Pursuit of Appiness Podcast

Person I Met at My Friend's Wedding Steven

Marta Reeder Season 1 Episode 14

Steven and I met at our good friend's wedding and then everyone peer pressured us to do this episode. Just kidding, I think we both thought it was good idea. We talk about our experiences with Wisconsin based activities and also dog people. 
Sound supervisor B.T. Measles
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This is Marta, the host of the podcast pursuit of happiness. And this week, we talked to someone I met at a wedding, Steven, and we discuss things like how it's annoying that Wisconsinites are always asked if they love cheese. And also how the movies lied. And it's really awkward to have somebody saying to your face, so stay tuned Steve is have you ever said to dick pic this is our icebreaker. The only goes it's easier from here on out. Yeah, you're starting with the feet right away. Yeah. I think the question is kind of twofold. On the surface level, totally. I have sent a dick pic. I've sent dick pics to people that I've been in relationships with. So yeah, you know, that's that's fair. That's kind of a two way street. But I think that's a that's an appropriate time to do it. And I give people pass when that is the situation. Okay. It's bold. If you just straight up send a dick pic though. Maybe after like one or two dates or like someone you're trying to romantically become involved with? Not yet. I rent. I can't imagine that that works. Often, but maybe it does. I don't know. Maybe I haven't had personal success, nor am I so bold to do so. But yeah, it's a it's a it's a dart at a dartboard. You just chucking it out there hoping something lands but good. That's good. Okay, we're gonna ask you some questions that help us our listeners get to know you a little bit. So first question, what is your favorite movie? If you have one? Otherwise I can like last movie you watched and if you liked it, but that doesn't tell us that favorite favorite movie. And honestly, I kind of cheesy I grew up playing sports. I love sports that are a big part of my life. I always was a fan of the underdog. And for me, rocky one the first rocky okay, I know. It's like 70s It's so old. I know. I don't know. I don't think I think old movies are great. I just haven't seen either of those huge fan I'll admit like my family video. I would always try to rent a Rocky movie. I just loved the boxing scenes. Sylvester Stallone lover love them or hate them but yeah, rocky one that was like that's probably my favorite movie. I have a poster somewhere but the big rocky fan okay, isn't there like 10 of those movies? There's yeah, there's a fucking wondered. Yeah, they're insane. And they'll just get worse and worse as they go along. Rocky so if you're going to commit to rocky one is the one to go. Yeah. Okay, next question is what is your top Spotify artists if you don't use Spotify, just your favorite your favorite music The first? Great, great question music today. No, no, I love it. Musics preferred over movies for sure. In terms of the medium most of art I mean, what would surprise people maybe is that I love country music. Country music is my favorite. I grew up on like 80s 90s classic country. So I mean, you know the Mount Rushmore for me is like, you know, George Strait, Alan Jackson Brooks and Dunn Shania Twain those you know the Clint Black like there's a whole list of of faves on there more presently. I mean I love ironically as well. Dad rock I love the Grateful Dead Peter Frampton you know, anything anything? That's nostalgic? Certainly to some of my favorites. More modern the I mean, I love like Charlie sex. You know, just I have a wide a wide range of music. Enjoy. Not I would say the only things that are maybe off my radar. I mean, something that's maybe a little heavier, a little more screaming 10 tense vocals and tense guitars. Ironically enough, our friend Steven Yeah, he's, he's kind of he's shifted my power. He's kind of been my ease into that genre so thankful for that. Getting getting getting a little more adverse that that genre of music, but honestly, he knows that I will not. We've been friends for a long time and he's never tried to have me listen to it. So I think he knows that I trust my cup of tea. Yeah, if she ever ever recommend something I take it you know, take it as you will and trust that he's, he's, he knows you're always with us always make like playlist for each other. We didn't start doing again. That's what was our go to thing. Okay, so you don't have like a number one. You're number one go to that's like, if you're feeling a certain way. might say, let's say my number one favorite song of all time or favorite artists probably are with me. I would say probably. John Mayer would probably my favorite artists. Favorite song of all time would be show me the way by Peter Frampton. That's like my that's my version of sawn spoiler. Oh, yeah. You haven't seen through. I just finished the last episode to yesterday. And I already had the whole thing spoiled for me before I finished it. Because if you look anywhere, so yeah, but Okay, that's it. That's a good like way to ask somebody. Next question, what is your job? But don't tell us where you work? And? Yeah, because they don't want you to get in trouble or? Sure. Whatever. What do you do for your job? Yeah. In general, I work in sales. I actually literally just got a new job on Friday. So we're recording or recording on Sunday. I just got a new job on Friday. Yes, I work in sales. Well, we'll put it as that. Yeah, technology. And then last question, you can interpret this however you feel works for you. What is wrong with you? What's wrong? What is wrong with me? I'm setting up the podcast. I mean, I want to if you want to make it about dating, that's yeah, you can choose to go that we're in. We're in the environment of dating subject of date. Yeah. I mean, honestly, I'm just pretty complacent and happy with where I'm at. But I don't know if that's a bad thing. You know, I'm just like, so fixed in my routine. And I know what I need what, what makes me feel complete right now. But that that can change. But I guess maybe that's kind of what's wrong with me if you will, but might not be. Yeah, what someone could maybe because wrong with you. But if you're happy? Yeah. Yeah, I think that's fine. For sure. Yeah. Okay, we're moving on to our segment called overgeneralize questions for men, about men. So if you don't feel like you connect to the question, because you're not that type of man, just guess your best guess of why men do this. Or you can answer for your own your own answer. Okay. Okay, this is when I found out the internet. What does it take to get to relationship status? I haven't asked this one before, you know, for anyone. Yeah, for I guess. You can say what you think men what men need or yourself? I mean, yeah. All you both. I think, you know, subjectively as men, and I there's air quotes around this for the viewers who can't see me Yes. Yeah, like, I think there's a lot of things that men have in terms of expectations, which you know, aren't really fair or realistic, and are really unfair, if that that kind of put pressure on women to like make it official or make it exclusive or make it a relationship which I think is completely you know, bullshit it's like, you know, I just I just think it's also it's based on you know, the the individual vendor relationship there's really no laws or things that should define like what makes over a relationship so yeah, so subjective to the to industry. roles and kind of that leans towards what I think is a relationship I think are you know, two people that equally mutually benefit from being together spending time together, they invest in each other and, you know, build off each other's success. I think that's important. You know, and are also like genuinely interested in those in those people. Those two people in the relationship as individuals, that's really important. Because like, it's not like, like that term relationship. Like unfortunately, I think muddles two people together to like one amoeba of being, but like, that's not, that's not really like, what I think their relationship is, it's really not. And a lot of people who have the shared social media, does that have changed? cringe? No, no, no, no, you're good. I love that. Like that's, that's totally true, like people who just completely morph into one being, but they're two individuals. So I think the friends that I have that are in relationships that I really appreciate, and love. They're so strong individuals, and they only make each other better. And I think that's really important. That's what helps make it a relationship. So yeah, you got to know who you are. Totally. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, good answer. Let's move on to another question. Why don't men care about babies? Yeah, I don't know. That's, that's a that's a tough question. Again, can kind of give that two fold answer. I mean, I think yes. It's funny. I'll go the other way. This time, I have a friend won't name him. Love him. He's a longtime friend of mine. I've known him since we were kids. And he's gotten in his very serious relationship with someone. And she now has a niece. And he's so like, afraid to like, even interact and talk about it. And I'm like, Dude, it's a child. It's a it's a baby. It's a tiny human. Like, yeah, just like, engage, talk about it. Like, he's like, Oh, I'm not gonna hold it. I'm not gonna hold. I'm not gonna hold like, I'm like, dude, just like, just relax. It's, you know, I don't know. It's, it's, it's interesting to see. I think men are maybe worried about burying the, again, air quotes burden maybe or the responsibility of the kid. Like, that's, that's a big deal. Like, it's a lot. Yeah, I mean, I know people that are single mothers, or single parents, and there's a lot of responsibility. And yeah, it's, it's, it takes it takes a team. It takes a big effort. And I think men maybe are kind of gun shy of that, for whatever reason. I don't know. Yeah. I also think, here's, here's the theory I have. Yeah, that's more like, nothing is more, like, terrifying. And like, everybody around you will judge you if you hold a baby and it starts crying. Like I felt like, I don't know, I would get babies like me. Babies like me. They don't generally cry around me. Sure. But sure. That would be embarrassing. And I think that also babies. Like for instance, my niece is a COVID baby. So she like, doesn't know anyone outside or family really? Okay. And I think that makes her like a little bit. I have sisters and okay, like, the only guy man she knows her, her dad, but I think other men kind of freak her out. So like for her. If a guy tried to, like when she was a baby try to hold her she'd probably freak out because I used to, but babies born outside of COVID I don't know what it means. Gotta be comfortable. They can sense it. They can sense it on you if you're afraid and they're like, I don't want to be in this person's arm. Like granted, like holding a baby when they cry. like, Yo, like that. That is scary. Like it's kind of it's a little much like, if you don't know what to do. Yeah, totally, totally know, like, I'll admit, and like I hadn't held a baby until granted. I haven't had the opportunity to do so. until like, my family started to have kids and it was kind of it was a little scary, but you just got to kind of rip that band aid off at some point. I think if you're if you're wanting to be A parent or mother father figure in someone's life. That's an important, important, important thing to take on before you dive headfirst into like, Yeah, this is your Yeah. Baby around. Yeah. Yeah, I think babies are great, especially when they're newborn. They're easy. They're cute. I mean, they're not that cute when they're newborns, but they're really like, they're cute in a weird way. In a scary way. Like, I like I like, you know, my my nieces and are my cousins, my baby nieces that I've had. So it's, it's fun. Yeah. Okay. Here is our last question. And because you know, so much, you just have a big variety of musical tastes. Hopefully you can answer this question, because nobody else seems to think this is a real thing. Why are there so many songs about little black dresses? Or dresses? Or little dresses? Yeah, you know, I mean, probably the men who wrote them had a lot of women to write about. And right away, I don't know, like, probably every rock rock band. had fans and groupies if you will. I'm sure every, every every, you know, band has written a song about love or, you know, a crush that they've had her girl and black dress blue dress white dress? Yeah. I don't know. Yeah, that's a that's a? That's a deep question. I just want to like, I need to make a list. I'm gonna make a playlist of songs that that have dresses. So people don't think this question is dumb, because I can actually do I blanked. I was like, what are the songs that came to mind for you? Well, it's, it's because they're posters right in front of my face. They're a band called flight. And they have one that's about, he bought his girlfriend a dress. And he's sad because they're broken up. And then basically, another one is about how this woman just can get anything she wants. Because she is hot and just wearing a dress. But yeah, so it's two by one band. They both kind of have sad, sad references. It sounds like yeah, so. Yeah, it's like, yeah, I don't know. I guess the these kinds of bad dogs. It's a subject that's worth writing about. Because people can relate to it. I'm sure. Just yeah, a dress a beautiful woman. I can. Swift has like 10 songs about her and address. She has songs that everything. Yeah, there's a Taylor Swift song for every setting. And your subject. I feel like she has at least two that say red dresses. So red dress. Hey, go. Yeah. Okay. Do you feel like you answered that question? How you're, you want to move on? Yeah, that was that was the best investment so far. That's not me. I think that was that was a good one. I like that. If you hear a song, I'm gonna start Yeah, I'm gonna add to this playlist. Okay, let's do it. Next one. Next segment. We're gonna, I looked at your screenshots. I didn't get your voice. I mean, I obviously didn't see your voicemail. So we're not talking about those because I didn't. But I'm going to ask you questions and kind of interpret why I think you chose certain prompts or pictures or whatever. And then you can answer what why you really chose the prompts or whatever. Okay, sounds good. So, here is our first question about your profile. You have a photo of yourself with the prompt as seen on my mom's fridge. Is this you saying that you're a mama's boy and women have to be approved by mom I also just watched this reality show where are these women are dating moms boys, so it was just fresh in my mind? Anyways? Answer Yeah. Is that's the photo that's me like that. Right? Yeah, you're saying the ocean. I'm on a boat the lake. Yeah, that's that's a good one. How's your relationship with your mother? Steven? That's what we're asking. Yeah, really? That's the heart of the question. No, I love my mom. She's She's certainly a big, big part of my life. I will say not a mama's boy quote unquote. But yeah, you're not I'm weird. I mean, oh, Mama's Boy, there's a certain line. There's translations of what that means. Yeah, totally. No. But to your point of the reality show I've seen, I've seen like little tic TOCs and clips of it cringe. It's like, yeah, disgusting, terrible. It's terrible. And so it's terrible. But no, I'm not to that extent. But I will say, I know my mom. It's hilarious because any girl that I date, and granted, this isn't important to me, putting for the record out there, but I was raised in a very religious, Irish Catholic household, my mom, and any girl that I date and have gone out with or like, have gotten serious about, she always asks, well, what was she Catholic? Or like, does she go to church or like what you know? And for many of those responses I've gone on, it's not important. Don't worry about it. No, she's not. Or she isn't really, you know, like, I don't. It's not a it's not a big decider for me. My mom doesn't know. Yeah, but I will always listen to my mom's rant or inquiry or input doesn't necessarily mean I abide by it or follow it. But yeah, I don't know that picture too, is just like me just being cool. Just casual, I guess. Yeah, you're on a boat, and you're on a lake. You gotta show off, but you don't have some motion sickness. I guess. I think I would be bad at that. Now. I used to be fine with boats. But now I have an inner ear saying that my hearing doctor was like, Have you ever been hit in the head really hard? And I was like, nope. And he's like, this is weird. You're not old enough for this to be a thing. But you have. So now I just get better. Yeah, so explain this. It's very hard to explain. So you have these things in your ears are filled with like little balls. Ball, and there's a sack that holds up. And it's your inner ear. And people like me for some reason. They the little Bull's Corona sack and it makes you like, have the dizziness is like spinning like insanely. Yeah, like you are drunk. I should not have driven when I did like, Oh my God, it was dangerous. But I drove because I didn't have a choice. But yeah, you basically how you resolve this issue is you lay down and turn your head, and they have little balls go back in the sack. But sometimes I don't know. Like, I don't do it good enough. And so I'm dizzy for a little while. And then I have to go to the doctor and they tell me how to do it properly. But yeah. You could go on boats, and it's fine. But it would be fine. Maybe? Yeah, it's a draw maybe to I mean, I think you know, you know, kind of gives the context that you could join. Yeah, you know, somebody with a boat, or? Yeah, yeah, you do that. Right. Okay. So here we're going back to music. You say your love language is sending each other music? Is this a certain secret way to judge someone because you have a secret music turned off that if they tell you you're like get out of here I don't know about turn off. I like it. I don't know if there's any artists or genres maybe that are like on my No, not maybe like Christian rock. Oh, yeah. By the way, Oh, yeah. Cool. swearing. Yeah, we said we said we said Dick Right off the bat. So I just wanted to confirm, but ya know, get the fuck out here. I'm not gonna. And if that's your thing, hey, do your do your thing. Just don't send it to me. But no, I don't think there's any like judgment, but I think it's a very clear like indication of how someone's feelings. And so kind of you know, music can be a way of saying I'm here for you or care for you. I love you or I'm thinking of you. And I think that's really that's really pretty really beautiful. So yeah, like like the classic making someone a mixtape like that that love languages r&b. Like that's so circa you know, forever ago, so now it's like, hey, let's make a Spotify playlist together. Yeah, or you know, those late those late night texts were like, Hey, I'm thinking of you this song made me think about you and like, like for her on her the other end it's like, oh, shit, like, I imagine she's probably like, wow, what lyric or what moment in the song? I think that's kind of that's cute. I think that's really enriching in a relationship. So yeah, I miss burn CDs. That was my back. Yes. Yeah, I was 17 socks, you could put on it and I had like a sticker. You could I could make stickers on my computer that were shaped circle my wrist. Ally's stickers on top. Wow. Yeah, I was That's the worst. The worst would be like where you you'd burn a girl's CD and like, it would be from Limewire. And there'd be some fuckin ad on there but the song makes like little eighth grade me like thinking this is my at the love of my life. Hey, I'm basically thinking about you. And it's just some shitty songs. Even addition of whatever song I send her, but anywho Yeah. Do you know what? Did you ever use Napster? Yeah, I was. Okay. When I was young. One of my favorite bands. We've talked about this my favorite band Hanson. You don't know who they are, because you're too young. But there was a song that was on Napster and said Hanson saying it. And we were like, Oh, it must be Zach, who is the youngest? Who was like, like a child. So he didn't go through puberty yet. And the next album that was supposed to come out, it was like he was going through puberty. So we, it was a reveal of his new voice, basically. Okay, so we further like two years, we thought this live version of a cheap trick. SOG was Hansen and then they played it on the radio, and we're like, they're playing it and my dad was like, the is not Hanson. That is cheap trick. And it was true. It was, but they did that song on a tour one year. So in our defense, it came full circle, like Yeah, he, his, his adult voice kind of sounds like that. But we didn't know. And for years, it was Napster. Somebody put it on and told us it was a lie. I know you want it. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was. It was. It was the wild wild west back in those days. Yeah. Every time I hear that song, it just reminds me of thinking. That's cool. Hanson was being played on an oldies station. What? No, that's, that's awesome. Yeah. Okay, so next question. On your profile, you say your type of weird is that you live and die by the expiration date on food? Is this you telling women that you are superior to most men, because you might notice the small things? That is a great spin. I should use that. Thank you. That's a tip. I gotta I gotta I gotta implement that now in my in my game, but I know I swear to God, I'm the fucking worse that like I like if it's been a day before or day after it's in the trash. I'm not gonna eat it. You don't even like smell it. Don't even smell it. And it's like, I haven't even gotten food poisoning. Yes. It's just like, I don't know. I'm just pretty OCD about that. I like, I like to know. Like, you know, things are okay. Things are good. Food wise. Yeah, you want to avoid like getting sick. And anyway. So no, it's, it's just maybe a little OCD thing. Yeah. Some people hate it. Like I live with college roommates. And I would, I would always be like, you know, how old is this? Or like, when did you when did you buy this book? This is like three months old. Now. It's still good to be like, let's not throw it away. And maybe I'm getting scammed. Maybe I'm falling to the system, but I won't. Something's probably but that's like, my sister's the same way. And I think that it's good that I have that balance because I probably would eat rotten food because I don't think about it. Now, because I don't like I can't have I don't drink milk. My sister doesn't drink milk. But that's like the number one thing I mean, either. I don't know. I say I have lactose free milk for my coffee, which probably will go rotten stuff. I should check but like when's the last time someone had a glass? Porridge? Had a glass of 2% milk good dinner. Like what do you like seven years old? I don't know maybe after a crowd here, but those are basically yeah, how could you imagine like old see like that? That's what I'm saying. That's my fear. Like I order I go to a bar and they didn't shut and like I just get terrible sickness like that would suck. Night over. Yeah, going home. It's game over. I'm out. Sorry. I mean, that's a good I think that's a good thing to have. And I think probably, I mean, if you don't find somebody who is like that, it's probably good for them to have someone like that in their life so they don't eat the rock. I'm gonna Take that into consideration. Yes, yeah. So thank you. So good. Okay. Next. This also has to do with dairy. And you are from Wisconsin. Would you say that you love cheese more than the average person? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, I mean, Wisconsin is certainly the land of of dairy cheese. It's also the land of beer. So those two kind of go hand in hand. I mean, yeah, I love I love cheese. I think cheese goes on everything. Yeah, I'm a big big cheese Big Cheese guy. But I will say to like, it's not. That's kind of the struggle is cheese goes. goes to your gut. It's not it's not maybe the best food for areas that were best fit for you. Yeah, General. So I've I've enjoyed a moderation. I've kind of tame that. tame that taste. Yeah, but it's Wisconsin is like bold about their dairy are going. And of course, all the other things like meat a year and yeah. So my follow up question is the most annoying people question that people ask you about being from Wisconsin, is the cheese question. Yeah, they're later you you're a cheesehead now, or they go like whiskey dance. And you don't? I've tried so hard. Thank you. Thank you. I tried very hard to not have an accent because I love my home state parts. A lot of parts of my home state not all state. That is one thing I've tried to avoid for sure. Yeah, my mom is my mom's from Wisconsin. And really? Yes. And so she's from bloomer, which is the jump rope capital of the world if you didn't know that. Taking notes. Oh, yeah. But we people will ask us if we're from like the Midwest, because I think she doesn't sound like she's from Wisconsin anymore. But like when she gets around certain people she'll like, yeah, accent comes out. Yeah, totally. Yeah. I think that it's widdle. Like caner trip down on us. Even if you're if you're like drinking some beers and watching the Packers game, like it'll it'll leak out, I'll admit, but yeah, subconsciously, I'm very much so trying to not get to that. That point. Yeah. I'm sad. I never Well, I only went to Wisconsin when I was a child. So I couldn't be here. But I also had LDS family growing up so they wouldn't have given us but now I want to go to Wisconsin and get Yeah, so beer x if you need some recommendation. Let me know boy, he's fun. Walk is a good time. There's there's good spots. But yeah, it's it's it's nice in the summer. It's not nice. Yeah. We only went in the summer and we just stayed to my grandparents had a lake house on a place called X handle Lake and Banner. It was summer. Just up north now. It's like, it's so much ado. Yeah, yeah. Cool. Yeah. Well, look at that. So I did ask you a toy question, but I do know a little bit about what's going on. Okay, so I wrote this one. I was very hungry. And so keep that in mind. For your prompt. My weekends look like this. It looks like your delicious chicken sandwich. Is this you trying to say that dating is like eating this delicious chicken. Oh, it's like a really good I think it's a chicken sandwich. It looks really good. It is. Yeah, you're correct. It is a spicy chicken sandwich. So maybe there's underlying context there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, that was at a place called spicy boys. Which food truck adjacent to Zilker brewing here in Austin, Texas where I live shout out 512 ladies out there Yeah, I yeah, I love that spot. It's a great it's a great spot. Very, I mean, like, I think the context maybe if there's any letter that is under there, it's just like, very casual. Like, I love to go out and try nice food and or eat, eat in some cool places. And if anyone in Austin like saw me eating a chicken sandwich, like the prompt I'm trying to gain from that picture. Maybe it's like, oh, where's that sandwich from or like, Oh, I know the best place for chicken sandwich. is and maybe they've been to spicy boys or maybe they've been to fly right? Or, you know other other locations in here in Austin. So trying to get a response. That one. I mean, I think that's I probably what it's I was really hungry and I was like that sandwich. And that's, that's a double. It's a double whammy if it's if she's hungry and she's curious. Yeah. So there you go. I feel like Austin has like, a lot of good date. They just have cool things to do there. So it's a great it's a great city to be it's just hot as fuck right now. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's hot here, but it's not humid. And I'd take dry hot heat over humid heat any days. Yeah. Yeah, I had a few nosebleeds when I was in Utah. Oh, yeah, it was like so. Like, I was like, the worst was like I woke up hungover after one night out at some of the bars around or Yeah, y'all live. And I was like, yeah, like hurt my head. Like, what is going on? I was like, What the hell? And I texted people and they're like, no, no, it's just the humidity you'll get or the dry. You'll get humid. Yeah. Oh, yes. And maybe altitude. Maybe a little bit. That too. I don't know. I've never I've never been mountain areas before. Yeah. So basically, every time I work out, I'm doing high altitude training. I'm gonna tell you when I go anywhere else. I'm like, holy shit. I'm so in shape. This is like I could breathe. No. Follow up question. What's the best first state food? Do you think? Ooh. So I think I think there's two schools of thought. You can obviously go the safe route, right? safe route is like fork and knife. Right? Everyone, everyone looks much more presentable, more attractive. Maybe if you will win fortnight, it's the safe bet. You could go steak. You know, somewhere, you can get entrees like pasta, maybe wine share a bottle of wine. If you feel really confident, though, and I've had some dates where I felt super confident with whoever I saw, like, fuck it. Let's get chicken wings. So that's like, you know, I don't know, let's go to the barbecue spot. And furthermore, into that into that prompt is like, dining out here in Austin. It's hot. So like, you might get stuck with the table outside. Okay, you're factoring in all that? That also? No, but like people just accept it. I've been on a couple of dates here and like, like, do you just accept the heat of like, yeah, we're both. We're both over. We're hot. Like we're sitting outside. We're sharing a drink or like, it's just something that's part of the norm, I guess. But yeah. Definitely. outdoor seating is if it's so hot, because it's so packed. Like there's no, they compensate with like vans? And little like the D like, tapes. Stroke. Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. I don't know. But you just roll with it. Yeah, but you could go safe bet or rip the band aid off either either. Or you just got to feel like you gotta you gotta take someone to messy food to say yeah. Okay. That's very telling. Yeah, I don't know, for me. I mean, yeah, I would kind of want to know, I have a I have something called misophonia which is I hate the sound of certain things. And chewing is one of them. And I would want to see how this person eats. But I don't know. I know eat Q either. So I could really work against me, but okay, I don't know. Just like, show your true colors. Totally. My Yeah, you're not you're not wrong. You're not wrong. That's that's a good point. I think it's very telling someone right off the bat. You know, what you're getting into? Yeah, totally. Okay, last question about your profile. I've felt like I have to ask every person who has one of these those questions. What do I mean Do Do men have this primal desire to take bathroom selfies? And did you do it to show how much cleaner your bathroom is than the average Joe which yours is? I'm going to tell you right now. You're Your mirrors much cleaner than most. So, thank you. Thank you. That's not my ear but that's that's maybe the facade I'm putting out there. No. Like that. That was one of my good friends bathroom. He had just moved into that apartment and we we were hanging out and I was like, this is a good pic this is this is a good lighting like the ambiance lighting for the viewers at home. Purple, backlit kind of ambiance. I looked, I thought I looked good. And I just shot the pic. But in terms of like male dominance, I don't know. I mean, I just think like, that's just a sad attempt. And I'm guilty of it clearly. Just like saying like, yeah, look, check me out. Like, look at me. This is this is me. I think girls have it too, though. Like, girls take pictures, like bathroom selfies, no button selfies, but like selfies. Yeah, we're like, oh, I mean, I used to take some mirror selfies because I wanted people to see my outfit. And at that time, they probably had cell timers. I just didn't know how to do it. But I get it. I get it. It's just like weird. How many men have those? No, it feels like a competition. Like who has the best mirror selfie? And that's why I have to ask. That's not so good. That's a good question. I definitely. I imagine it's a staple in every every guy's page, etc. That are the like the hunting or fishing. Yeah, fishing thing. I do not have one of those if you go okay, so Marta, if you go up to Wisconsin, swear to God. No. Yeah, it's fucking It's brutal. It's brutal. Yeah, that's like my cousins are that so? Yeah, I would imagine that a lot of friends have mentioned that. My cousins. Third colors were like hunting. Orange for Orange. Yeah. Oh, no. They don't listen to like, touch it. So I've had some studies. Like, like, have been looking at their profiles. Like what do you think man? Like? Do you think this? Looks Hey, man, that fucking point book she's really gonna love. But hey, some women. Some women? Yeah, you know, birds of a feather? Yeah. find each other. Yeah. Is that a thing? And I in Austin? I feel like Texas would maybe have hunting things. Maybe Maybe not in Austin. I don't know. I mean, it's like, full of like, film dudes and music dudes. And? Yeah, well, I mean, like, the girls that I saw, like the girls that I've seen in, in, in Wisconsin. I mean, there's some that are like, you know, camo green, like blazing or taunting. And you know, you can't I mean, like, I'm swiping left on that. I'm sorry, but like, that's not me. Yeah, that's not my it's not my vibe. But like, here. It's, it is a lot of like, Art and Film or you know, I also think to here in Austin, like a maybe we'll get into later but like, it's it's a it's a tough market. Here. It is. I think. It's, there's just there's a lot of attractive people here. It's just yeah. Cool city. Big cool city, young city. Lot of transplants. So I think one thing that I tried to incorporate in my profile and something that I think is a great like conversation starters, schools, so like, if I see a UW Wisconsin grad like, Yeah, that's awesome. Cool. Hey, you know, I studied I went to UW Milwaukee, what did you study? Or, you know, so there's, there's a lot of competition, and people, but I think that's also leads for a lot of opportunity. So you just gotta gotta gotta be patient. play your cards. Right? And, ya know, but yeah, there. That's my two cents on awesome. Yeah. Did you look at your apps when you were in Utah? How do you feel about that? If you looked? I did. I did. I did. Okay. Totally. When you when you go to a new when you get a new spot, and full disclosure to like, I think like, subjectively, I suck at these apps. It's not my style, my favorite way to meet new people or date people, but it's just fun to experience the passage of time to your point, like being in Utah, I'm like, Yeah, let's see what who's out here. And I liked Utah where we were specifically salt Like city, some of some of who I saw in there, I was like, yeah, they cool like maybe yeah, maybe you know, cool tattoos are like, more my, my, you know, same same wavelength. But I know we're where we were Democrat geographically demographically, like I was like yeah maybe maybe probably not there's not a wide of a big net here. But yeah, it was it was interesting. Yeah, I was a lot a lot of swipe left and accidental admit but well yeah we got a lot of Mormons, but I feel like it's like real stuff a lot of really outdoorsy people. People are saying that there's not that many rock climbing chicks on the dating apps, but I don't know. In general, meeting dudes at the climbing gym. Yeah, I heard never. I need to learn about a climbing dude on one of your episodes before? Oh, yes, yes. Yes. There's lots that's there's a lot of them. There's that's interesting. I don't Yeah, that's that's an interesting take for sure. Yeah, okay. Are you ready for her fun portion? rather's Sure? Once the mix these, okay. Oh, this is a fun one. Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every song you hear? sing or dance or sing along? Saying 100% Show off you're pretty quick to say you're not a dancer. I mean, we you have a singing thing on your data? Here. Correct? Correct. And by the way, too, I also I send you I think Bumble but my Tinder my Bumble match. They're literally okay. Yeah. But my hinge gives me the opportunity. I think the best setting to I think changes the superior 100% I was mentioning this to someone else earlier. I think hinges is a little bit more. They make you have to tell. Yeah, they have to say more interactive stuff. Yeah. And to that point, like if I am able to sing or present myself in a different light, like that's cool. So yeah, answer singing I just I'm not a dancer. I think I need like little you know, little encourage to get up and dance. Yeah, liquid encouragement maybe to dance. My dance because I like singing but I'm terrible at it. So okay. Okay, it's fair. I stepped start the dance parties. So that's my I saw that I witnessed that live that happened. Yeah, I just can't believe how long I danced in my high heels. That's probably really the most I remember. And then I was like, nope, gonna take them off says dance and I'm like, gross floor. But whatever. That was fun. That was fun. Okay, next would you rather would you rather spend a week in a forest or a night in a real haunted house? fight that. I'm going I'm going Forrest. I'm sorry. So I think like I have two big fears probably in my life. And just was talking with some important people now I thought this recently, sharks and like haunted stuff now like I'm not about that. I don't I don't want to I don't even want to get there. So I would go forest now forest also pretty scary. I think. You got to be Yeah, to come prepared. Like I hope to have proper clothing. Camp attire camp gear? I would say yeah. Okay, you're in both situations you're prepared fully for a week in the forest or neither a haunted house I don't know how to be prepared in a haunted house. But you would be Yeah, but that's that's a scary you know, 12 hours or however long you would do to be there. I'm gonna I'm gonna go a week in the forest because there's daylight you and you know, you can you can thrive on that environment. I'll go over forest we can afford. What's the scariest shirt but are you sick? Because it scares sure all of them. I mean, obviously the Great White is of course the biggest, you know? Yeah. Fear. I was just joking. They're not the most they're not the most aggressive. I know like, sharks, tiger sharks. Those are the more aggressive ones I've studied. Yeah. I was joking earlier with our good friend Steven McKenna. Yes. It was like, if I had a gun, and I was in the water, and I was in I was had a gun in the water. or, and a shark was swimming towards me. I would just fucking kill myself so the bullet bullet would like we you know, miss the trajectory would be off because of physics and being in water. I don't want to get bit by a shark. I'm just like, that's just so scary. Like, if the love of my life if I let's say I meet her on one of these apps, God forbid, meet all these apps and she's like, Babe, let's honeymoon. Let's go swimming, snorkeling. I'll be like fun. I love you the fuck that. Like, that's all like, well, we'll go we'll go. I'll go knees deep. Knees deep. Yeah, but you just gotta go. You gotta what's so you got to do build a relationship with a dolphin and then one be friendly. Yeah, man, you can be like, This is my dolphin friend and he will defend you because I've heard that happens that orca whales are scary, too. Yeah, they're not scary. They're not going to eat you. They've never eaten the first. Free really was an inside job. I don't know. Free Willy they actually freed well, that wanted to know specifically. Yeah, they do because they're like we're seeing how can we make this will you actually be still imprisoned? When we made this entire movie about it until they freed him? He's dead now. But he looked at my wild for RFP. Okay. But I'm, I'm afraid to sharks, but yeah, I don't. I don't think they were like not afraid of eating me. They're just like big. And that's scary. But I think I would probably go, you can in Tonga, you can go go swim with humpback whales, which is like that anywhere else. Cool. So I'd still be scared of sharks. But the whales are their prey. Yeah, they prefer they prefer the whale over me. My chance there was a story about a humpback saving someone from something I don't know if it was a shark but it kept on like, pushing her and she's like what's happening? And then she saw like, oh, that's why I love sweet. How can you Wales moral of the story need to be friends, some friends? Some whales and then you'll be fine. Yeah. Okay. Wait, I had one more and then I put it away for some reason. Okay, one more question all yours. Would you rather have a permanent Splinter under your big toenail or have a bad hair cut the rest of your life? Oh, no. That's I'm gonna go big. Splinter under big toe. Yeah, you probably get used to it after a while. Yeah, right. You could just figure it out. You could. You could you could. You know. Take that one. But like everyone sees your face and your hair your eye. I mean, toot my own horn here. I think I have good hair. I like my hair. I don't want to have a better cut. Like I'm pretty pretty religious actually about getting kidding. Yeah, if you have nice hair on your man, you gotta take advantage of that. Because yeah, yeah, according to tick tock. bald men are pissed off at women because women don't like bald men, which is not true. But cording people tick tock. Oh, really? Is that a thing? Man's out. Yeah, they just are. Both men are a little bitches because they think women don't like their balls. And I'm like, No, that's not why it's probably this other reason. I guess you can be I mean, I have some friends who were bald. They pull it off. They have people glue though. Have wigs men have wigs? I bought also watch that on tick tock. It looks very real. You can glue those onto your head so I've seen that you have no excuse. That's that's yeah, that's a big that's a tough that's a I feel like that's a tough totally adjacent to your question, but I did say yes. Tough probably a tough bridge for man across like yeah, I'm gonna do like yeah, it makes you feel better. Yeah, it gives you confidence. You know, I mean, like, you know, I don't know I mean, the other side of the coin there's like, you know, women you know, get get fillers or get you know, yeah, cosmetic surgery. I think guys don't have as many tools in the toolbox if you will, to kind of pick themselves up and I asthmatic sense. Yeah, I not against awake to. I'll be like, do what you want, if it makes you. Yeah. Okay, now we're gonna move on to do you have a story, a bad date story? It doesn't necessarily have to be apps, but I always say that it's like, that's just apps breed a bad situation if there's going to be one. So what's Yeah, I think I thought about this question a lot. Just kind of, I knew this would be a question you've asked probably is, tell me about a time when are bad, bad date, that date story? I think for just in the grand scheme of it all, I think women probably have a few more stories than men, because there's a wider spectrum of creepy, or like, holy shit, what fuck type of men that are probably on this app or on these apps. But I guess maybe like, cringe or awkward moments I've had with some, some dates. I remember during COVID I did a virtual date with this girl. It was cool. It was her idea. She wanted to do this as I was like, Sure, you know, with COVID It was during the height of COVID. And turns out she had been you know, kind of a struggling actress. She was in some musicals, she was doing some some art in that arena. And she like wanted to sing for me so bad. Like she like really wanted and this was like, not even a conversation. She was like, wanting to show me her vocal range. And I shit you not. I'm wearing like, these headphones. I'm wearing like, we're in this setting. Right now we are nouns. Yeah. And she's just belting from like, from top to bottom and, and she just goes goes through it and like expects me to be like, just enthralled with her performance crying while I'm I'm deaf. I'm just like, I can't even hear I'm like, Oh, that's so cool. Awesome. That's really awesome. That's really cool. I was Oh, that's really cool. Really impressed. I was just yeah, that was very awkward. We did not go out after didn't didn't ask you to sing for her afterwards. Yeah, so this was on hinge that you did see that? Yeah, video. I've had that video up for a while that video is actually pretty old. A lot of a lot of my pictures are honestly pretty old. Admittedly, those apps they like them. So it's fine. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, so she was also playing. She was also played insurance just to play guitar. I play guitar. And so we like had our guitars on for a little bit too. And like she wanted again, she wanted to like just like, play. It was it was really honestly, about her. Like, I think like showing off and finding value in herself. Like her talents. Because she she confided in me to tell me like, she didn't have a job. She like moved from New York. She like moved back home, like all these things. And I was like, that's tough. I get it. You know, I'm rooting for you get back out there. And you know, whatever small stage you're on. But yeah, that was that was that was one virtual story. I have an in person story as well. Yeah, it's kind of a tough story, if you will, like it's not none of none as like her fault. I had gone out with this girl a couple times. This was when when I was living back at Milwaukee, where I'm from. And we'd gone out a couple times. And finally she's like, Yeah, like, hey, we like planning to go on this walk in the park. And she's like, Hey, by the way, I'm gonna bring my dog he said, Okay, that's like, totally Yeah, I love dogs. Like, I do. Have a couple of hours and like, I'm so excited. Yeah, let's bring your dog that'd be cool. She brings her dog and her dogs, you know, pretty off put by me being there. And she's all like, she's all like, No, it's okay. Like, help help figure it out. Like, Oh, wow. Like, you're a stranger. Like, she doesn't know you or whatever. Yeah. And we're, like walking along. And we like see another dog start to approach us and another owner. And she's like, Oh, as this dog is approaching us and this owner she like now. Now tells me by the way, I won't say the dog's name. I don't know. Maybe not that it doesn't fucking matter. But like, yeah, by the way, he tells him like other dogs. And I'm like, Okay, well hey, we can go and other we can we can go the other way. Or we can change routes. We're on like a huge park. No, I think it'd be okay. He'll be okay. He's got to like get over this. And I was like, Well, no, I mean, like, not today. with my right now, right now with me here I've just met you like this. This is like your first time meeting this dog. This dot her dog shredded like tries to attack this other dog like full like full on like attack. It was very awkward for me and like, I didn't know what to do. And like she handled it really well and like she kind of got like, thrown like kind of rustled around with the dog like, I was it was just like really awkward. I felt bad. I was like Jesus like, but she did put herself out there which was which was cool. But it was, it was a lot. I was like, holy shit. I don't I don't ever want your dog to me my dog. Yeah, like that's. Honestly I'm like, Yeah, I'm like, if we ever were to get married or be together, or like, you know, like, just about that. Future. Not gonna we're never gonna be my dogs. No, my dog would get killed. But yeah, that was that was one of the more more awkward dates that I've had. But my point in the beginning, like, I don't have like a creepy or ill or like, yeah, that's weird story. I'm sure you do, though. I I'd love to hear your let's I'm sure you one that I haven't. Yeah. Ones that I haven't told. Okay. I actually I think that happens. So. I don't know. I'm sure I have one. I have one. That's actually just a crazy story. That wasn't creepy, but I can't here's this is what a man would probably tell the story being like this creepy girl. Because in like 2014 I was having some teeth problems. And I was like, in pain. And I matched with it purposely matched with a dentist, because I wanted some advice on my teeth. And so I was like, Hey, what's going on with my teeth that he was like, You should probably go see a dentist and I was like, okay, yeah, you're probably right. Never made never talk to him again. Then my mom was like, hey, Marta, here co to my dentist. They they're really great, even though they weren't great because she threw up in their chair because they gave her too much nitrous. She would laugh, I guess. But anyways, so I was like, Okay, I'll go to your dentist and I was in the parking lot. I was like, how weird would it be if he ended up being my dentist? And I was like, No way because I was in a totally different city, like, half hour away from Salt Lake City, and then go in, sit in the chair. And the dentist I matched with on Tinder was my dentist. I was like, How the hell did this happen? Like, In what world? Like, what are the odds of this happening? Yeah, and there's 100% there's no way he didn't know who I was. Because I have a weird name. Nobody else saying that. I at the time had really crazy glasses. And I he was like, What's going on with your teeth? And I was like, I literally told you already. I didn't say that. But I was DM, you can figure it out. Yeah, he ended up extracting one of my teeth. It was just a weird time. And then my mom told all of the people that worked there because they would come and choose to work at Starbucks and all the like, for people who clean your teeth would come. She's like my daughter matched with the dentist and I was like, Mother you are making this. So they all yes, that's a real cert. So he definitely was like this girl looks me out. Yeah, try to make it so I was her dentists, which is not what happened at all. But that man could be in my progress. Like, here's a creepy story about a girl. That's yeah, Zane was he was I had to go back to get my so they pulled out my tooth and nail to put a fake one in. And I went back and he wasn't there. So I don't know. Maybe he doesn't work there anymore. I don't work so as to yeah, yes, that's probably a one and done. I wouldn't if I suppose she was, but I would not go back to that. Yeah, yeah, it was me. Yeah, As a man you would definitely think that that woman came and found you right? You would like she found tried to find me and so I would be her. Yeah, maybe. I mean, it's that like, she'd be a teeth digger. She'd be trying to get tips I will get some tips on on that would have been sweet if he would have cost an expensive tooth. And you know what I was gonna say? Did he like charge you like insurance? I had to pay for way too. But it was no like no past after like hey, bye Either way, you're cute. Let's get dinner. Like none of that shit. No, no no, no. He just I, he was the worst. He just like the one he was taking out my tooth. He was just like whistling and I was like, this is not it. If you had to flip out of your face you don't want your freaking dentist with and talking about rock climbing. He's talking about rock climbing your fucking fist? Yeah, yeah. But I would have grown out of that. Okay. So subjectively, though, did you find him attractive? Because I guess I can dentists. Here's a good looking dentist, but at the time, I was like, 24. And he was like, 34 I don't know why I was looking for an older man. I think I was just but yeah, I think I was interesting. And I don't know how I feel about rock climbers. They really are too into it. Sure. Like, I love people who are passionate about it. But I think that rock climbers that's their entire lives. And it's like, yeah, they have like, like, you're like, if you're a rock climber, man. If you've got the fucking the little bag where you keep your, your, your balls deep. Do you can't it's too late. You need a rock climbing lady. Yeah, no to again, birds of a feather. Yeah, together, they'll find find their mate. Alright, so now we're moving on to our last section. We're going to talk about red flags and green flags. What do you want to go for? Like green flags? Let's do green flags first. I'm sure. Can we can we do one and another? Is that it? Yeah. First time on the pod. Okay. I mean, I think a classic red flag. And this is when you know, you're out to dinner. And you're, you're eating or you're at a venue or something. How she treats staff or like waitresses or waiters. I mean, that is a huge if she's like me and are condescending, or just completely putting down other individuals. Yo, that is I'm like, immediately, that's like, not even gonna start getting Yeah, I'm gonna start giving all these signs of like disinterest. Like, I've done that as well. So yeah, yeah, not a fan of that. For sure. Red flag you have? Um, I think for me, a red flag is being pretentious. So somebody who like is gonna look down on you because you have a Hanson which is me. And like people who like I've gotten. So I do screenwriting and I will post like, my feelings about movies or whatever. And people are can get so mean to me about movies that I don't like, like, I didn't like the movie, the lighthouse and I had so many people like, be so mean to me, that I think has the most pretentious movie in the world, and I don't like it and who? Yeah, I'm, I think it's a very male movie. Like, I think men understand that more than women because it's a very male experience. But I just thought it was pretentious. And I hated it. And so people who are just mean about music or movies, like you can't control like, how you found out about music, for instance, like I like posted this gorillas thing, and then somebody was like, oh, real fans know, Damon Albarn from blur as like, bitch. I was 15 when the girls were big, so like, of course, I'm gonna know them. Before I knew blur. Like it's just the gatekeeper of something, or Yeah, I feel. So bash. I hate people. That also to your point to screenwriting, like, putting down something that you're really passionate about, or they're like, yeah, just like, I mean, that's that. That's that. So I was gonna say my green flag would be Yeah. Uplifting someone who's like something that they're passionate about. That's a huge, huge green flag. I mean, I've dated, you know, women who've just like not not really known about, say a certain passion or maybe really didn't have any interest in like that. Question in and of itself, but because I'm interested in their passion when they become interested or even just like, air, that's super, super cool. I think that's, that's cool. Like, like hockey is is probably one of my favorite sports, it's probably a sport maybe that isn't really like that widely accepted or known or like enjoyed, you know, like the other than the big three. So like having someone who can kind of like get get around to like, go to a game or like watch, you know, or follow my team or you know, like that's, that's that's cool. That makes me feel like you care which is which is important. So that's a big thing. Green flag. Yeah, find a Canadian girl Canadians love. Yeah. My pen pals Canadian and he loves them. He loves hockey. That's why I say I do. He's, he's a guest on my podcast. Yeah. Okay, survey. For pen pals from COVID. It was really cool. I'll never know. I don't know. I bet that's really cool. I I've had pen pals before, I haven't had one in a minute. That's really cool. To work that you find a good vibe. You gotta find a good one. So you go through some dads. My green flag is somebody who is also it's a similar thing, enthusiasm, somebody who likes to participate in fun things like dressing up. And stuff like that. Because every person my last boyfriend, like I, for my birthday, I did murder mystery, because it's my birthday is by how a week away from Halloween, so I always do something fun. And he was like, I had to get everything for him. He wouldn't make any effort. And after that, I was like, I got so gotta find somebody who's like, genuinely thinks that's fun, because I think it's fun. I don't want to make it feel like a chore. So it's like similar like somebody who would be into sure to interest. Yeah, yeah, you gotta find someone who's on board on that same wavelength. Like, yeah, like, I'll be honest, like, as, as so. So to your point, like a themed event or a party as a single guy. Speaking from my experience, it it's not that fun. Like some I'm truly I'm truly jealous. Like the the couples that do something creative or something that's cool. You could you can always like go as a group of guys. You're like, I don't know, fucking basketball players are Yeah. You know, some some No, no, it's that's pretty. That's pretty boring. And dull, though. I think it's fun when you can do something creative with a significant other, and I've done costumes and stuff or like events like that, or with with that. So like, It's fun when you can when you can do something like that. But you got to do you have to have somebody who's standing. Yeah, yeah, it's way more fun when you show up. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta have someone who's who's involved in that. That's, that's cool. Any other red flags you feel like you need to tell us about? Yeah, I mean, that's the red flags for sure. I mean, I think maybe maybe more. So. So this, this is something that I've experienced, personally, I think like, a red flag that I've had, and maybe it's just the setting and time period in my life. I've had some pretty a red flag me that I've garnered now is like, someone who's just like, so loves to just, like, get rid of fucked up or like, so they just, like, always go one speed and it's her speed or no speed. You know. I've had, I've had a couple of relationships in the past where it's just it's been, it's been tough to, tough to handle. And I think I've always been someone who's maybe, I mean, I love to have fun. I love to, you know, have a good time. But I also know like my, my boundaries, and some of some of the more so the significant relationships I've had in my life have been through those very primitive years of college where you're like finding those. Yeah, yeah, it's tough. I get it. And but I think that's probably maybe where a lot of my quote unquote trauma or quote unquote experience comes from, you know, some of some of the past relationships I've had, maybe you've struggled with that, specifically. But yeah, I don't know. Like, I'm like, yeah, it's just like Just gotta, you know, know, know your limits and your boundaries. Certainly, certainly can swing to your speed if you want, but like, let's try to be on the same wavelength or you know, yeah, fight, you know, help each other out when we need it versus just like someone who's way over here and someone who's way over there, you know that's tough. Yeah, I feel like I mean, I'm an introvert mostly. So I couldn't deal with someone who wants to party already all the time and have to like go out. Yeah, yeah, I get that. Yeah, that's a good point. That's a good point. Introverts words. Yeah. Also 31 years old. Like, I don't my body could not handle No, I know. I'm 27 No, I'm, I was just telling someone about this the other day, like, I worked with a few people who are quite a bit younger than me, like, first job. 2122 years old and like, some team events or some some nights out then I'm like, holy shit. I feel old. I'm like, Yeah, I'm not gonna go to that part of town. Like, I'm not gonna go to that bar. It's like 11 o'clock. I'm gonna be home by midnight, like I'll have about Yeah, I feel that 100% Yeah, I think I think I'm an extroverted or introvert, you know, or introverted? extrovert? Whatever. That I don't think anyone is like, fully. I mean, there's probably never bull. Bull like, entirely. extrovert, so, no. Yeah, totally. I agree. I could not go out. Every every night, every day of every weekend. No, it's a lot. It's crazy. It's definitely, definitely a little can be a little too much. Yeah. Any other green flags? You feel like you got to be as specific as you want. Is there any like a musician if they have it on the list that you're like, I have to swipe on this person? Because yeah, I mean, if she if she loves country music, that's a big passage a class you brought it? I'll go country music. Is there a specific country artists that if they have it on the list, you're like, shit? Yeah, I mean, I'd say Morgan Wallen, he's very, he's very streamlined right now. But one of my one of my favorite artists, he's a big, big guy, big fish in the country music scene. I mean, it's she's like in the, you know, also those 90s countries as well. That's a big, it's a big plus. John Mayer, of course, being one of my favorite artists too. And that's, that's another big one. Love him or hate him. I'm a fan. Just saw him back in April. But yeah, I think green flags to like someone who, you know, like, has a lot of values that I align with. That's important. Like, that's really, that's really key. That's a hard one though, to gauge off of just, yeah, just have a profile, or a first habit stance of meeting someone at a bar, a setting. That takes a little bit of time. But like, once you you figure that out like that, that's really where like, no matter how great the pictures might be, or the setting might be, or the profile might be, or the person might be like, if those aren't there. Like that's really that's really tough. That's actually probably more so a deal breaker, I'll admit. And I've had that happen before where like, I've gotten really well off with, you know, some girls that I've dated in the past or even more recently, relationships that I've had where, like, there's just things that aren't, aren't clicking. And it's like, Yo, red flag not I'm not I don't I don't like that. I don't agree with that. That's not not it's not my not my wavelength. Yeah, so there's Yeah, and you can get as granular as you want in terms of just like you know, politics or you know, religion a certain certain aspects maybe that you don't agree with her. Don't lie to us. That's, that's tough. Unfortunately, that's just become such a big big. Yeah. Big. Big topic. Big thing. Yes. So certainly the last two years or so I'd say. Yeah, for sure. Sorry, my cats. Yeah. You can get as specific as you want. You don't have to though. No, I mean, I don't I don't think really like any I don't have like a red flag or green flag. But I think like one of the questions that I prepped for and maybe this falls into context of what we're discussing is like types of people you're interested in. Or like what do you have for or who do you hurt more to per se? Yeah, that's that's definitely falling into the your trap here and I'm leading myself. Yeah, yeah. No, no, exactly. No. I think like, historically looking at the data, like it's been mostly brunettes, like brunettes you know, girls that are into fitness or, you know, have active lifestyles, it's always important. Like for me, because I'm active. I love to workout and, you know, Brian and I spend time outside. i I'll be honest, I can't remember the last time I had a blonde girlfriend, I think like, I had a blonde girlfriend, I think, probably sophomore year of high school, and cold girlfriends. You know, yeah, you're hanging out at each other's houses that kind of. But I mean, it's hard to find a natural blonde out in the world. That's true. That's a fair point. That's a lot of upkeep to be like fully blonde. If you're dying. Yeah. Yeah, but I would say probably probably lean towards brunette. Yeah, if it's just, yeah, just subjectively, which is maybe not a good thing. But I'm also just not I mean, I'm also like, down for whatever. So artistically speaking, I've dated mostly brunettes. It comes down to it, if the data shows brunettes, active lifestyle? Basically somebody who, you know, more like you guys have similar pathways of life. That makes sense. Um, so last question. And it's harder because we're like in a zone where we like don't know each other. But we know each other in real life because we met in real life. So I only thing that I did this with my one of my guests. And I was in a similar situation. We're gonna end on you telling us who your number was celebrity crushes? Because I get asked you the usual questions that I asked people so they you just haven't felt that and that's what we're gonna end it on. It might be a dumb a point. Oh, no. Number one celebrity crush. My celebrity crush. I mean, I have a few. Top tier top tier celebrity crush. I know they are mass would be. It'd be cool. That'd be that'd be she's probably she's probably up there. I just saw she's gonna be playing Marilyn Monroe. And yeah, I think about Pixar film or something. Yeah. C 17. Which was, um, that's still a thing now what? recently and I was like, holy shit. That's, that's cool. Yeah, I'd say her. She's probably she's probably. She's probably up there. I love my friends. Now I'm a huge, Kacey Musgraves fan. I love Kacey Musgraves country artists. She's probably out there amongst amongst my shaves that's got a divorce. Right? She's already already cuffed up though. Yeah, trust me. I'm heartbroken already killed a Kleenex box about it Well, yeah, is the single now by math. Well, I don't know if she is but her and Ben Affleck. Were That's right. That was her that was her playing for a while and obviously now he's he's he's moved on. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, Dua Lipa, she's another one. And again, I'm naming brunettes here I'm sorry it's just it's just truly the sound have to apologize for that. Yeah. Yeah, she's probably my my holy trinity my top three. My Yeah, my go twos. Okay, my favorite is because her name was Marta and the movie knives out and I was very excited about that because my name is never in movies. And they kept saying and I was like, this is such a weird. It's really weird to write a weird name and then have it in Movie heard it said so many times. So she's my favorite, even though she was in a terrible Keanu Reeves movie at Sundance, and I watched the movie and I hated it. But it wasn't her. So she's different. Yeah, she's still. She's still Yeah. Well, what a guy that Stephen is, he's the first person that I met at a wedding to be on the podcast kuzava. And if you want to follow us on our social medias, remember that we have an Instagram at Pursuit of Happiness podcast on tick tock app pursuit of happiness and Twitter at POA underscore pod. And please like Tweet me, so I actually do stuff on it. Maybe by the time this is released, I'll be Twitter connoisseur. So thanks for listening and tell your friends about us and rate us and all that good stuff. See you next week.

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