, like not be able to stop dancing when you go out in public basically. Yeah, Also, dancing will be really tricky if you are driving, because you would be like, you know, tapping your feet and swinging your arms around instead of steering the car. So I'm going to sing and I think singing is a safer, safer. Yeah, that's I didn't even think about that. Because I love dancing. So I in my brain, I'm like dancing. Just your shoulders. I guess you could do some dancing in the car. I don't know. I don't have to pick because I Okay, yeah. Let's Yeah. Whoo. This one's hard. Would you rather tour with Elton John or share as a very good one. Um, I just did. Yes. I'm just like observing. I'm just, I'm just there for the ride. I think you could, you're kind of involved. So you would hang out with them? I think so he notes and John's bit old. I feel like he probably doesn't quite sensibly. She has. She's a bit younger though. Like, you know, maybe she's having like a maybe she's having like a late midlife crisis. She's going wild again. Like, I think, yeah, probably share. I feel like it would just be a bit more fun. I think. I think you'd see more sites, if you know what I mean. I think it'd be more, more what you'd hoped for from touring with an artist kind of thing. Yeah, she parties. Yeah, exactly. And he goes to bed at like nine o'clock, right? He has a cup of whiskey. And then he wears some like stripy pajamas with a hat with a little ball on the end. And, you know, he's drawing strikes me as a very old very, very old soul. Because he is very I would. The reason why I would tour with Elton is he's got some deal with some glasses, people. He has just every pair of glasses he could dream up. And I'd be like, hook me up, man. And then maybe he would hook me up with cool glasses. I don't know. We missed him a lot as well. I think so many pairs. He would tell us them to his tour, buddy. Like free. like confetti. Oh my gosh, dream. Okay, next I forgot my. I hope I don't miss any of my segments. I shouldn't have them memorized by now. No cards. Oh, yeah, you have I have them. I sent them to you. Okay, our next thing that we're doing is do you have any bad dating app stories for us? Oh, yeah. I thought about this. And not really like I know some people have some really exciting ones. I have one which happened a month ago, which isn't really bad. It was just kind of abrupt. I was on a date with this girl. And we'd we'd had it was our second date. And we were at the cinema watching the new Elvis film which actually good contender for favorite film definitely the best film I've seen last few years and thought that a lot. And like halfway through the film, she was like, Oh, I've just written my nail off and then went to the toilet and I don't think anything of it I thought because she had like acrylics on and she came back and she had actually a whole nail off like the actual nail nail and was just like pouring blood everywhere. Which was a little bit of a mood kill to be honest I don't know how she managed it she wasn't moving or anything yeah there was some Britt a brittle nails. She used to she used to drink more milk and get more calcium. That's the that's the most extravagant dating specifically out based as it bothered me from hinge so I guess I can't that's it still counts? Because not everybody has terrible app related dates. Just women. Women absum. So bad. Yeah, dating apps stories. If you could show a real divide between male experience experience with this podcast Yeah, I already. Yeah, men don't really have them. And then I think I've maybe shared all of my my bad dating app stories. Maybe not. I remember there was a there's I think this was the last one I went on, which was a very long time ago before COVID And then both like a probably a year before COVID even happened. But this guy I met him and he was like, Oh, I love comedy. And people who love comedy, like to pretend that they want to date a comedian because about time I was doing stand up. And he was just really annoying and would always be like, tell me a joke. And I'm like, that's not how we don't tell me a joke. Come to a show. Ah, so I started in like 2014. And then I stopped, like, when I was in like, 2019 Because I got a job. And my whole thing was like, I need to do stand up comedy, so I can get a writing job. And then I got a writing job without having to use it. And some of the medians at the time, were just annoying. And I didn't like, sorry, so doing it. And then writing literally, like, I went back. Probably two weeks before COVID shut everything down was like, the last time I did it, and I, I'd like to get backsight I do like performing. So I do miss it. But I don't know what to do anymore. So oh, what? Like, I don't know, this is just like a comedy club specific thing called like a golf. Like a big? Like, yeah, yeah, Gong Gong drum sort of thing. Was it more of a symbol? Anyway, we made some friends went to one in London, the premises like you, there's like 30 Odd comedians, and they have to try and stay on the stage for five minutes without getting booed off basically. He's absolutely brutal. And it's like, you know, and he's, they're all amateurs. And a lot of these people come on and are just like, you quite clearly the first time they've ever done it. And basically, the thing is, if you stay on for five minutes, you get a slot on there, like, regular rotation, basically. So it's kind of a high risk, high reward. And it was it was very, very fun. Very, I mean, probably a lot more fun in the audience than as a comedian. Yeah. Yeah. We do not do that here. And I think it's because we're all very fragile babies. And so like, I'll do like people like, where I do stand up, which is a place called wiseguys. And they actually like, are open mics, they will have audiences, which is rare, because we're such a small city that like everywhere else. It's like you're just doing comedy in front of other comedians, which is never helpful. So yeah, they are like, they'll kick out hecklers. They'll be like, oh, yeah, so they're like, that makes sense. Yeah. But no, I've done one where I forget, well, I had to do I had to draw something out of a hat and like, tell a joke about it. And I was like, trying to use one of my own jokes, but at the I to use basketball, and I know nothing about basketball. So I don't know how well I did. People were nice to me. That was the only crazy thing I've ever really been a part of, which is totally out of my comfort zone. Because I'm very, like, I'm very prepared with my jokes. And if I have to, like, improv, I get really nervous. So yeah. I don't know how people I don't know how people do improv. I'd be bad. I'm just I'm not good at thinking fast. But yeah, yeah, that was a bad day. And then he told me that he's never been on a date, where he didn't kiss the person. And I was like, first? Yeah, that's what I was saying that I was like, Cool. Well, he said, that never works. Yeah, I didn't kiss him. And then, and then for some reason, I went on a second date with him. And he was telling me, I don't know, I've been tying my story. Yeah, it gets worse though. And then he proceeded, we were at this bar. And he proceeded to tell me that he only has the last relationship he was in the girl was a model, and he decided that he needed to go a different route. I was like, Okay, I know. I'm not a model. Like, why are you? So basically it was like, I'm trying something new and different. I was like, Okay, thanks. I guess I was so weird. What a weird guy sounds like and he was. He was a high school teacher, and I could just tell that he thought every teenager was in love with him. And it was annoying. And yeah, it sounds creepy. And it sounds like this. Sounds like someone who's one of my housemates and first year university. Read one of those like Pickup Artists books. And man dies. I like flicked open on a random page and read a page and then my toes curl is so bad. It's so embarrassing. It sounds like something that one of them it's like, because that's like nagging or whatever, isn't it with them? Yeah. saying like, model and the, like, I feel like the the Oh no, I haven't kissed someone is there's got to be some kind of like pseudo psychology behind that right that sounds? I don't know. Yeah, that's not a good sounds like about a bad person. She also called from, he's from St. Louis, which is in Missouri, but he was like, Do you know where St. Louis's hair is like, yeah, it's Zuri. Nobody knows where it is. Okay, and like he was trying to, he was trying to make me like, see if I was dumb. If you don't know where St. Louis says, You're an idiot, man. It's like it's in Missouri. Hey, ask, okay. My sisters my home, which on the second day, which is very weird, but I'm very good friends with my sisters. And he asked them to they're like, it's it was like it was like, why are you? Why are you so obsessed with this are? Temporary template date? Right? He has like, things he asks you, and you haven't answered what he wanted on any of them. But he can't change. He can't improv. He has no, he would diet and improv. Stand up night. Yeah. I don't think he likes comedy. I think he was lying. He wasn't funny at all. I assume people who like comedy are funny, but that's not true. But yeah, maybe. Next SEC segment, red flags and green flags. So let's start with red flags. So how many red flags you see on people's apps that you're like, Yeah, swipe? Yeah, I think I'm very, it's very difficult to say, like to talk about a red flag without telling something that is a green flag. Join me like this. Yeah, you you can do it however you want. Yeah. elusive trying to avoid pre answering everything. Yeah, I think people who are maybe this is a bit unfair. But like who I look at interesting. You just like hard work. Like you look high maintenance. Anyone who looks kind of small minded? Or is to like anyone who gives off like a self absorbed vibe. Like, I think, yeah, that kind of thing is just a big no for me, basically. I think you've got to be able to, like, follow people who can like laugh at themselves, you know? Yeah. And like, I don't know. I know. I have a friend. She has a listen to my podcast. about her. She told me she didn't. I was like, Excuse me. Rude. You're like, friends. And she's definitely, it's she's definitely a high maintenance girl. When I hear her talk about like, the way she expects people to date her. And I'm like, we can ask for this. Like, what you demand him to buy, like, take you to dinner? Like I don't know, I don't. Especially meeting often app. It's crazy to me that people are like, Yeah, we're gonna go to dinner like dinner. That's a long time to sit with someone like, what is it? So I feel like I get that. It was just, yeah. Someone who doesn't take every bit. I feel like behind the maintenance people take life a little more seriously. And invention, all that stuff? Yeah, I think any other red flags? You feel like you need to tell us? I think there's maybe it's not a fair reflection on the personal but I think like, you see a lot of people's dating profiles where they seem to want to be like, pass OG from the app or like the like, sort of maybe like hostile way generally, like the little prompts are, like very negative things. And I think yeah, that's kind of that's quite unappealing to me. Like, I like sort of being a cynic and laughing at things but I don't feel that's like a good starting point, right. I think so. Yeah. Sorry. Cut your list of don'ts. LaGG. Three, I think we've done quite well so far. Yeah, I think that's it. Continue. Yeah. I like me, again, probably a bit of an unfair one, but like super, if which also is hypocritical, just like to acknowledge that super generic sort of prompt response, like things like, you know, it's like, give me advice for or, like going on holiday or something that's like, you know, the key to my heart is dogs or whatever. And it's like, everyone likes dogs. Everyone likes eating food. Everyone likes go on holiday. Like, it's just like something a little bit beneath the surface, right? Like, it doesn't have to be that wild. I just think, I don't know, that just kind of to me says like, this is gonna be a really painful conversation. Yeah, again, maybe maybe unfair, I guess that's kind of the fun of these apps, isn't it that they sort of forced you to be incredibly judgmental from the play? If you met these people in person? You probably think they're perfectly lovely, right? Yeah. When you have to, like describe yourself in three sentences. It's like no. Terrible person not interested. Yeah. Yeah, it's a tough world out here on map. So I get also, I forgot to ask you one of your questions, because I know, you said one. One of them, you said is very generic. I do want to know, what is what is it? So adventure, you say that you can go on adventures with each other? And I want? What is pretty face that I was a hypocrite for that last time? Because I remember that. I do. I do want to know, what is what is an adventure in the UK, because I could tell you what people in Utah think is an adventure, but I don't know what you guys do over there. Scale, right. So I am quite outdoorsy, or rather, I spend too much time indoors. And we'd like to go outside more. And I probably like open weather. A big sort of national partners called the New Forest. Which is very just, I mean, sort of very foresty. And as well, like, did I wild horses, while pigs that sort of thing. Knocking about. So it's very like, it's like you can park up and just walk around all day and then get lost and then sort of come back and stuff. So that kind of thing for me. I think maybe spontaneous fun is what I'm poking out there. Like, at all is very regimented. Right. I quite like being able to just sort of, you know, wake up one morning and be like, Hey, you want to go and swim in the sea or something, you know, tough schedule. So yeah, it was swim in the sea next Thursday at 2pm or whatever, you know, like, it's nice to just sort of just get on to something, right? Yeah. Okay. So I do feel like they're a little similar. I felt like people in Utah are like, let's go down a tube in the river and you're like, that's way better or like, is it? I don't know, I feel like people like, drink, drink a lot of beer and then almost die. And that's what I don't like, is being the responsible one. Because I feel like I'm always the mom of the situation. I don't like to be, but I don't like people dying. I feel like drinking too much beer and then doing something you shouldn't be doing is pretty much like the root cause of most of the UK problems. Yeah. Okay. Anyway, let's talk about green flags. Anything that you're like? Yes. Immediately. Yes. I think the over, over sort of arching thing for me is just like warmth. Like, I think people who exude like warmth. Like, I like kind people. I like sort of inviting sort of fun people open minded, that kind of thing. Like, I think those sort of qualities for me, and they're kind of they're the people I like, obviously, kind of afternoon, like, good people are good. People really aren't the sort of thing like everyone's, I think realistically attracted to basically the same thing. But as a as a big Yeah, a big sort of like, the foundation for me, right? Like that's, it's basically a no go if that's not there. So when that is the it's a, it's much more likely to be a go. I do think it's one of the interesting hobbies, like someone who does something a bit out there. I think it's quite fun. Yeah, I like to, I mean, doing new things is great. And learning new things is great. So if someone's like, I've know they've got something like arts and crafts, and I'm either doing like pottery or something that's like, you know, that's appealing because, you know, when else am I gonna get to? You know, do that, like, that'd be a fun date. So I think yeah, that's probably have you ever dug pottery? No. That's awesome. So my last real doubt on that date, but if you're cool with that, no, yeah, I'm, I'm quite happy to be a to be a to be a full on. Something I do not expect to be good at. I took a pottery class in high school and I was so bad at it. My teacher was like, I'll just start it for you. And it basically did it for me. Like Cool. Thanks. And I passed it was awesome. Pottery wheels enemies, enemies to me don't like them. Okay. Is there okay I want to ask you because you you talked about music so is there any musician that if I don't know if yours had a list on hinge do they they don't right? I'm only I've got kicked off of hinge they don't have music lists, do they? Oh, well I can link in your Spotify? Yeah, I don't I don't think so. No. Okay then nevermind. I won't ask that question. Tinder. I do have windows, you know, fun of it. So yeah, it's far away. It's a bit of a cesspool. Pretty. Uh, okay, so it's gonna be the worst, right? Is there a musician, if you saw on a lit on the list of music on her profile that you would be like, I have to swipe right on this person. Because she have this musician, because I feel like I have people that I have to swipe on. If they like the same musician. Right is a Yes. Isn't it? By the way, just a? Yes, yeah. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds like now acutely aware. That sounds like you're trying to be like, Look at me. I don't use Tinder. Yeah. No, yeah. I don't know. Actually. I think something varied is appealing. Anyone in particular? I think some of the more like niche bands I'm into you. Mazuma would be a yes. Because I've seen some talking point. We, I think I think the reason I found your video on Instagram was because you posted a new flight. I don't know if you shared a story with you. And that was that was originally why ufology so I think something like flight, big, big fat flight. So a little shout out. Yeah, so something like that. So I think if it was niche, I don't think there's like, I do make it sound like I only listen to artists that have that classic mindless intelligence. Another thing I do listen to normal music as well. I just don't know if it would be enough to pull me in. You know. Specifically, if anyone had flight on theirs, I would be like what? Nobody? Yeah, I don't even done it. Did you see them? Yeah. Did you see them live? I did. They were touring with Jade bird in this, this tiny, tiny place called Urban lounge here. And I think I was the only person who knew them. And I was a little bit drunk. And they said that they were playing. I don't remember what song they are. But I like screamed really loud, excitedly. And I was like, dead silent. And then I was like, yeah, there's one person that was there. Yeah. So I tried to buy them. It was October of 2019. And I tried to like buy them drinks and be like, Hey, what's up? Let's be friends. But it didn't. I mean they've got me. No, they were sorry, you guys are very SWAT eyes. They were really nice. And like, they gave us beer. Because they had beer in the bag. And me and my well my sister was pregnant at the time. So she didn't have one but I got a free beer from them. And I was so cool. But yeah, no, they I think they've kind of people have like a real just like love for music. Like I know and I'm in lockdown. They were doing like, you could just send a message on Instagram. They were doing the rounds in London and like go into people's doors, a few songs and go somewhere like, you know, they just love playing music right and nice to them. Well, I actually I was asking about which song it was when you started listening to him because it was did you this but when they like quite early doors they just would light me up. Did you get screamed for Yeah. That's one of my favorite songs. They had to take it off Spotify, I think because it's some sort of like, copyright thing and I got really fucking drunk. I want to swear on this. I didn't even think that was gonna Okay, so I got really fucking drunk. And I it was like a song that I listened to a lot when I was at university and I was with my university housemates came home feeling very nostalgic, and I messaged them on Facebook. It's humiliating, like, you're an absolute like word soup, saying like, I I'm so sad, you've taken this off Spotify, is there any chance you could just send this to me like just a FLAC file a promise to share with anyone. And yeah, he got saved, like, that's a lovely message, send me your email address. And I'll ping over to you. And I have I have a copy of it. And now basically, every time we get busted off guard, and I just, I just have to get used to but that's what I do is use that song. But I, I saw I was like, okay, they have a secret album that I can't find anywhere. And I went on eBay. But I didn't get it was random. It was a random like, band that was not them. And so I bought this CD for I just thought they had a seat because I didn't when I had they did not have that up when I discovered them lined me up was not on Spotify, it was just like YouTube searches. So you are I'm going to ask this every international person. You we don't know each other. But if need be, if I need to leave the US United States because we are a Hellfire right now. Would you marry me? Ah, yeah, I think I would. I'm quite, I'm quite into the idea of functional marriages. So in the UK, when you go to uni, we get student finance. So you get given like a loan by the government for just existing basically. And it's demand you get depends on how much your parents are. Yeah. But if you're married, it depends how much your marriage is worth. I was asking all my friends if they will be married. So that is, uh you know, and vice versa, you know, I couldn't rightfully turn you down. So let me know. Okay, there we go. That's our lives that kind of like that's what we're finished. And I like that answer. And thank you. Who knows? I might need it so I'm holding you to it. Well, would you look at that. I might have a husband in the UK in the near future. And also, I love that flight. The band brought us together. That's just the most honest you know, connection. People can have the love of music. I get to see them in December. I don't know if this is gonna be released before after that, but I'm super stoked for that. So yeah, what a cool guy Connor is. Remember to follow us on our social media which is in the show description if you feel like taking a look at that. See you next time.

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