Pursuit of Appiness Podcast

Writing Friend Jake #2

Marta Reeder Season 1 Episode 19

On this week's episode we talk to fellow screenwriter Jake where we talk about cucking (is that a swear?) and also our "film answers" vs. our "true opinions." Does this episode make me sound old? Only you can answer that. 
Sound Supervisor: B.T. Measles
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Welcome to the pursuit of happiness podcast. I'm your host, Marta. And this week we talk to you more than you, please probably just an acquaintance, Jay, from my writing class, and we discuss things like how CW shows are so bad, but they're like, good as well. And also having an anxious brain. So please listen to Satan and all that. icebreaker time, I'm gonna do a little bit different than I normally do. I usually like to make people feel uncomfortable right off the bat. But I'm just generally curious, do young people, here's our icebreaker. Do young people send dick pics? Or do they? Have they grown up in the world of internet age where they know that that can come back to haunt you? I share out too. So here's the thing. I'm not. I'm not the best source for this, probably. Because you're the voice of your generation on this podcast currently, so Okay, cool. Well, in junior high, I was one of the kids who went to the library to go meet the authors that they would sometimes bring in to talk to us at one time, instead of an author they brought in. I don't remember like, what their job was. But they said, Listen, if you send a naked picture to someone else, they can use that to blackmail you in future. And so I guess that really stuck with me, because I've never sent or received a dick pic in my life. So I mean, I hope that it's going out of style to do that. I hope so too. I think I mean, I've seen on Twitter that people are, like paying only fans models to write their decks, which is worse in my Oh, no, that's because she's getting money. Yeah. It's like a paid service. Yeah. On your behalf that you're paying to have your deck, right. It's, like great for the only fans, people, I would totally do it if people can provide their decks. I want to I wouldn't even look at it. I would just pretend that I did. And then like make up a weird reason why it sucks or something. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so I have questions that I asked everybody because I think it helps us, the listeners get to know you. And I actually am curious, because I don't know these. I don't know you very well. So what's your what's your favorite movie? See as a filmmaker, so let's have a good answer to that question. Or what's your favorite movie that today? My favorite movie right at this very moment. I mean, the movie, I always go with his Hot Fuzz. Because, okay, that's the reason I am a film major. Because I saw that I was like, wow, someone can have an artistic vision and a movie. So it's, I mean, I think that's a great choice. Edgar Wright is a charming filmmaker. I haven't seen his new movie though. I liked it a lot. I I understand some criticisms of it. Yeah. But um, I personally, I personally thought it was really fun and visually. Wonderful. So yeah. And I love the actress. Her she has a weird new Tasman test. I'm gonna say yes. I don't know her name. But yeah, you're right. Yeah, it's your podcast. You're right. You're right. Do you have a movie that you tell Phil major people because you feel like pressured to be to be like, I do know. Inversions bridges. I also really liked Oh, I really love Mr. McDonough. That's not my favorite. I like sevens, psychopaths. I just want to correct a mistake. For some reason in my brain. I called Martin McDonough Mark McDonough. I don't know what kind of brain fart was happening at that time, but please forgive me I am a truly big fan and I feel sorry that I said his name incorrectly. Please forgive me, Martin. And the world for my mistake. Thank you. I don't know though in Bruges I feel like is like the more I don't know. nd choice. I like seven psychopaths cuz I just, it's so funny to me. It's so funny. Yeah. And you should watch it. List. I'm not a huge fan. I mean, Colin Zagros and both of those. But Mark McDonough makes me like him, I guess how can I ask why? I think it was mostly because everyone told me that I, not everyone, there are people who didn't know me very well. And they were like, oh, Marta, I saw this movie, and you would love it. And I was like, okay, it was the lobster. And I despise that movie so much. And I was so offended that anyone thought that I would like it. And culture wasn't it and it was bad. You know, I get I haven't seen that movie. I've been told by a very specific genre of people that are not film majors, but are like still me like film bros have told me to watch that movie. Yeah, I just, like, the weird thing about that movie is like, all the people in it seem like great actors, but like, his name is Dr. Ghosts, or something. He's I think he's Greek, the director. I feel like he was like, okay, pretend that you just walked into a acting class. So this is your first time ever acting. It was so weird. I hated that. It was weird for like the message. I don't know what anything meant. I was just I'm not gonna pass any judgment on it without seeing it. Yeah. You know? Yeah, that's alright. Some people love it. Some people love it. Some people, I argue with those people. Okay. How about your favorite music, it can be a band, or your like, if you have Spotify, your top Artist of the Year? Or? I think it if we're going with like, top artist, it's like, it's mildly embarrassing, because it's just, it's secession Studios, which is just like a soundtrack thing. They just make very dark music. And I listened to it when I'm writing. But I listen to it sometimes when I'm like, you know, trying to brainstorm writing, so I'll do it a lot. Yeah, like in the car and stuff. So that's technically my top artist, but okay, but that doesn't. I mean, I feel like that doesn't count for writers because I listened to soundtrack stuff all the time. Like Max Richter was my top one of my top artists. I actually really like him. So yeah, I you have to pick like a mute like actual Yeah. songs with lyrics. Yes. Then I also have a go to for this one. Because I generally I'm very typical 20 year old white male in this answer, because I just like all music in general. Like I can enjoy all music. Yeah. Like, but my favorite band is probably yes. And for two reasons. Number one, I genuinely do like them. And number two, they're from the 70s and weird like prog rock and whatever. So are like, all rock. I don't know. I bet knowing Sean, there's some they're weird or whatever. So it's cool that I like them. But also, I do genuinely like them a lot. Okay, so once you're not cool. Do you have a not cool answer? Like, do you want me to come up with an embarrassing answer for that? Well, no, you don't have to if it's not genuine. Let me see you, I think. I mean, I don't know. I like it when I'm listening to let's say my bond repeat playlists, Spotify, that will tell us I like Run The Jewels from the choses good. Yeah. So you know, I as a member of the queer community, I'm obligated to enjoy Hozier Oh, I didn't know that. He was like, I think that's more for lesbians than Oh, you know, by men. But I do feel like that's actually true. And I yeah, he's saying with brandy Carlisle, who is like, that was she's a lesbian. And every concert you go to, it's just a crowd of fun. Lesbians Exactly. sang together. And it was really great. I just didn't know that much about him. Yeah, no, I think I think I also tend to have the queer side of liking things. I tend to lean slightly towards the tastes that lesbians have just because the for like, my closest queer friend is a lesbian. So she and I, you know, yeah, we bond over that aspect of baby dragged me to that side. Okay, I need it I only know is like one song that takes me to church. I mean that's a really good one it is. And there's this really fantastic like, video of this really amazing ballet dancer that's dancing in a church. He's a terrible person, but he is really good at dancing. So I just watch that and feel like you're a bad person. Yeah, and, yeah, yeah, I know, there's, there's some people, there's some artists out there who I'm like, you're not a good person, but I enjoy what you make. So I'm gonna, I don't know. Yeah, I get that. Okay, so because you're a young person, I'm not going to ask you what your job is. Because I figure that's not what you're gonna do for the rest of your life. But let's, yeah, let's talk about your major in college. Okay, cool. Um, well, I'm a film major. As I mentioned earlier, I'm leaning towards general production side, but like, my goal is to my number one goal is to write number two goal is to direct, hopefully what I write but if not just direct, in general. And then number three, editing and then below that I'll literally do anything because I like every stage of the process. So I'll do whatever. Just anything film oriented. So that mean, you're gonna move to like, la when you're done with school. Yeah. I don't know if I was thinking about moving to Atlanta, because it's generally a lot cheaper. And that is another film scene, but I want to get in on like writing. And I think from what I've heard, LA is a better place for the west side of Atlanta is really boring. Yeah, I've only been there, like, twice and it was only for like four days, but I was like cool things to do in Atlanta. And it was like, go to the Coca Cola museum. And I was like, that is what I have to do. What do they have with the coke Museum is just, I don't know, I didn't go. I don't drink Coca Cola. So I avoid soda or just not coke. I just bought carbonation makes me burp a lot. So I don't like it. Back and forth on drinking soda. I have in periods now periods. I'm in an M period though. A drink right now. I have learned from this other podcast. Whoa, you blurt out. Oh, sorry. I have like a shitty like professional webcam that says so. But British people love also, soda. Like they love it. I didn't know that about them. But I've learned that British people also love Coca Cola. I feel like they're just like Utahns but maybe it's everywhere. Maybe Maybe everyone likes it. You know? Yeah. I just global sensation. I've never been a Coca Cola gal. Never tickled my fancy root beer. That's all I drink that root beer is one of the better ones. I think Coke is to use a young person term mid? Oh, yes. Yeah, that'd be a mask. Yeah, yeah, mid. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah. I think I got it. Okay. No. Okay. So, what? Okay, this is our final get to know you. Question. And you can interpret this however you want. Cool. What is wrong with you? A lot of things. I have ADHD. I talk way too much. Which by the way, just as a quick disclaimer, if I'm ever rambling during the rest of the recording this feel free to cut me off. I won't be i i have lower self esteem thusly self confidence than I probably should. I, um, what else is wrong with me? A lot is wrong with me. I don't know. I deserve what's your favorite? What's your favorite thing that's wrong with you. You can bring it up at parties and be like, do you want to hear this quirky thing about me? But um, when I hold on when I with this wrist I can play we will rock you. Oh, that's weird. Why does that is it just cracking It's just cracking. Yeah. What happened to you? I played baseball. So my theory is that I caught a ball weird or something. Because this is the path I would catch with. But also, that doesn't. I don't know, that doesn't make total sense to me. I think I think something happened. Maybe I fell on it or something I honestly can't remember. You're so young, you shouldn't have cracking bones. And this happened when I was I mean, I've had this since I was like, 15. To that day of cracking knees. And every time I was in ballet, and everyone's like, What is the matter with you? And I'm like, you just have no question. You know? Yeah. Okay. Next segment, we're moving on unless you have anything else you feel you need to tell us about what's wrong. Okay. No, I think I think I'm good. Okay, our next segment is called overgeneralize questions for men, about men? And maybe you will not know the answer. Because you're not that type of person. But just take a guess that's what I tell people is you just guess what? The billions of men on planet Earth, why they do these things? Or whatever. Let me pull from my who is the one true alpha? Big because you know, these men who call themselves alpha, if they're going with this theory, there has to be just one that's on top of them all. I think see, from the perspective of like, the people who subscribe to that, it would probably be like, a lot of them would say Elon Musk, I bet but um, oh, God. We're not gonna pick up with that. Yeah. But for me, I feel like I feel like I just like, I don't know who I don't know who the alpha is. I was thinking maybe David Lynch, just like his energy is so like, specifically. But you think that the alphas would be like, not agree with that. But I just feel like David Lynch has like, the least like he, he feels like someone who cares the least about what other people think. Yeah, that's true, which is very, he's probably he's probably the real one true alpha force. But I feel like in the alpha males eyes, I don't know who would be someone really strong. Hulk Hogan, maybe? Yeah. You guys don't even know. Someone with a beard. Someone who's strong. Who gets ladies, I guess. Yeah, maybe Oh, oh, I had one. And then it slipped. But you know, just someone who's known for having women, I guess have a name. I feel like they have to be women under 25. And maybe under 30, depending on how old the person is. Because if it's a two year old pulling, like 29 year olds, that's different than like a 30 year old pulling 20. Actually, both are gross, though. Thank you. Yeah, okay. I think that your answer was probably a real true answer. But we'll see if alphas stumble upon this podcast and uses. Yeah, use this in a video I'd be like these people don't know what alphas are. That's true. That's true. Um, okay, this one somebody submitted this to my Instagram. So it says Do men really think about nothing when they say they think about nothing? Um, I definitely am never thinking about nothing. Yeah, I have a very, I'm always thinking about something and when I say I'm thinking about nothing, that's usually my answer for this is this is for sure. Gonna make me sound like an asshole. But it's for sure. Like when I say I'm thinking about nothing. It's me basically saying shut up and let me think. Yes, I just I'm usually like, because I zone out a lot. I danger light bulb. This is a funky light bulb. But I zone out and I tend to get very deep in thought and then when someone's like, Oh, what do you say? Meanwhile, it's like there's a train to take you from the beginning to the end of the train for to make any semblance of sense. Yeah. And I'm not going to do that. So I'm thinking about nothing. That makes sense. I feel like that's similar to me. Do you have a brain that thinks, like, you hear a voice in your head? Or do you think in images because I heard that people there are people who don't hear a voice? I, um, I mean, I can see images, but I do hear a voice. Yeah, I think IVP people who hear voices also see images. Yeah, I think it's like I've heard it's like one in 50 people don't have a voice though. Which is crazy. That's high. I asked. Someone responded to me cuz I went on a whole thing, because I cannot comprehend how that type of brain thinks. I think it's people who are not anxious. Because if you're just seeing images, I don't know how you're an anxious it's just like chill people who don't have anything to worry about. I would guess. Yeah. That's wild to me. Yeah, that's. I am I'm too anxious for that. Yeah. Talking to me in there. Yeah. Okay. bigger truck. Smaller dick. Is this true? Answer? I think. I think it is. Yes. With an asterisk, I think bigger truck. Smaller dick, whether that smaller dick is actually having a small penis or they are making up for insecurities that the mayor like that they their alpha brain doesn't want to address outright. There's like, a truck and I'll be a real man. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like yes, that's true. Why don't men care about babies? I think men don't care care about babies. Because? Well, I think they have such, like, a man can't really have as much of like, they don't contribute as much to the baby was true. You know, they, they get to do the fun part. And like, it's still like, you know, I mean, like, there are exceptions to that, I guess. But like, and also, not every woman has had a child and that doesn't mean that everyone who hasn't had a child is shitty towards children. Yeah, but I think I think I think men are. I mean, society is for sure. Raised men with the idea that your wife will stay at home taking care of the kid. Yeah, you're gonna go make money. Yeah. Your your big boy job. Yeah. So they don't think that they should care about their kids. Yeah, I'm gonna say I say we'll say this every time newborn babies may look scary and like, aliens, but they're just like, so fun to hold. They're just like these little more lumps. i Yeah, that's I like, I like physically holding newborn babies. A lot more than pictures of newborn babies apart. Yeah, that's totally separate. It's ugly. It's yeah, like when you're actually there, and you're like, oh, wow, it's a baby. Then it's like, okay, I got it. And if you think about how wild it is, people are making babies all the time. Yeah. That's just insane. That's so crazy that nothing goes. Like lots of babies are just like born and nothing happened to them while they were there. And they come out. That's just nuts. Yeah. Like, they're very, you wouldn't think they'd be very fragile and yet, yeah. Okay. We're gonna move on to our next segment, which is your dating profile. And I try to make them as as weird as possible, so don't worry. It's not scary. First of all, I have to ask you, why Tinder? Like touch? Just have? I would think young people wouldn't use Tinder for some reason. So Tinder, I think, is probably the most populated one. Yeah, I mean, like, especially like I feel like, like, Utah why? As because I think, from my experience at least, I've gotten a lot less matches on Bumble. I tried that out first. And then like all the other ones felt too niche for I was like, Okay, this is going to be like I not to pretend that I'm not desperate. I'm very lonely. Or like, I'm gonna feel like it's just gonna be desperate people on the other apps. Where's Tinder is like everyone's on here, you know? But that's how I felt. I was like, it's not that embarrassing to have a Tinder. What's the most embarrassing one to have? I don't know what to pay for. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but you can pay for it. Tinder. Yeah, I, it bugs me all. It would bug me all the damn time. It'd be like time, it'll be like, Oh, you have nine matches pay to see him. I'm like, Yeah, maybe? Nine people. Yeah. Okay, that makes sense. I just don't like Tinder when I think Tinder came out when I was like, 21. And it was like the only one that that existed. And that was a scary New World. online date, but it's how will do you have to be you have to be 18. Right. 18. But also, there's people who just pretend to be a team, because the age verification isn't very good. Yeah. Like, so like, you'll see someone's profile. And it'll say they're like, 22. And then it'll be like, actually, I'm 19. And so it's like, so you got 15 That's is what Yeah, yeah, that's, that's horrible. And yeah, I just never really, I mean, even if they are 18 or 19, I still feel kind of gross dating a teenager, even though I'm 20. So like, I just, I just don't, you know, don't open that can of worms. Yeah. Yeah. It's very interesting to see. When I had I deleted it, because I have gotten my first season of this podcast, so I don't need it to bother me anymore. But it's very interesting to see. There are lots of like, 20 year olds who wanted to date 31 year olds, and it turns out that I'm considered Cougar age 31 Is it Cougar age? No, I mean, it will cougar is not age. It's about it's about the difference. Is it? I don't know when I I would think a cougar is like 45. And a true Cougar, I would say is 45 Enough. But I mean, like my girlfriend in high school, everyone called a cougar because she turned 18 While I was 16. So like, okay, so it's just like, a month difference. I turned 17 The next year, like, you know, it's still like it's slightly tabulating a teenager. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay, that makes sense. Okay. So, you are bisexual? And I want to know, what is the most annoying question that hetero people ask you? Do actually that's a good question. Because I mean, I know the typical one is like proposing a threesome? Oh, yeah. for that? I didn't think of that. Okay. Yeah, but, but I think, I think not necessarily a question. But something I've noticed, is when a straight woman in particular, learns that you're by, I can see, I can often see, like, disappointment almost like, Oh, he's not as much of a man. You know, like, I don't want to date a queer, you know, like that kind of fan. And it's like, you know, it's discouraging, but also it helps my imposter syndrome to be like, hey, it sucks. And yet you still identify as this. So it's like you're just faking it for attention. But yeah, no, I mean, yeah, no one asks. I'm pretty chill. So none of the questions really bother me that much. Okay, okay. I would pay. Yeah. I don't know, for some reason. That's an interesting reaction. I would think. From my perspective, as a hetero woven, if I learned that a man is bisexual, I feel automatically more comfortable with them. Because they also have to deal with men. They know what it's like to have to interact with men in that kind of, like in a romantic or sexual way. And for some reason, to me that makes me be like, Oh, you understand it and would make me feel more comfortable? I don't know. I get that. I do get that too. But I actually I think I get that more from by women and gay men than I do. Okay. With straight Yeah, I mean, And I could see, which I think it might also be like, I like the young thing, because you're obviously much more mature than the people that are my age. But I feel like Gen Z is more, I don't know, maybe, quote unquote, but there's still like, I don't know, there's still the internal biases. And yeah, they haven't worked out that part of themselves. Yeah, exactly. Okay, that's interesting. So, okay, next thing. Your profile says, You're what Republicans would call liberal kuch is this to showcase that you care about human beings and their rights? You want people to know that you're like, oh, you're a human. You deserve to be human? Exactly. I think I have that specifically. Because here's the thing. I am not against the idea of being friends with people who lean right of the political spectrum. Yeah, I have some friends like that. I disagree with them on a lot of things. Yes. But dating wise, I do not want to date someone especially far on that spectrum. And so that is there. Because you want to, cuz most of the time, only people who are lefties will swipe or Yeah, people who lean right, but have a sense of humor about it. You know? Yeah, yeah. Those people I can at least have a conversation with. Yeah. But like it really just, yeah, it just gets because I shouldn't care about politics as much as I do. But I You should. You should you should care. What you say you should care, especially when you're dating someone? Yeah. Yeah. So my follow up question is, you think most Republicans use the word cook? I would think they wouldn't. I feel like they wouldn't know what that is. The thing is, is I think a lot of Republicans. Yeah, they probably they probably don't, there are some who do but I think this some who do are usually the ones who are Googling it. Because that's what they're into. You know, and there's nothing wrong if you're into cooking, you know, more power to you. Yep. But I have I have actually had a couple of people see that and be like, are you actually cooking? I'm like, No, it's a jelly. It's never like, Oh, dang, it's like you wanted to cut me? Or like, what? Like, I don't know what the why you like It's like cooking is better if you're in a relationship with them, right? Because yeah, like just cooking a stranger on Tinder is like just, it's just bringing them to watch. You have sex? It's not? I don't know. Yeah. We can talk about it all day. But yeah. Next question. Yes, question. Do you have not one but two pictures of you and what appears to be wilderness and you look pretty happy and both of them pictures? Okay, is this to show that if society collapses, you'd be pretty stoked to chill in a forest. I would be that. I those pictures are from high school. Okay, actually, my sister Yeah, ex best friend offered to take pictures for me because I was just going through a breakup for my second highschool girlfriend. She's like, well, you just turned 18 Right. So your call if you qualify for dating apps, I'll take some pictures for you. And social, we drove out to the woods. My sister didn't come so as me hanging out with her friend who I say thing never liked anyone. It was awesome. But I was trying to be nice. And she took these pictures of me. She was directing me whatever. And I honestly I want to take them off my profile. But they are slightly more attractive pictures. I think I'm hotter now than I was then. In general, but I just I don't take pictures that often. And so I just Yeah, I don't have any fresh pics of me that aren't awful intent. Like, you know, like, from the rest of the profile pics. They're pretty rough. So they're, they're not they're tough rough. Trust me. You should see some other people's, but she got you to like look really happy. That's good. So you will have the capability to be your photogenic person. That's what that means. Because let me tell you sometimes. See, people don't have that talent, and it's a hard life. Okay, so you have oh wait, you have a photo of you holding a folder binder thing and then pointing to something but that's not what I noticed. I noticed that this is your only photo where you have other people in the photo with you. Is this to show you're like okay, I I have I hang out with people. I picture it is a picture of me working on set. I know that but people people people don't know that what didn't know there's no cameras or lighting or, like, what didn't know, I assumed that but I think it's probably the best candid picture ever taken of me. Okay, so I was just very pleased. Your, your face is covered with the band bases covered, which honestly might be why, but, but like, I just look like I know what I'm doing. And it's like, damn, people want an intelligent man. Sure. Yeah, yes, they do. Yeah. But yeah, and I remember like, the only reason I actually debated not doing it was because there were people in there, because I don't. Honestly, I don't think any of my pictures had other people in it. Yeah, but I also wasn't like, using mine for dating real. Okay, your last photo is extreme closeup of your face is this because you want to give a little, a little spook? Because, you know, that boosts adrenaline, and it makes it more likely that you'll fall in love when you have a boost of adrenaline. I read this somewhere like 10 years ago in a sociology book, they did a like weird experiment where they put people in like scary situations and made them like like it made people more likely to fall in love when they met it's adrenaline high adrenaline situation says yeah, I That's good information. So I'll have to change out my pictures and bio possibly to scare people. Yeah, just make it like a jump scare when they were like flipping really fast. It could be a jump scared and you just need like blood on your face or something. And that picture is not to scare people and my roommate was just like, You got to have a silly picture. You got to have a goof and I was like, okay, like I think the concept of a silly picture. Like oh, let's take a funny one. Yeah negates any possibility of that picture being remotely funny. Yeah, so just like snap like a quick closing was like, Is this gonna He's like, Yeah, that's great. I was like, you it seems like you have a lot of people helping you out with your, your profile. Yeah, I finally I'm, I think I have the wrong people helping me out though. Because that guy's never done dating apps. Why? I don't know why I asked him. And then the, the other one was someone I did not like it. She took good pictures of me though. So yeah, yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I'm bad. I'll also give a good advice. So I'm not gonna give you an advice. That's, you know, I'll take it. Do you want a funny picture? I feel like you just have to. Someone has to candidly be funny and take a picture of you that exactly. Or you just have to be strange. I have a picture of on mine of me being Paul McCartney, and Sergeant Pepper's the movie. And I put that on there to see if anyone knew, like, knew who I was. And nobody knew. But I was like, people think this is so funny, because I'm wearing green moustache. Nobody cares. Men don't care. Men don't care of men and men probably thought there was a real mustache. And we're like, No, thank you. Get out of here with that green, fluorescent green mustache. Yeah, they can't handle it. I found really cool pants for that. And I was so proud of now. It's all in fashion. It was two different colors, pants. Black one was tan and one was like khaki. And literally after I bought those pants, it became this fashion stop. It took me forever. It is like God dammit, if this costume was done two months later, would have been so much easier. Anyways, I take costumes very seriously. Okay, as you said, so, do you have any bad, bad date stories? It doesn't necessarily have to be from the apps. I just think that the apps most commonly are the bad dates. i i I was thinking about this one. I have I don't have like any awful stories. Because, like, I mean, up until recently, I actually had my settings turned off to men because it's like, I only hear horror stories about meeting men on these apps. Okay, so like, you know, from straight women and gay like so yeah, I'm just not going to pull her. But you know, recently I opened it because I figured why not? But some all my stories are about like, are pretty tame. Once I was attacked by a bird on a mini golf course, you That's right. That's very frightening. Yeah, just was like getting in my hair and shit. And I liked that girl but we did not go on another day. And I blame that guy bro. I blame that crow a little bit it could have been the bird could have given to her the Eric does see how you responded the first tagging you exactly put birds are freaky, especially if you watch the new prehistoric I forgot what's called the new David Attenborough prehistoric blue planet. I mean Planet Earth thing. They make dinosaurs look exactly like birds. Birds. Yeah. Which makes birds scarier, but dinosaurs less scary. Right? Yeah. But when you think about and you look into a birds eyes, it's like they are probably dinosaurs. Yeah, they are they there? You survived a dinosaur attack essentially. That's what you should have told her. And you could have recovered? I could have Yeah, I could have been a bird was it? I think it was either a crow or Raven. I'm not totally sure. Did you were you afraid for your like, destiny? I was afraid. I was mildly like, curious as to why it was happening. Because it was like I've never met a bird this bold. And so it felt like an omen of some kind. But I was also annoyed because I thought my hair looked pretty good that day. And it starts sounding good after that. Yeah. Well, that sucks. Any other bad stories? This one's just embarrassing for me it. So once I was messaging this girl on Tinder, we had matched like an hour before. And I like I jokingly said, you know, I wish we were talking in person right now. Because I'm 65% more charming in person. You know, we've been saying I'm awful at texting. But um, you know, I was just like, light hearted. I was just like, Well, do you want to meet up right now? And I was like, Sure, but why are you trusting me so soon. But she she told me essentially, she had been craving Buffalo Wild Wings all day. But the closest one was 30 minutes away. So she was wanting to drag her friends to go do it with her. And no one wanted to go with her. Okay, and the closest B Dubs to her was halfway between her and me, because she lived an hour ish away, like 40 minutes by freeway, though so not that far, in my opinion. So she was like, we could just meet dead center, you know, it'd be perfect. So I was like, Okay, do you know fuck it? I'll do it. So I went, I go, I parked at the B Dubs. texture that I'm here. And then I'm not going to go inside yet. Just because I don't want to, like wait at a table just tissues a little. You know, I just I like walking in together. Because I don't like the classic. Oh, I'm waiting for someone and then they never show up. And like I already was a little distressed full of her. Because why would she want to go on a date with me? But she 15 minutes after I texted her, still nothing. And then she called me. And I was like, oh my god, I forgot that we are going leaving like right then to do I got caught up in like homework, whatever, blah, blah, blah, blah. I will be there in 30 minutes. And I normally would have called bullshit on that. But she sounded genuinely so sorry. So I think it genuinely did just look around. And so I was like, Okay, I'll use that 30 minutes. Because I'm very much like a, I get kind of I think this might be an anxiety thing. It might be something else. But I very much plan for all possibilities good and bad. It was like, Okay, on the very small off chance that I hit it off with her. And she wants to go to a secondary location in one vehicle together. My car should be clean. So I spent about 30 minutes cleaning out my car, like I went to a car wash. You know, just like okay, whatever. Because I just, you know, she seemed cool. I don't usually get to the meeting in person part on dating apps because yeah, to, um, to I don't have self confidence to make the movie usually. So. But anyway, she shows up, we sit down, we order our wings. I've never been to Buffalo Wild Wings. And so I'm like, What do you usually get? And I don't know, there's like tears. She got one of the hotter ones. I was like, Okay, I'll get one below her. Because I'm sure I can like I can handle spicy usually. Yeah, but I guess I'm a pussy at Buffalo Wild Wings because I was just, I was still I was snot running. It was terrible. I felt like we were getting a lot I'm pretty well, yeah, like conversation wise. Maybe she didn't feel the same way based on where the story goes. But um, you know, then she insisted on not letting me pay, which I was cool was I'm pulling, you know, and I respected and also, it really was just a spur of the moment. She wanted Wayne's thing. So you know, I don't even know if it was officially a day. Yeah. Anyway, we're leaving. And I very much like, I don't know, I care a little bit about what people think. My think of me, you know, and so as we were leaving, um, I looked over and I remember she parked around the corner, it was very dark. There were no lights over there. And so my instinct in my head was, Oh, God, that looks terrifying, especially as a woman, when she's very small, right? So I was like, Okay, I suppose like, do you need me to walk you through your car? The problem is, she didn't hear that train of thought in my head. So I think to her, she was thinking, Oh, he thinks he's getting to one of four bases tonight. And so she was like, No, I'm good. And I was like, Okay. And I think I may have sounded disappointed because I wanted to walk her to her car because I felt bad. And then I immediately realized how that sounded after I said it, so it's just disappointed myself. But I think she read the disappointment as Yeah, he definitely wanted to do. And so then she said to me, do you want to hug and immediately rush because like, Oh, that's so such a pity. That's such a pity offering, you know, yeah. And that being said, I am lonely. So I was like, Sure. And like, you know, already knew was over. I was, like, I gave him a quick one. I was like, I don't know. Cuz also it's kind of, I would have felt like a dick saying, no, if you're like, Yeah, either way. It's like, if you denied the hug, she begged this bitch. Exactly what even is so disappointed that you can't get so you won't even Yeah, that's an awkward, so I felt like she was interpreting me that way. Which Yeah, understandably so. Yeah. And, but, you know, then a few days later, like I the week, like I, I mentioned how I like, I felt like we got along and we should see each other again. She said, Yeah, for sure. And then a few days later, I texted her, and she's like, actually, the drives are too far for me. Which like, yeah, like, you know, like, it's a reasonable excuse. I'm very much. I've always had the mentality of if it's under two hours, it's not too bad of a drive, which is a little incense. I just, I like driving. So I've never minded a long drive. But I wasn't going to argue with her. Because either that's true. And that means I would always have to drive with Chuck sucks. Or she's more likely trying to come up with an excuse, which I'm not going to push her. You know, I'm going to all respect that. So, yeah, but I'm mad that her last image of me was a pity hug. Yeah, that sense? Yeah. Yeah, you know, nothing. Yeah. I don't have any crazy bad dating apps or he's just, yeah, just a few small ones. Yeah, I feel like that's not too bad. Just embarrass oil embarrassing. I had I honestly, if somebody tried to walk cat, that's a weird situation. I don't know how I would respond. If someone was like, Can I walk you to your car? I don't know. If that's like someone I didn't know. I'm like, what are they going to? That's a dark court. You be the culprit that I should be afraid of? Yeah. And I mean, she did respond to my text a few days later, so presumably, she was okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, that sucks. Yeah, I mean, it's, there'll be better ones. And there'll be better ones. Hopefully, that's what you you got to tell yourself. I don't know about. I've never had like a great like dating app day. But Me neither. That's just because I'm really just an awkward person. And like, if I don't your stranger, like it's really hard for me to feel like I'm having a fun time because I'm thinking about other stuff. Yeah, I yeah, I I usually am not successful. Unless I'm dating someone I've known for a while. Yeah. But yeah, you gotta like I'm not a good first impressions person. I'm like, You got to know me for like, at least three months and then you're like, okay, is I could like her. That's how it is. Yeah. So dating apps are now my, my move and I it took me like 10 years to learn that but you know, end of story. Okay, we're gonna move on to are fun. little thing called Would You Rather? Just to break up just a bit, break it all up a little bit? Okay, would you rather move to a new city or town every week? Or never be able to leave the city town you were born in? Oh, absolutely moved to a different one every week. Yeah, I agree. And like, here's the thing. This might be this might be a cheap way out. But I've always like, I've always been like this close to just packing up and living in a van. Yeah. So that's what Van life is, you know? Yeah. But I mean, if I'm not allowed to do event, I'd still rather do that. Because I'd probably find a system where all my shit is very easy to pack. Yeah. And then I think it could be a van. It doesn't specify. specify what kind of living quarters you have to do. Where did you grow up? I grew up in Salt Lake. Okay, so I haven't like snapped too bad. Yeah. You know, I mean, it's in comparison of Bountiful, Utah. Salt Lake is much off fuck sorry. I just dropped everything is much better than than bountiful? Yeah. It really is. Salt Lake is probably the better part of this. The general northern Utah area. Yes. of Utah. Yeah. Yeah, cuz I thought I was thinking like, oh, milk, Moab seems like a cool place to live. But then my sister went down there. And if you're outside the camping grounds, the people they're very much not people you would want to live around. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, would you rather spend a week in a forest or a night in a real haunted house? When I'm listening, I'm just hanging out, my mind immediately went to the Scooby Doo episode where they have to stay in the haunted house to get the money. That's like, a lot of money or whatever. And I'm sure that didn't start that. I'm sure that's stolen from something else. I just know. Yeah. But, um, but. So my immediately my immediate response was to that, but then I remembered I'm not getting paid to do either. Yeah, you just have to do one or the others. It's just one night, right? I mean, yeah. Just a confirmed haunted house, like you will go and you will be haunted. It's not like oh, like a bad person. I guess it could not be. It could be just a really lonely ghost who wants to talk to you? Exactly. And I'm very nice. I will absolutely indulge the ghost. But at the same time, my Boy Scout leader who always got us last mile, want me to say, the forest? And I feel like I could be okay in the forest for a week. When I get to pack food. Yeah, I think you get to be prepared in both situations. And then forest probably. Yeah. Next. Last segment, is the green flags and red flags you see on dating apps? Which one do you want to start with first? green or red? Am I just listing the ones that I guess? Yeah. Okay, um let's go with red because I'm pessimistic. Okay. One red flag that's pretty typical is like, just like a group photo. Because like, because they usually means that they're not very confident in themselves. Yeah. And like, I just I don't know. But that also plays into another thing, which is like, if they're very if all their pictures are in the same place, which I'm a little guilty of that was a foolish thing. Yeah. means that they took all the pictures in one day. Yeah. Again, like, you know, like, if they're capable of looking like that in one day, they could theoretically be capable of looking like that all the time. Yeah, that shouldn't be a red flag. The I also think long rambling BIOS with emojis. Put me off, okay, so my mind is very short and simple. It just immediately states my politics but in kind of a playful manner. Yeah. But um, you know, and if, if all of their music taste is just really pop or music? Then I'm a little bit, I still I don't have a problem that because I have a lot of friends that have that kind of taste. So I wouldn't, that wouldn't necessarily deter me from swiping, right. But I would definitely, definitely be a little like, okay, so this person just, I don't know, this, this person hasn't done. This makes me sound like an asshole. But this person is engaged with music before this person, what's on the radio, and I was one of those people. And I still do enjoy popular music to this day, but like, I just enjoy for lots of different kinds of music. I listen to lots of different kinds of music. So I don't think that makes you an asshole. It means that you know, the type of person or you would like be a person who engages with more than just pop music. But I have to say that somebody who I interviewed said that when you put your music on Tinder, it just chooses what you listen to that day. It's weird. It is weird. Yeah. So it's like maybe they were, I've worked out to pop music and sound like if I loaded it, but I wouldn't keep it. That's the thing, because I tried it. And I was hanging out with my niece. And so it was like Mulan. Like that wouldn't be. I'm not a Disney adult. I don't want people to think I just listened to Milan. And so I took it off. And maybe some people are like, I don't care. I'm just gonna keep it on because I do your minds wrong. I mean, mine is definitely wrong about being IMC it your student have your music on me. I turned it off before I sent you my profile. Because I go back and forth on turning it on and off. But it really because it like it says oh, you can choose from this list of musicians you listened to. Yeah, it doesn't. It doesn't do you choose. And it has the mind had like all the wrong picture. It was just very confusing. It's like, nevermind, I don't want this anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's I mean that I feel like that's a also regret. I feel like I am like, oh, you only listen to Kanye West. That's problem. Yeah, I, yeah. I like I can enjoy certain Kanye songs. But like, I just I don't know, I'm not. If that's all you listen to. It's a little. Yeah, I worked at Urban Outfitters in 2011. When his dark, whatever Twisted Fantasy and I grew to like it because they, when I worked there, they didn't have like, a radio that play. It was like we had 10 CDs, we put it which makes me feel very old. And that was one of them. And so, like, it's very nostalgic for me. So there's certain songs that I listen to, but if it's like your job artist, yes, you can like him. I just find him problematic. And we probably wouldn't. Exactly yeah, drive. Yeah, I Yeah. Another another red flag that I thought of. And this is just, this is another bit of me being a little bit of an asshole. If you're if your Tinder has memes in it, and I will say probably like, few memes. Like it's okay if you have one. But it makes me think more. It makes me think that you aren't funny on your own and you just showing things that you think are funny, which like, I know that still important to have the same sense of humor and what you enjoy together. Yeah, at the same time. I like to think I'm mildly funny. Like, I'm not that funny. I'm not gonna pretend I'm like, most funny person on the planet. But like, I like being able to have a rapport with someone where we can joke back and forth. So if you don't have the your own sense of humor that isn't quoting ship, like it a little bit makes it hard for you to have that rapport with you. You know? I think there's I think that's the same as like people who are like, bad. I love telling dad jokes and like, it's because you're not funny, and that's why you love them so much because they're not funny and you're not funny. Sad. I'm guilty of dad jokes, but I like making people like grown from them. I'm not Yeah, I think they're fun. Funny to make people hey, I think there's different I'm not shitting on all dad jokes, because I think that a lot of like, I don't know, I feel like a lot of James A casters. Jokes would probably be considered dad jokes because they're funny. And I'm like, I love him when he tells them but very funny man. It's always the people that I look like they're not funny at all that say that they love that jokes, like you can just tell in their persona. You're not funny and yeah, yeah. And I, you know, we need unfunny people in this world to make us look good. But yeah, but we don't have to do one talk to them. We don't talk to them. We can just just entertain them. Yeah, there you go. There we go. Any other red flags you could think of? I'm like, I think showing like, a messy room, or like, like, because I'm not gonna pretend that I'm not like, I'm like, I'm not gonna pretend I'm super clean or whatever. Yeah, I'm, I feel shamed for that. You know? I think a light little bit of shame sprinkled in here and there on your dating profile. Yeah, is fair. Because otherwise, if you're showing me if you feel comfortable showing me this, what darker secrets do you have down below? Yeah, yeah. And like so like, and like, at the same time, if someone's profile is very clean, like, it's like, Instagram model, like, you know, and like it's stem. Oh, if it's, if it's a bunch of travel pictures, that also puts me off because it's like, are you traveling all the time? I can't handle that. You know, like, I can't afford that. Or like, if if their thing says they're an influencer from a little bit like, I don't know, do you not have shame for them? Like, I don't know. There's Yeah, like mine. Mine mentions that mine. Actually, no, mine doesn't mention being a film major. Because guess what, that's a shame for that. Why? Okay, here's, here's, I think all majors can be a little bit pretentious. Oh, 100% and engaged in being pretentious. Do you do the but does like a person who's not totally like in the film world? Would they know that? I don't know. I think I think I just did a good point. I guess they maybe wouldn't, but I think I think I just I don't want to like flaunt it. Because yeah, people who flaunt that thing are usually assholes. Yeah. Like, I'm a filmmaker. It's like, okay, do you work at? I was gonna say, my actual place of work. I shouldn't say that. You work at Wendy's man, like, you know, like, but I, ya know, I? And then like, I'll bring it up later in the conversation that comes naturally that time was on major and I like making movies but like, I don't want them to immediately see, like, I want them to know that I'm not an asshole first. Yeah. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. Okay. What let's talk about green flags. What are some things that are like? They may Yes. Swipe right. That's the right. Yeah. Right. It's the good way. Weirdly enough. I like it when the photos are hyper edited. Because like and I want to say it's because it shows that you know, and enjoy using Photoshop which I just think is a funny and fun skill to have. Lightly artistic, you know, like, not like face tune, but live face tune but like, on it. Like it's like especially if you have like a ship postie looking like meme like edit that you clearly made a picture of yourself. Yeah. Okay. You're self aware and a little funny. And I will I you know, I'm a bit of a hypocrite because most of my pictures are trying to be hot, but like, you know, I enjoy. I enjoy it when you can shoot on yourself in your own time. Yeah. Okay, so it's like it's like, in a knot face tune way but in a Yeah, I got okay. Yeah, yeah. There's one, I think. I think if you um, I think if you're not like, I don't know, I think if your bio is, like, small or like, if it like if it's very, like, if you mentioned something about like, not caring about like religion or whatever. Yeah, I respect that. And I like that a lot. Because it's like, I don't know, I'm not Mormon, but I grew up Mormon and I have some shit with that. And I understand that like, because I kind of don't want to date a Mormon because I want someone who I can relay all my weird religious experience and trauma onto Yeah, I Um, that would be really hard people, Mormons that are Mormon it's just them being like, I'm gonna get this person on the dark side. That's what I play. Yeah. It's like they both think they're gonna convert the other Yeah, yeah. And I just I don't want to engage in that but I I like it when you specifically are like I don't you know I don't care about your religious background blah blah blah blah But what I also like and this contradicts that is when you aren't in an asshole way saying fuck Mormons, but you're like you're saying like I am. I am strong in my beliefs that are not Mormonism. And so, I hope you can respect that about me. I think that's I like that. I'm, my green flags are very, very specific. I'm noticing. No, that's good. I like the more I like very specific ones. There is somebody who is like, so it was a job. It was like one that's like the lowest bar like I like that sad but that's me. That's that is a good point. If I'm if if I'm going to be dating someone who who has a who doesn't have a job and is requiring me to support them. That's a lot for just it's a lot for like Fred tenders. thing. Yeah. I'm actually this might be cheating. But I'm opening Tinder now to see red flags and green flags. Okay. Okay, so there's a I'm not going to show this on camera, actually, because I'm a toxic person. But there's a section that's my passions and you like can choose a few things. If you Yeah, a lot of those chosen. That's a little. That's a little strange. That's a that's a red flag. I'm swiping How many is too many. I will say because it's done in like rows. I will say if it exceeds three rows facile. Yeah, you can choose that many. I think so. I don't know if there's a limit, but I feel like I've seen someone with a lot. Um, okay, this person has a lot of, okay, this person has one meme. And I think that's tasteful. And also it's clearly something that they found on a wall. So I think that's a green flag. I'm gonna stop looking at these. They do have a lot of aspects yours, which is like, okay, you know, like pictures. Not actually. But no, no, like, but like, what they'll do is they'll like, be like, just like, I think, Okay, this is this is a red flag of, like, not a camera. It's like, I like the other things, but um, if you have a picture of you in a public bathroom trying to look hot. That's weird if you do. That's funny. But yeah, if like, because there's some pictures where it's like, oh, my house looks good in the mirror. I'm gonna take a picture of my Tinder. And I'm like, are you really thinking about that? Right after you took a shit in like, the like, the 711? You know, like, I don't know. Like, hopefully these people are taking a shit in the public places. That's yeah, I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go. You gotta go. You gotta go. You know, and I don't feel just like lighter. They're like, Oh, yeah, maybe they feel so good. Like, yeah, capture that. You know, there is one I feel like, in quarters bar. They have a cool like, like, neon sign that people always take pictures with that I can accept. Yeah, I be seen. Salt Lake City is for lovers. Picture. Yeah. Where's that? Okay, that's weird. Why are you gay? What was awesome. It was great. There's Okay, whenever it goes there and it's I know, it's because I related to I remember when it opened and so like my brain hasn't really caught on to it actually has cool things now. Guys, adult, it feels like an adult mall now. Like, there's a lot more bars and pubs and I mean, I'm 27 allowed in them. Oh, yeah. I'm a little baby boy. But for a week from today, actually. Wait, you're turning 21? Yeah, one week from today. So what are you gonna do? Later, but I have a busy week next week. So yeah, go have your first legal drink. Gotta have it somewhere. I know. I might. I might just do that that night. But if I have a film shoot the next day. Don't be hungover. One one legal drink go home. That's what being able to go to bars. You drink just one and then you're like I'm tired. Go home. I just came out as being in your 30s as I guess, I mean, I went near 20s I feel like I'll probably end up doing that. Sometimes. I think I might be 30 Yeah, just based on my great. I've only I mean, I've only experienced being 30 in the in COVID time, so I can't really say for certain how things are. So yeah, that's fair. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, other green flat. What you just told me a red flag. A red flag. Let's hear some positive positives, I think. I mean, is there a certain like, musician, you see, I definitely have if I see somebody who like certain musicians and like, yeah, there were certain musicians, I can't think of them off the top of my head. But if I'm like, if I see like, I mean, if I saw someone with Yes, and thereby I would be like, Fuck, yeah. Yeah. No matter what any of the other red. If there were a bunch of red flags. I'd be like, No, it's still swiping. Yeah. Yeah. I think green. Honestly, green flags gets so specific down to like, my type. Yeah. Which is, which is dark haired women who are slightly mean to me. Okay, yeah. That's just Yeah. Which, you know, is hard to gauge on a dating app, I guess. Yeah. You can tell me. Yeah. You know, unless you're like, You are mean off the bat. Yeah. Brave. Yeah. Right. You know what? It would work on me. Anyone out there who's listening or if you're hearing it first. Yeah. If you mean slightly mean to me, like, here's Okay. Here's a green flag that comes after that you've matched if you message me first, with anything, but hey, hey, what's up? Yeah. And I'm like, if you can shoot like a joke my way. First of all, I'll be impressed because like I said, I only opened my things up to men recently. So it was mostly women messaging me. And so it's like, like, like, I think it's pretty standard for the guy to message first, which some not true for I had so many people. That didn't do it. I was just waiting because I was curious. And then they never did for no one the message first Yeah, just do it and just never talked to anyone that's wild. My my go to first message like Okay, I like I will, I will swipe on people in two categories. One category of I will talk to you if you message me first. And one category of I really want to talk to you. People I really want to talk to I have a go to Line, which is damn you look like the type of person that knows how to tie their shoelaces. Double knots to and then like the eye emoji, because? Because that's weird. Yeah. My friend, my friend gave me this advice. He's right. It's weird, right? So they're immediately gonna be like, What the fuck? Yeah. And also, it does give opportunity for light banter, because you can immediately follow up with either What the fuck are you talking about? Which is like, cutting me off. You know being funny lol number one of being like of improv is yes. And don't say what the fuck me? You know, but um, but at the same time, if someone said What the fuck, I'd like that. These are being slightly mean to me. Yeah, that's when I was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, but, but also though, sometimes I'll be like, Nah, actually, I'm a Velcro kid. Or like, far like, I were sketching. Or they'll be like, Yeah, I can and like, like, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then it'll be like the conversation has a weird place to go from there and if they can, like, like, I'm not going to pretend that's a funny thing. This and I'm not like that's not that funny or clever or whatever. It's just weird and it gives them an hour to be weird back. I think that is the if you hit them with the weird right off the bat, like they're fully prepared for you at for you as ISIS and when I was like on it on dating apps, you can send gifts and there's a specific Jeff Goldberg give of him men transformation in the fly. So it looks really gross. It throws up his hand and I would send that to people and I was like, someone's either gonna like love this and be like you're the gal for me or they won't just won't talk to me is usually don't talk to me. But you know, you weed out the weed out the people. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And they're fully prepared to know that you're like a weirdo. And I think that's the best way to start right off the bat free cure you. Yeah. Yeah. You're from Riverdale. You're weird. You're. You wear that hat every day. That's weird. I don't remember the cool Oh, I did you ever watch Riverdale was I tried to watch the, like first couple and I was like, I hate this. I mean it CW CW writing works for me. It's just I loved, loved awful. Diaries. I love her. actually great. I saw the whole show. Yeah, I stopped. I always stop out the part where I think the witch or somebody dies. And they're like, stuck on the other side. And I was like, done, but I like the first like four seasons. I also love that. It's like 35 year old men. Teenagers. It's so funny. Awesome. It's so funny to me. Funny because it's a drama. But then like, from there, like gotta go to high school. But also if you read that script, because I was curious the way that they describe the women in it is a man who created this is so funny. It's so bad. I highly recommend just read the pilot for like, laughs a man like it was, man. Yeah, but book by a woman right? Yeah, I think so. But the guy it's there was created by a like middle aged. It's just very funny to hear. How he describes the description of the aunt is the funniest. That's all. I'll just shut up. Did you Sorry. Just quick tangent. Did you ever read that? There were see any of the Powerpuff Girls pile? I did. I did read it. Because I was. Yeah, it was not good. And also whatever happened? I'm glad I hope they don't make it because I loved the Powerpuff Girls. I made my sister draw me Powerpuff Girls to frame on my wall because yeah, I guess we didn't want I didn't want her to anyone to buy me a poster. My sister drew it for me. I was obsessive Buttercup that I knew I was never a buttercup. I was like, I want to be her. She's mean and sporty. But I was at a better cap. You were where you have which Powerpuff Girl Are you? I probably I probably have a blossom the most annoying boring one. Which is girls, so I can't tell whether that's right or not that. Yeah, I think people probably who don't know me, well would maybe say my bubbles. Because I think that people think I'm dumb a lot of the time but Oh, no. Well, that's scary that well, but yeah, no, that's good. I think that I think that you probably the person like you know me well enough like that you would be the person I would ask if you would find it. But you are not going to tell me I'm dumb right now. That will be we can't trust you. Yeah, this is about you know, I can trust you. The whole world is going to hear this. Yes. Yeah, we can only help that these efforts that I am making come to some sort of success. We'll see. This might 20th episode, but you'll probably be stuck in the middle somewhere. I don't know. Okay, are you ready for last question? I I usually so when it strangers I asked them if they're in love with me. Know me. So I can't ask you that question. And I asked my friends that know me a different question. But I'm not gonna ask you that question either because I don't want to know your answer. So what that question is, I'll tell you after I ask you this question, cool. Because I also know that you know, James a caster, and that's important for this question. Do you think that if I met James A Castro in real life, I could get him to fall in love with me? I mean, I know him but I want to look at a picture of him so I can really just like yeah, and do his eyes real quick. Yes, please. Okay. 37 So that's a six yes difference. That's why so the especially in your 30s you can definitely yeah, yeah, yeah. Now here's the thing. Okay, so I think I think you have a shot. Oh, yeah. You'd have to go at it very specifically. As a fan No, no way can there's no way you can listen if you ever meet James a caster. It's gotta be like, Oh, you're the you're Are you like a actor? Right. And he's like comedian is like an actor. And you're like, Oh, Okay, gotcha, gotcha Euro. Don't call them James Corden because that's an insult but can be like you'd be like your John and then your John they cast or something like you'll you get his name slightly. Yeah. And then he's like, Yeah, He's got to correct you know, he's got to engage and correct you. And then you'll be like, no. But then then he'll probably make a joke because he's a professional. Funny, man. Yes, you can laugh at the joke. I would probably because he probably wouldn't. Because you think it would be easy, I wouldn't just act. And then from then on, you don't have to act and then slowly throughout your relationship, you can reveal that I actually are a superfan. Yeah. Like this, just casually having his book on my desk to say, Oh, this book. I didn't know you wrote it. Weird. So like the guy in the OSU? Yeah. I think that I will be terrible at that because I gets very starstruck. And I literally just like my face turns red, and I can't form sentences. Now, you know all about Gen Z. He's the voice of our generation, according to this podcast. I cannot promise that is true. But now I know a little bit more about Gen Z. And so do you. How cool is that? Also remember that we have an Instagram app pursuit of happiness. Yeah, that's right. And then we have a tick tock app, pursuit of happiness podcast. We also have a Twitter POA underscore pirate. If you want to give me questions that you want to ask man shoot in my direction. You want to be on the podcast because you are on the dating app. Also shoot me a message we can work this out. Thanks for for listening and supporting me and continue to do that because that's just a nice thing to do for your local podcaster Okay,

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