Pursuit of Appiness Podcast

Internet Stranger James

Marta Reeder Season 1 Episode 16

This week we meet James! We discuss things like choosing between concerts (I should've seen 1D and made Harry fall in love with me), and also cement furniture and how you can make it!
Sound Supervisor B.T. Measles
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welcome to the podcast pursuit of happiness. This is your host, Marta. And on this week's episode, we talk to internet stranger James, where we talk about picking up cats for photo ops. And also choosing between saying Arcade Fire one direction and the Flaming Lips. So stay tuned, everybody okay, James, we're gonna start with an icebreaker. Okay, and yeah, it is. Have you ever sent a dick pic before? Yes. Was it unsolicited? or did somebody or was it like? It was it was? It was very, never sent an unsolicited that's okay. Yeah, it's always been things are talking things are getting a little heavy. Yeah. They may not ask for it. But if you go with the flow will because I received something back. So something and not received anything. And so nobody's like, totally disgusted by you. Well, maybe they are. Not because of that. Maybe for other reasons. We'll say that. Okay, so, next thing we're going to do is I'm going to ask you some questions that will help me know who you are a little bit. And hopefully the podcast listeners but it's mostly for me. First things first, what is your favorite movie? If you don't have a favorite? Can Tell me your the last movie you watched and if you liked it? What was the last movie I watched? I think it was, oh, I watched I watched the Wes Anderson movie. It was the French dispatch and it was great. So a lot of yeah, anyway, Sanderson is good. I also watched The Big Lebowski a couple of days ago, that was also very great script one. Okay, next question. Next question. What who? Your favorite band and if you don't have one? If you listen to Spotify, or top Spotify of this year, or maybe your last concert if you can't choose, know my definite, I definitely know this one. So okay, mean Arcade Fire and Radiohead? Yeah, so that's, that's a tough one to choose from. Have you? Have you seen any of them live? Um, I saw Arcade Fire. Back in the day when I was like, 18 years old and still nice, wide eyed and bushy tailed, or whatever. Yeah. And it was a great show. But like, there were like, people, there was one dude that like, grabbed me from behind and, like, threw me out of my spot. And these other Oh, at the time there. And I was just, I was so innocent at the time, these girls behind me they were just like, we can't see because of this guy in front of us. And he was talking really loudly. Like, also loudly so that I could hear him. Yeah, give him a blowjob after the show. If he gives up a spot, bro. I for some reason, I would not expect that from Arcade Fire fans, but maybe I was and maybe I was just it was it was the first concert ever went to alone. Okay, and so maybe like my anxiety was like flaring up and so everything I heard was like, extra weird. I don't know. I could have invented the whole thing. And you have no idea. I remember Arcade Fire came and also the same day as one direction and also it was one of they they sang the Yoshimi song. They're best buds with Miley Cyrus. Oh, yeah, I mean, lips, Flaming Lips. Yeah. What was that? Oh, long time ago was I was like, yeah, yeah, yes. So did you Arcade Fire and I didn't I was made in a tweet. And you know, I wish I did. I didn't because one direction because I worked at Urban Outfitters at the time, and everyone made fun of me, but it was like, I didn't like them. It was like a joke between me and my sister. We would like find posters and hang them, prank each other with them and Then it became like a real thing and we would like sing. I sang my sister One Direction song for her birthday. And now, I just haven't real true honest love for hairstyles, but that's okay. Yeah, but I went to Flaming Lips. I went to Flaming Lips. And it was a ridiculous show. And I was like, Why did I choose this one? It was because it was the cheapest. They do put on a good show to be completely honest. Yeah, I think I just was like disappointed because I feel like I mean, I liked Arcade Fire. I didn't know very many One Directions songs. But like, I come from the world of like, I loved Backstreet Boys and Hanson as a kid. So like that fandom. Oh, don't I? I have a handsome tattoo even Oh, yeah, I can't really see it. Yeah, it's mostly for my sisters in me because we love them since her a little bit. Some things came out about two of the band brothers. We don't like them too much anymore. But yeah, so I chose the wrong one. Okay. So would you say you can't choose between Arcade Fire or Radiohead? mean, I think more recently, I'm more into Radiohead, just because I haven't seen them in concert for one. Yeah. There's just more songs that I know of. From them. Yeah, say that. I don't know all of Arcade Fire too, but I don't know. Yeah, I mean, the suburbs album came out when I worked at Urban Outfitters and it was like had a chokehold on all of us. We loved I love that album. first album I got on vinyl. So yeah, there you go. Celebrate. Yeah, the sense of great song might actually be my favorite song. Even though let's say your head is my favorite. The suburbs is my favorite. Okay. Okay, but I accept this. Okay. What do you do for your job? Don't tell us where you work. Because you know, who knows what you'll say on this podcast is he wants some creeps to show up. Or that they? I am. So I'm a designer at an architecture firm. So not quite an architect. I do more tests to pass. And then I Yeah. My sister went to architecture school and my brother want. It's not technically an architect, but he designs also houses. So I'm fluent in knowing some architects. Architecture. Okay. Yeah. I don't have to hold back then. No, just kidding. I don't think they've ever talked to me about architecture, my sister isn't an architect. Okay, next question. And you can interpret this however you want. What is wrong with you? What is wrong with me? And this could be in dating or just in general, or whatever you want? I think I think what's wrong with me, is patience in the process. I think sometimes in dating and in life, like all, like, obtain some skills or I'll learn about something about myself, or I'll read a book and I'll be like, Oh, my God, I'm like, a different person now. And like, immediately think that, like, everything is sold, and you understand that, like, I'm still relatively young, in my whole life, and that wisdom comes with age and that yeah, I'm still stuck in the phase I it's almost like I'm still stuck in teenage years where I feel like I know everything about myself and I know everything about the world. And a bit of information is just an extra but I don't know. So I think yeah, definitely that and that kind of can bring a lot of anxiety and the prank sometimes and so yeah, like, a lot of books about like acceptance and meditation and trying to just like wrap my head around just like life in the present moment. Yeah, so yeah. Which is been hard the past couple years. Yeah. COVID Yeah, fun. Okay, cool. That's, that's good to know. For I already know what's wrong with you. Um, yeah, I probably struggle with solves no longer Nino. Um, okay, now we're gonna go on to our segment that arts Oh, wait, that's the wrong card. Um, that is called overgeneralize questions for men about men. and maybe you are going to hear this question and be like, I don't, I can't answer that because I'm not that type of person. But you just got it. You just got to guess that's what I'm telling people. Okay, I will I will submit myself to okay, I guess. Last you this new one. So there, at least on tick tock. There are these what people what men? I don't even think women call men beta and alpha. Okay. So you you know that concept? Yeah. Right. Who do you think is the number one Alpha? Because if we're going with this mind set, there's got to just be one. That's the main alpha, who is the main Alpha? I mean, number one, okay. If you're, if everybody is looking to it's gotta be somebody and like media that everybody knows, I would probably, I don't know. I always rate everybody on the like, when we're talking attractiveness. There's the golf. Brad Pitt scale. So yeah. Okay. Brad Pitt? That's a good one. I was thinking that it would be Jesus. He's because he, I'm just saying that these alpha guys, I seem to be very religious to me for some reason. I don't. Yeah, I would assume that Jesus would be the number one, even though really, they would 100% call him a beta if he was in present day. Well, I mean, I don't think Jesus gave a fuck about anybody. And so I'm sorry. Um, should I do? censor my No, no, no, no, no, you can swear as much as I should have asked before. But I mean, and that's probably the most Alpha move of mall is if Yeah, like, well, you guys can go ahead and kill me. I'm gonna go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's what me my sister had a discussion about it, because there was the Alpha con. That came here. Oh, when was that? I was it was like, go and pick it or something. I wanted to I wanted to go. Yeah. So I wanted to go like interview people. But I felt like because I was a woman, I would need like a man to be there with me, just in case they were like trying to like feed dicks or something. And I was gonna ask my dad because he just looks really mean. And he can be mean, but I decided not to put him through that. But I'm sad. I didn't go it was like February. It was the middle of February. I didn't I saw the advertisements for it. But nothing that came out of it. I hope. I hope to see more alphas in the world. So you know, like, spread the religion. Yeah, I think this grow. I heard that a woman infiltrated and recorded some but I haven't found it yet. So we'll see. That's a that's brave. Okay, Nobel. She does. On to our next question. Um, I've read that men think about sex every seven seconds. How do you get anything done? How do you get anything done? It's it's through the power of sex that everything happens so why Yeah, that makes sense. Do it's so funny even like even right after somebody says that? I still don't think about sex every seven seconds even right after somebody said hey, like even if it Yeah, liminal messages somebody just whispering sex in my ear. I would probably just like focus, like, wow, the way you're saying that is weird. Yeah, yeah. Strange word when you say it out loud sex. So the thing that I read it for Okay, so I once read it in, like sociology book, but I don't know, who who knows who's writing our textbooks. And then I read it in a article and it was like, the test subjects were like, shut in a room for like an hour and like, what are you what are they looking at? Like? It didn't explain like, it didn't explain anything. So who knows? This is not scientifically backed, but I just imagine if that was your life, my God, how difficult? I mean, the problem with those in the textbooks is they never say how often do women think about sex? Yeah, I don't. I don't know that answer. I mean, it's got to be at least double men, you know, so maybe it's every 14. I mean, it definitely, but half like half the time yeah. Ah, yeah, I don't know. I, my brain is filled with so much weirder things than that. So I don't think that's true for me. Okay, one more question. I'm pulling from a random pile. And some of these I wrote some of these the internet route. Okay. Why dad jokes? Why dad jokes? I for myself, I think I mean, I like them. But I don't know why dad jokes. I think I seen a lot on dating apps of girls, same people that have oh, and I think it might be maybe evolutionarily that they really being a bad daddy, if you can. If you can come up with any joke fruits, because I've actually also heard that humor is some sort of evolutionary trait to that women are attracted to people that are funnier. And that's why, like, when a group of guys get together, it's like, measuring dicks, but with jokes. Yeah. It's funny that people choose dad jokes. i It's weird, because I'm thinking that but there are so many matches in the world, because there's so many guys on the app that are like, I'm really good at dad jokes. Why is that a brag, but it is. I guess women want that. Who knew? Who knew? I didn't know that. But you you need to tell me that you haven't heard a dad joke. And you thought, well, that guy is really funny. Even though Okay, so if I think to yourself, well, actually, that wasn't that great of a joke. So I guess it depends on what we're qualifying a dad joke because I think some puns are funny. And my favorite comedian James a caster. She has his podcast where? Yeah, yeah. So special on Netflix. Great. Yeah, he's great. Um, but he has a podcast and he always says really, like dumb. I guess they're not but they're not dumb because it's him. But they're probably down. So if it's the right person, then I would say I except dad jokes, but I think it's only from professional comedians. All right, I don't know. I don't know I've I've yet to come across someone who actually like says them in like the just date. People say that they say them on dating apps, but I don't know if they're out in the world actually saying that. Yeah, I mean, I I you know, I I do like puns. You know, my friends do call me The Punisher sometimes. Yeah, but. But like you said, like, is upon a dad joke. Like, dad jokes can be puns, but not all puns are dad jokes. Yeah. So I don't know. But I don't know. I feel like dad joke is a joke that comes the end. In opportune time. Maybe. Yeah, like when you're out to dinner, and your dad says like, I don't know. Whatever. Dad's. Oh, my dad's not a dad joke guys. Never come to dinner where however, that one starts. Yeah. Okay. It's a dad show. Okay, in that in that regard? Don't like dad jokes. Yeah, that's what I assumed that people are saying that they like and I'm like, these people are full of lies. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, well, I'm glad we had this discussion. I'm so glad that so many girls are looking for those guys because they are definitely out there. I'm gonna I'm gonna think twice the next time some girl says Dad dad joke. I'm into dad jokes the next time. Yeah, think about it. Or maybe even swipe left. I don't know. I'm teaching I'm teaching you something. Okay. What do I usually do next? I'm very disorganized. Okay, we're gonna do we're gonna break down your profile. So basically, yeah. Okay, this is it's not I did not enter this, but we'll do it anyways. I think that I didn't send you the email that I usually send. I'm sorry, I've been a mess. I've had a canker sore in the back of my throat and I finally got medicine for it. And my mouth is just numb Okay, so basically I'm going to tell you why I think you chose a certain picture or whatever. And then you can tell us really why you chose it. Okay, I will tell you, Okay, I will tell you why. And then maybe at the end of the whole thing, I'll tell you really why. Okay. Okay. Interesting. Okay. Look with you is if that's okay. Yeah, I don't I'm not looking at your bio, I just have notes. So it might be out of order. So it says your bio says somewhere between Sun Salutations and screaming edit post hardcore show. Is this to show that you're a man that's not afraid of variety? Or is this to show that you're flexible, but also know how to punch? I don't know if you punch out hardcore shows, but I just assume the fringes of the of the mosh pit marching you what's happening but never get hit? So maybe like that back peeking through some alphas like, yeah, shoulder or something like that. Okay. No, I know, I definitely. I think I I want I wanted to show yeah, that I think variety is definitely that's a defining quality of me for sure. But also, I wanted to show that I like to go to it's a it was a more creative way to say that I like yoga, and I like going to concerts. And yeah, and sometimes those concerts might be like head banging and some times. Yeah. So yeah, so yeah. All righty. That's a that's a thing. Okay, so I have a follow up question. Okay. Is what is post hard core? Is that mean? Do you mean after a hard core show? Or is there something? Or is there a genre of music called post Hardcore is a genre of music called post? Okay, what what is it? Just what does that mean? Post hardcore, man, if for any of you post hardcore listeners out there, that I'm probably going to now that they're just gonna, like, hate me for whatever. Yeah. It's kind of this nebulous genre. Like anything I post in front of anything. And anything goes really? Yeah. So I would say post Hardcore is like, cursive me without you. Minus the bear some tracks. It's yeah, it's like post punk as well. So just think of like, it's the elements of, of hardcore music and metal, but then taken down into a more melodic, like, more digestible form of music, more adult contemporary vibe kind of thing. I don't know. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. I get it. I feel like that's like, I was gonna compare. So when I was young, in my tweens, I would have called, like, Fall Out Boy, and, and like, Green Day. I feel like their earlier albums for punk, but I as a kid was like, Yeah, this is punk. And then like, older generations were like, now that's not punk. And then I guess it would probably be called post punk. And now it'd be called like, Emo. I guess. Totally. No. Yeah, Green Day was pop punk. Sorry. Yeah. Sorry. I feel like they're all their first album was had some fun bytes to it. I mean, but like, yeah, we'll think that like I don't know. Some people think that like Nirvana is punk. And it's like I can see it they were probably like influenced from like the 1980s Punk and then it kind of turn into grunge and stuff like that. Yeah, like I don't know. I think honestly putting labels on music is unfortunate and as you will know in as Arcade Fire says the music divides us into tribes and so yeah, probably bringing it back okay, that makes sense I guess on the next on to the next you know it's funny I actually have a different thing on my my hinge profile I was actually experimenting with different just to see I got I got banned on hinge because they got mad at me for for being honest about podcasting in an alpha because you're doing what? I didn't pick up getting banned. I would have liked a warning beforehand. Geez. I gotta warn me warning from Bumble so we'll see how much longer I'm on. Okay, yeah, anyways. So this has nothing really to do well it does. My sister who went to architecture school says that architects always wear all black which is not true because I've never seen my brother in law wear all black. But three out of your five photos of yours you're wearing all black. So is the right? You're not wearing black right now. But no, I've actually it's funny because like in architecture school, I Like Wind architecture school and already had like a very black and gray palette. And I realized I like looked around at like everybody and I'm like, do I want this aesthetic? And so I just like, I'm very like, since like, gotten louder prints louder color, and tried to like diversify. And I the architecture for my work. Like I do kind of stand out in that way. And it's not always a great thing. Because like, my boss, when he calls me in for an interview is just like, Well, yeah, like, let's, you know, we want you to like be more professional. It's like I'm wearing a button shirt. I'm tucking it in. I'm more Yeah. But it's like color is weird. Wild. Are you a fan of squares? My fan of squares? Yeah. For some reason. I just felt like architects really like squares? You know, squares? Yeah, sure. I'm a fan of squares. I'm more of a fan of triangles. I don't know. No, I don't know. Whatever you wanted to shape. To say. Yeah, when it when it comes to forms. I think my go to is this is a rectangle. Okay. It throws it up. And it takes the the the narrative of an architect in the square and Yeah, makes it. Yeah, I like that. Okay, next question. You have a photo of yourself holding a vinyl record. Is this to show that like most millennials, because I think you are a millennial? I don't know. 100%? Sure. I'm a young millennials. Yes, I am a millennial. I'm 29. Okay. Okay, so like most millennials, you missed the 90s when things were tangible and collectible. Did you have any collections as a kid? Do I have collections from like a kid? Like, No, I'm saying Did you collect anything as a kid? Oh, when I three thought I was gonna ask you about your vinyl collection. No, no, no, we don't need to talk about that. Did I collect things as a kid? Um, yeah, I think I did. I remember. So like I remember in in Boy Scouts. There's like a collector. You're like, there's like collecting merit badge. Oh, and I remember like thinking like, Okay, I have to collect something. Now. That's just something people do. They collect things. Yeah. So for some reason. I was really into like wolves and really intellect. Nice. Yeah. So I have a lot of things that were like, Eagle Eye like things are wolves. It's like, like, now I just need one of those shirts with a wolf. Yeah. Some eagles and stuff like Yes. Go to your and southern Utah gas station. have not thought of that in. But yeah, I I adopted that. Because I thought that's what you have to do. And yeah, but it collects any more. No, I don't really collect anything. I don't even like consider the records I have is collectibles. It's just like, oh, yeah, yeah, but I can listen to them. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like for some reason, my like, elementary years, or like the years of collecting things, so it was like Pokemon cards and like Pogs. And oh, yeah, we had a weird thing with marbles. But we wouldn't play marbles. We would just have everyone in class would have a collection of marbles. And you'd like share them with your like boyfriend at the time or whatever. And you would like talk about your marbles and I had like, I would carry them around in a cassette tape holder. Like there was it was so weird. I don't know why. While we were, it was like a huge thing. And it was like you were official. If you had a marble collection with your boyfriend, so yeah, it was weird. And then there was these, these little plastic figurines called homies. And they have I think they have a picture of them at Red iguana, too. And they were like the Things You would get out of the like 25 cent? I don't know, machines. Oh, yeah. Me and my friends collected those because they were at our local video rental spot. Yeah, it was weird. It was just a weird thing that we had so many collectibles. You know, I wanted to collect Pokemon cards, but my mom thought that Pokemon was the devil. Yeah, I feel like and so I had one Pokemon card. It was a Butterfree and my friend kept it and so when we went to go play Pokemon on the on the playgrounds, you would then bring out my card. Oh, okay. Yeah. I think the hours I asked my mom about it later in life was like, why didn't you ever get those from me that they weren't that bad? You know, it's not like that. You're weird. I don't know. She's like, Oh, I just didn't want to spend the money on the cards. And I'm like, Well, shit. We didn't make it some morality thing that it Yeah, that was going to double traditions by I don't know. We had I felt like that was the thing that went around. I don't know if you're from Utah, but I felt like for me, it's so yeah, yeah. I feel like it was like all the suburbs were like, Pokemon is the devil because I remember they took they told us we couldn't bring them to school anymore. So I never watched x I was on like, Nickelodeon or something. And I had, I didn't have cable, so I didn't get into the puppy masks. No, I never. I never watched any episodes or anything, either. Oh, but like I played Pokemon Go for a good like two years. Oh, yeah. So I got like reback into it. But yeah. Weird, weird stuff. Okay, next question. You want to start a concrete furniture business? And I was? This is just a genuine question, what is the best thing to make with concrete? I don't know what that would even be? Well, I think that's why I like concrete so much. They can be so many different things. I took a I took a moldmaking class in, in grad school of like, how to like reproduce, like, ceramic or concrete or things like that. And so just like the ability to just create everything and then reproduce, it is just like, I don't know, it's really cool to me. I also, I don't know, I'm also a weird architect, in that I like to. I like to touch buildings and like, especially concrete. Like, if I go on an architectural tour, I'm just like, touching all the different things. It's, it's a very sensual experience. Oh, yes. So I don't know, I think, and there's so many things you can do with concrete. And so it says in my profile that I want to do terrazzo, which is actually like, polished concrete, and exposes like the layers of rock and sand and whatever colors that you've put within the concrete. So it kind of creates an element to it. And so there's just a lot of different dimensions. So what do you think is the coolest thing to make out of it? Like, what would you? Well, right now I'm in the process of designing my coffee table out of concrete. So that's what I'm excited about. Yeah, that seems like a great thing. I'm just thinking about, like, my, my sister's coffee table is like a glass thing. And my niece loves to get on top of it. I'm afraid she's gonna break. It sounds awful. Yeah. Concrete. I know, you're thinking concrete doesn't seem much safer. But her floors are concrete. So it's like might as well just yeah. Have another concrete thing? Yeah. I kind of hope to like do like pots and things like planters. Yeah. And into plants and things like that. It'd be great to just make whatever pot I wanted and give them and sell them and stuff like that at the farmers market. So it's still super young, I get super jazzed about concrete. Like I have actually have a self rule that like at past 11 o'clock at night, I can't think about concrete just because you have to like one or two thinking and designing and it's it's a problem but Rome and a half because it my man one day. I do. I mean, I feel like you're probably I mean, you're a creative person, and I feel like there's either people who are creative during the morning or at night. Mine is always at night too. So I have like weird notes where I don't have a rule for myself, but like I'll wake up in the middle of night with an idea Yeah, my credit. I've weird notes in my note app from that, but no, totally, I get it. No. And I have these weird. Like, it's almost like at night I get like really inspired to do things like an architecture. But in the morning, I get really inspired to like write music and stuff like that. Like I like, wake up and like, there's like this bunch of notes that I just like, have to capture and sometimes I don't, because I don't give myself ever enough time to actually get ready. So yeah, so you're just too creative at both ends, but I guess spectrum, I guess cool. Lucky you. Okay, so you have a photo with you in the desert holding a cat. Is this your cat? Does your cat travel? Well? Does your cat Hi, tell me about this cat? You know, this, this photo, you might say is a catfish photo because it is not? Rude? No, actually a really a really funny story. I was in Monument Valley with some friends. And we're just taking pictures of the the WHO dues and bluffs out that way. They were really beautiful and awesome. This big ass cat just walks up to me and I'm just like, oh my god, it's a big ass cat. So, like, he like rubbed up on me. I'm just like, okay, and like, he looked like well fed. He looked like yeah, so I'm just like, probably not gonna get fleas. Yeah, I picked him up. And he just, like, chilled with me for like an hour and just like followed us around. And, and my thought, because it was like an observation point. My thought is like it was either an abandoned cat or somebody that lives by like, yeah, has this cat and he wants to get fed by the strangers, but really, really tempted in like, taking them home. But no, I think I just liked I liked my face in that photo and shows you Yeah, like, cats, the cool guy, but I like cats. I have a photo of myself in Ireland holding a random cap because it was bothering this lady was on our tour bus. Because she was eating something. And she's like, was like deathly afraid of it. I was like, okay, and I picked it up and it was my friend. So I have a similar eye. But I also have cats. So as you can see, usually so usually I'm sitting on my bed, but my bed is a mess right now. And if I'm sitting on my bed, my cat is always on top of me. But she's not in here. She's an orange. She's an orange cat. You you have that cat in your profile? Oh, I don't remember. Let me see. Oh, no, you don't have a cat in your profile. I could have sworn you had a cat in your profile. Maybe I did it well. Well, honestly, I mean, I don't know. I do have one. I have three. I have three cats. Oh, that's the other two that are too high because they're afraid of everything. Okay. Next question. Do you talk about self improvement books? And we talked about earlier? What book do you recommend for someone who's already perfect? What book do I recommend to somebody who is already perfect? Mm hmm. Wow. Is that you saying you're perfect. And I need to recommend this to you. I was I was going is uh, yes. I was saying that. I'm not perfect, though. But yeah, I mean, I am. What books do you recommend to me? Who is perfect? Who that change? You're like, Wow, I've never this is for this books for perfect people because, I don't know. Let's let's not just hear, let's just hear what you think a perfect person needs to read. I think a perfect person needs to escape from their own narcissism and they should just probably read like a novel or something like that. Like, Lord, I don't know something like that. Yeah, that's a lot of reading. Lord of the Rings. It's a lot of reading. But it's which is, um, okay, so a book. Okay. In reality, what is good? What's a book that okay, a book? Okay, if this is a dating podcast, which Yeah, yeah, I will recommend the book attached is a really great one. Okay, talks about attachment styles. Whether you and like how to navigate like dating three attachment styles and that really opened up to opened me up to like, find what it is I'm looking for because I've dated a lot of people that I'm like, well dammit, like, you seem great, but like something just doesn't seem to work. And it turns out yeah, they're just a bunch of avoidant people out there. And that's just how it goes. And it seems, yeah, that probably is a lot of people. Actually, the book says that like most single people right now are avoidant people, because they're coming in and out of relationships more and so they're the most fresh on the on the dating. So like a securely attached person. You hardly see them because they're in a relationship already, because they're already attached to somebody else. So yeah, okay. And wait, what's called? What? Attach the author so that you can get sued. Someone just trying to break in my room. Sorry. I told somebody just like, knocked on my door really loud. It's fine by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller. Okay, but I'm gonna write like a book that's not for dating. I would it would be the courage to be disliked. Okay, that's the one. Put him on your list, everybody. Okay, last question about your profile. Oh, this one's this one. Is a good what do you see? Yeah, because this one, so? Maybe not. I'm gonna brace myself for your answer. Okay. Yeah, so you say you have say up lots of hobbies. But you also like to sit down and watch a 24 movies. Now we all gotta know. What kind of a 24 Bro Are you? Tell us your favorite a 24 movie is my favorite and I will movie isn't isn't parasite and a 24 movie? up probably probably for like, let's see. Let's see. Yeah, I just that's how I'm gonna pull up on the internet. Okay. I will if it that parasite. If it is a 24 that I would say you're the right type of a 24 Bro Yeah, I owe me for is somewhere. A 24 movies. Okay. Let's see. Oh, okay, it turns out turns out parasite is not in a 24 movie. I just take your favorite a 24 movie. Go? Yeah. It is a toss up between Ex Machina and the lighthouse. Okay, I one of those is a movie that I hate that one of those is a movie I love. So you have to choose between? I know you hate the White House. How did you know? I just do. And honestly, it's a movie I probably will not watch ever again just because of how visceral the whole movie is. And how Yeah, but my God, is it a masterpiece? And just like the, like the atmospherics of the whole film are? Just spot on. Just amazing. But me and my friend? Yeah, it's a very I felt like it's a very it's a dude show. I think men feel it a lot more. I can't say that for certain you said I think majorities are No, just that because all the men that love that movie feel so strongly about it. Like I have had discussions and people get actually angry with me for pointing out things about that movie. And I've never first of all, I don't think I've ever talked to a woman who has seen it. Oh, so except for you. Maybe I have one. Well, I'm sure that there had Okay, so there was one person who I was talking to and I said it's a dude movie. And they were like, Why know one girl who liked it? And I was like, Oh, really? Like, just got me was she? Yeah. And she was and I was like, I wish you a film like person. And it was like yeah, it was like, Was this just a conversation between you and her? Was she in a room full of dudes, which probably was because that's just generally what film sets or film things are. And yeah, she was so of course she's not going to be perfect. aided by all the a toy for bros. But yeah, I love Exmark I don't love lobster. I love Robert Pattinson mustache. And in it, but that's about it. Yeah, I want to eat. definitely up there. Yeah, it's great. I love it. We're gonna move on to let's do bad date story. Okay, so bad date story. Um, I'm having a hard time like, I can I generally have pretty good dates. Yeah, I had one day that I that the girl just the whole time told me I was a misogynist because I didn't like pop music. Oh, that's awkward. Yeah, we were at a wine bar is nice. And we were just like trying the wine and everything's great. And, and she had mentioned something about pop music in her in her bio and, and is something like, I want somebody who's not too good for pop music. I'm like, so you're really into pop music calm? Yeah. And she's just like, she's like, Well, the problem is, is our culture has told us that that pop music is is a woman's game. And so if you don't like pop music, that means you're a misogynist. I'm just like, Well, hey, but like I like, you know. Katy Perry. times if that's considered for. I mean, Cher has some great stuff. And I'm like naming all these things. I'm like, I love like, artists that are female and stuff like I Yeah, was defending my, my feminism, or whatever. And so it she's just like, Well, yeah, it's just just, it's just misogyny. That's, that's what's caused you to feel this person can't possibly love every pop music. Like, I'm just like, well, I like Michael Jackson. She's like, who's a pedophile? And it was just like, not according to the US heard system. She's like, Oh, you're gonna base it off of that. And I'm like, I guess you're right. I mean, OJ is definitely guilty, but I don't know what to think about Michael Jackson. He's got some great music music, but I wish that to, you know, who sounds like Michael Jackson the weekend? Who knows what he he can sound like him? And I was like, okay, I can see maybe, maybe he should try it. I don't know where Michael Jackson's music rights are but I'd be down to hear about the weekend. Do some Michael Jackson. Yeah. I mean, we can't even sing happy birthday without paying homage to Michael Jackson because he owns the rights to that song so I Oh shit. Well, now what is it? Who owns it now? I don't know. He owned like half the Beatles songs too. Yeah, yeah, I knew that. But you know Smooth Criminal coming from the weekend would be some yeah, here. I also want the freewill a song by the weekend cuz that sounds but have you listened to it? It's great. Said the ending. Honestly. I so I know. The weekend. I know if I heard a song. I'd be like, oh, yeah, that's a weekend song. But I don't know if I know the name of the song. So no, I'm talking about the Michael Jackson free. Well, I saw Okay, yes. But the weekend could sing that he would I actually I'm very convinced he would do a really good job of that. So anyways, so how did that go after that? Did you never talk to her again? did was she like I don't? They ended it was it just kind of fizzle it? Yeah, I just didn't really talk to her after that. Because yeah, yeah. What an interesting stance to take. Yeah, I don't I don't know. And so is that is that me? Is that my it's not your fault. I think that here's the as a woman who stopped jumping, sorry, my cat is being really annoying. As a woman who had to defend her love for Hanson for a lot of her life. I think that it um, it does to people do tend to like see think that you have shitty taste in music. If you say that like, like, Ariana Grande is your favorite or whoever. Yeah, So my guess is that she is come to the this woman has come to the point where she's just tired of having to like, listen to people say, hey your music music sucks and there but I but here's the thing I am 31 years old and by the time I was like 20 I was like I don't care if people make fun of me for it but then it's like people I'll be like, I love David Boeing or like but you also like hey too, and I'm like you have like more than one thing so it's just a weird i don't think it's your fault but I do I'm guessing that's what happened with a woman and she was like annoyed with just everyone in general so but you probably didn't I just got I got the brunt of all the Yes, I'll do and I'll take the hit. I'll take a hit for all your men. I'm here for good we're I'm glad that you You did that on behalf she got it out of her system maybe from now on she's just gonna be like I don't give a shit I love whoever's whoever's hot right now. I don't know who's hot. Oh no Dua Lipa Dua Lipa maybe? Yeah, I don't know. I heard she's bad at dancing. Anyways. Okay, we're moving on. Unless you have another good date story. Was that good? I don't want to keep your hair like forever long because you have somewhere to be so I, I had I went on. Okay, this was a bad date. And probably pin this one on me. But I mean, I I started dating this girl from Colombia 90 Day fiance possibility much after you know, a little while of knowing her, and we're so in love and all that stuff. I'm like, I'm flying out to I'm flying out to see you. And she's like, Oh, my God. Yeah. And so yeah, fly out to Colombia, cut my hair and everything and make myself look all great and whatever. And think, wow, um, this is this is love right here traveling the country across the world to go. And then it was, you know, 10 days of her, like, getting mad at me that I'm slouching and telling me how to cook different food and telling me that I had bad dance moves, and not in a funny way. Like, we're like, dancing. And she's just like, No, no, you're doing it all wrong. You got to move your hips like this. It's like she was ashamed to be near somebody that didn't know how to didn't have rhythm like myself. And yeah, he was like buying me clothes were like super duper tight to like, show all of my so it was a 10 day date. Yeah, I've heard just trying to groom me into the man she wanted. And so I regretfully, like after it went home slowly stopped talking to her, even though I spent, you know, a grander flight of Yeah, it was. Yeah, that was a bad day. You could have been on the show. Before the 90 I love I'm gonna tell you about. I love that reality TV show. And right now, on the TV show. There is a woman from Colombia, who basically is like, You're weird. And I and I needed to stop doing this. I'm not saying that's what all Colombian women are. But it's weird that that is happening to this man. But he's just like, I will do whatever you want me to do. I want to marry you and I. Since it's a sticky situation, that would be you are very brave for going through with that. Oh, you should have at least you should have at least got on the TV show. Yeah, it was a great experience. It's a great story. We'll never do it again. Never going to travel for somebody that I don't know. I absolutely love. Yeah. Yep. Because yeah, that was that was a leap of faith. I had actually had a friend who was dating a Canadian, and he kind of did this crazy thing where he flew out and got her just to make it happen. I was just like, inspired. Like, that's my story to do. Yeah. Oh, wow. That is? Yeah, that sounds terrifying. You made it out is Colombia. Cool? Colombia seems really cool. Oh, Colombia is amazing. Bogota. Yeah. One of one of my favorite cities to be completely sure the people seem really chill lots to do and get anywhere else. And it's yeah, it was it was a great experience. But Justin just didn't. Didn't work out for you. That's Yep, And it might have been cultural differences it. I don't know. But yeah, well, fine. Okay. Our next segment is what you rather's and I just picked the ones that I felt like maybe would be the hardest. I mean, they were the hardest for me, but maybe not for everybody. Okay. What do you rather be trapped inside of video game or have the video game come to life? And I guess you can choose which video game so could be cool. Whatever. Trapped inside of video game. The video game the real life? Yeah. Okay. Do I get all of the abilities of the video game character? I would say if you're trapped inside then yes, but if it's just real life, then no. Right? I would think well, I mean, I would say get trapped in a video game that sounds pretty fun to just kind of like Jumanji the new Jumanji? I haven't seen it. You haven't seen it? I've seen the old Jumanji, but the new ones. They're inside a video guy? Yeah. Oh, yeah, right. Okay. Yeah. No, I haven't. When either but the the other ones great. I don't know. If I would, I would I would be stuck in half life. So that would be amazing. I don't know what that is. But it's a it's like a post apocalyptic video game. You ever want to be stuck in post apocalyptic, but it's just the story is so cool. And it's like you get really cool like, like, weapons and devices, things and problem solving of it is really cool. It would just be fun to live it. I don't know. It's kind of Yeah. All right. On to our next ones. Would you rather know how you're going to die or when you're going to die? Huh? Hmm. Which, probably when I'm going to die, just so that I don't avoid things in my life. Yeah, if it was like, You're going to die on the road. I'm gonna just like well, fuck, I'm never driving again. Yeah. But then you wouldn't know. Bike like, like being on a bike and getting hit by a car. And so it would that would just bring a lot of fear and knowing when kind of gives me the ability to like the old plan and I live like I was dying. Yeah, yes. I agree with that. That's good. Good choice. Okay, one more. Oh, one stuff like that one. Choosing a random. Yeah. Well, you have to choose the one that you don't like. Okay. No, I don't know where it is. I'm not going to worry about Okay, okay. Okay. Would you rather Sharon on screen kiss with George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio? I feel like Leonardo DiCaprio would use like teeth. So definitely go with with George Clooney there. Okay. Have you seen a movie where he's used his teeth? I don't know. I just, he's just an odd person and the way he talks I've just never I've never been drawn to Leo. Yeah, he's got some high levels, but he just kind of seems a little bit like he seems like an actor whereas George Clooney, is who he acts he is he just Yeah, seems like a smooth dude. Yeah, I I feel like if I could go back in time, I would choose young Titanic Leo. Nowadays layout nowadays, Leo. I guess it'd be on screen. But he'd be like, Excuse me. You're over 25 But not a model giveaway. But if it's on screen back with like Romeo and Juliet or Titanic days, hell yeah. Yeah. Even though I was like too young to like, realize that he was like, hot, but I pretended that I thought that because my sister was obsessed with him. And I was like, Yeah, I get it. Even though it was like seven. Like, yeah, we're totally the same. I went to Titanic with my dad. When I was eight years old in the theater. I cannot comprehend. Taking an eight year old to that kind of movie. But I think I annoyed my dad so much because my sister went four times. Yeah. And I And when you're like seven and she she's four years older than It's like, that's what you have to do. Like as a kid, you're like, I need to be my sister and you have to take me and I guess I somehow convinced him, and I sat through a three hour. That would never happen in today's eight year old. My niece is eight and she would never she can't even watch she only watches cartoons. That's wild. Anyways, yeah. Did you like it as an eight year old? I feel like I presented that. I don't know. I don't know what my feelings were. I remember my dad close my eyes for the naked part. And I remember I think I think I saw like a bit of it. Let me like close my eyes and a 16 I was so confused because I was a kid and I was like, oh my god, he died. YC shivering. And I was like, why are they in a car? I did not get it at all. Why is it all steamy? Why? Yeah, no. I thought I thought that he was dying for some reason. And yeah, but I don't remember if I liked it. I think I was really sad. Because he died. But I don't know. I watched it again. We owned it on VHS, and I watched it when I was a little bit older. But I don't know how I felt. I can't imagine that. I genuinely loved it. I was a child. It's it's not a great movie. I'm definitely gonna say that. I don't really like it. I saw it. Yeah. Well, I was like, 24 years old the first time I saw it. Yeah. Um, I'm sure that if I think the last time I watched it, I was like, 18 So I probably I don't know if I could watch it now. I've been watching lots of these like old romances. And I'm like, Oh, this is terrible. Um, I watched what's it called? It has Harrison Ford in it. And Greg Kinnear? Sabrina? Oh, Sabrina had a new one. No, it's Sabrina. The old movie. It's like from the 19 I think Sabrina's a remake from like the 60s or something like that. Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah, but it's terrible. That movie. Oh, my mom was that my mom made me watch it. And I was like, this is not. It's like, it's like my mom is like, one and she's moment where? Yeah, anything she's like, next time we want some Sabrina? Yes, that's exactly and I sat through Oh, my mom was like, I can't watch this with you because I was like, shitting on it because it's just, it's like, pretends it's about this woman but it's not. So what what is your idea of a great romance movie? Pride and Prejudice baby. Which Pride and Prejudice 2005 With with Keira Knightley and connecting the credo and Tom from succession. Yes. I love it. I watch it once a month. It's great. We got one not a you've got no type of type of girl. I actually was gonna make a whole thing of how much I hate them. Because he's lying to her the whole entire time. And then he surest store that her mother owns. He shuts it down. Why is that a love story. And in the end, it's not like he like redeems. Like, he's just like, don't cry. Now. We're at love. We're in love. So now you can get all the proceeds from my gigantic guests box library. Hey, yeah, I thought that was gonna I have this series that I call movie scenes that are supposed to be romantic, but make me feel weird. And that whole movie was gonna be my next one. And I will do it. I just haven't done it yet. But yep. No, it's not that type. i Yeah, yeah. All right. We're gonna move on to red flags and green flags. Is there anything? We can start with red flags on people's profiles that you're like, immediate know, if you see it on somebody's profile. I mean, I am from Utah. And so and I'm dating in Utah. So a median red flag is if they're Mormon. Yeah. That's yeah. Like, I don't care if it says they're liberal or that they're also agnostic. It's just like, that's not something that is for me. Yeah. Yeah. Understandable. Yeah. Yeah. I grew up as a Mormon but no longer but. Yeah. Yeah. Those Those Mormons who say they're sort of Mormon. The Mormon is Some has I don't know how, especially since that one. I don't know his name. Weird guy who basically was like, oh, did you think about how long it took for white people to get the free stuff? They're like it's still it's young. It still was longer for black people. I don't know why you're. That's not a good argument, sir. Yeah, the memes for that, or maybe are even better. So I'm glad you could get the memes. Yeah. And just everything like, yeah, everything you said. I'm like, how do people like still? are okay with being a part of something more? This man who's clearly just lost his marbles? Yeah. Wild. Okay. Any other red flags? Is that the only red flag for you? Red flags if they mentioned something about an ex or if they mentioned something like, cheaters and not to say that like, Oh, I'm I want to be open to cheating or whatever. But just yeah, that trauma being so close to them. Yeah, I didn't want them to view me through that lens. Yeah, that's a good yeah. That's understandable. Another other things if they don't have anything written down in their, in their or have less than two photos? They'd have to be really compelling photos that like really line up with one of my interests. Yeah, I find them really attractive to like be able to do anything with that. Yep. I don't know. What else we can move on to green flags and if anything comes up, okay. Anything that's like, oh, hell yes. This person is for me. Yeah. Do you want to you know, want to know why I swiped on yours. The green flags I saw Yeah, cuz? Because I, you were when they bumbled took away. Oh my. My stuff. Yeah. Oh, my gosh, took down all of your of your prompts. But I guess enough in there that I was like, I'll take a chance. Yeah, what? What were they i I'm gonna be I would if I was on this for like real honest. Like, pot, not just for podcasting, I would probably be a lot weirder. I was like, Okay, I gotta reel people in with my cute face. Yeah. And then honestly, be really interested to see what you would what you would post as Yeah, non podcaster. And so do you find Okay. Quick question for you. Do you find that you have. You're interviewing similar people? Because you're attracting a certain type of person? Yes. 100%. I feel like it's i that am I like, be honest. Am I within that? Like, type of? Yeah, but but I don't think it's bad. It's like, it's people who are just like, like, normal. I don't know, it's hard to explain, just like, normal people have gotten all day. Like people who are normal and are like, have are interesting. I don't know, because I've tried to get other type of people. They're always like, my age. I've gotten one person that's been that was like 22, which was interesting. But once I actually like, asked people like, for their email to get online, I had, like, older people that I almost got on, but they it's always like people in their 30s people who just have like, interesting hobbies and just seemed like normal people. It's like, I feel like everybody has been really interesting, though. And like, there's been two that I feel like have been a little bit different than all the others, which means that they were really nervous and had and were a little bit nerdier I would say but I like talking having but i don't know i But I do think as just like, people who are my age normal, who had probably hang out with in real life. All right. Well, cool, but, but let's hear your green green flag so it doesn't have to be on my butt. Okay, well, music tastes is always a green flag. Yeah. So your music tastes hit some flags there. Which ones I don't even remember. I mean, I know who's so you have all just you so the ones that stood out to me was the Beatles David Bowie Keane and blur Yeah. Love though. was British boys? No. Yeah. Except his keen. I don't think they they are. I can't remember if they are British or not someone you should I recommend highly recommends that's on there I think band called flight if you haven't listened to them. Oh, definitely. I saw that. I have not heard them. So I will. I'm gonna write that down. They're really great. But watch them. Okay. Specifically, you need to watch them on YouTube, their live performances. And they have a really good cover of five years. The David Bowie song that's and they have a really good heaven by talking cats. Yeah. They have a good cover that and they're just great. So listen, because if you like if you like those people, then yeah, I'm always up for recommendations. Laughing glasses is always for some reason. I like I don't know why. i It's not that I look for it. But I look through a lot of my matches. And then I'm like, oh, there's a theme. Yes. I'm looking at kind of a library. Yes, I said we're smart. I guess people think we're intelligent. Yes, well read. Yes. Not a Fred's hide behind some glass. Yes. Yeah. Me I would be terrible in a survival mode. If I lost my glasses. I would be fucked. I don't know why that would be hot. People. I mean, it was a Daphne that always loved. Oh, yeah. It lost her. Velma? Always Alma glasses. Yeah, maybe that's just how that girl? Yeah. Maybe it's to be able to save Velma. Yeah, I'm certain deaths that you know, I would die. I would not be I would not survive without these babies. I'm very blind. Anything else? Green flag green flag. Yes. I like somebody who puts a lot of like effort into their profile and has like things that I can draw upon. There's a million attractive girls out there that I would love to talk to. Nothing to go on. And then I realized I don't really want to talk to somebody that there's nothing to go on. Yeah, so that's something like, humor obviously, is given. Everybody likes somebody who will make them laugh, right? Didn't Marilyn Monroe say if you can make a girl laugh? You can make her do anything? Yeah, I mean, that's probably I'm gonna say not true for me personally, but there's very little that I can get me to do something. Whatever that this guy if he laughed. You wouldn't I your bed? Well, that Yes. For him. He could make me do many things that he wouldn't want to he will be like, Oh, that's weird. bar so low. No, no, no, I'm saying like he would. He's just too respectful. So he'll be like, I want to do what you want to do my cool, run the same page. And we're also he's very awkward. And I'm also very awkward. And sometimes that's the wrong thing to do to hook up to people who are just gonna fill the space with awkwardness, but I think we would like thrive. Me and him we will because we would. I don't know. The fact that he like for a stand up, dressed the same color as his hair. And then also his whole backdrop was the same color of his hair. I'm like, That's it. That's something that I would love to do one day that's how I know you were meant to be that's why he's also photoshopped in one of my pictures on my visit photoshopped I didn't think it was so much it looks as if you're standing in front of like a like a photo. Yeah, I also photoshopped my shoes on you can I just I didn't see that. Now. You know, I professionally work in Photoshop a lot, but you had me fooled. Oh, hell yeah. Yes. So you're so is that your is that your green lights and some awkward boys. Yeah, but it has to be the right type of awkward because I let me tell ya, the wrong type of awkward is just like, I talk a lot when I get nervous. And if there's somebody who doesn't talk at all, when they're nervous that it's just me talking and then I just like, we don't need that. We just need two people who can make things weird. And, you know, make it beautiful. I don't know. Yeah. But here's my green flag. Is there a person that is there a person who's your green flag? A person that's my green flag? Could be a famous person, I would say famous person because then we would all know who you're talking about a green flag? Um, well, I I'm, I've always been weird about not having celebrity crushes for some reason. Okay. Yeah. But the semi famous person that I find so attractive and so cool, is Jessica Dobson from the band deep sea diver. She also captions Oh, for some reason. Yeah. For some reason, and the Yes. So she's guitarist but for some reason, just like, she's like, creative and beautiful and so funny and weird. And like, I don't know why. It's she's an exception, but she married the drummer of her band, and so there's no hope for me there. So could be your I don't know. Maybe he dies. Boots. You can swoop in this weird DM. Hey, I'm your shoulder. You. You are my green flag. That's cool. Yeah, you could just be like, you don't want a drummer to remind you of your dead husband. Hi. I am a musician. That's how you all you have to do. It's perfect. Yeah. Okay, well, I made I know that of the shims and the Yes, so I'll just look her up later. We'll see what her vibe is. Okay, we ran for last question. And this is, I'm going to tell you because I didn't send you the email. I after I asked this question after you answer it, I'm immediately picking up on you. And that will be the end. I'll I'll send you an email afterwards. But that's that's the end of the podcast answer and you and you close off. Oh, okay. All right. You ready for this? Are you in love with me now? Quite possibly touching. Well, there you have another one in the bag. Another man who might possibly love me. Show me what to do that James is and we also found out that he is cousins with a friend of two of my really good friends so his cousin is really good friends with two of my good friends. But I don't really notice them a couple of times. Anyways, weird smallworld if you want to follow us on social media, look at the description and you'll find our social media handles. Yeah, just follow us or fun time. Just do it.

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