Pursuit of Appiness Podcast

Internet Stranger Garrett #2

Marta Reeder Season 1 Episode 11

Here's another young whippersnapper, Garrett #2! Where I found out that people my age are considered cougars. It was a tough pill to swallow, but, alas, it's true.
Fun fact: whippersnapper comes from a time where young men would just stand around whipping whips for funsies.
Sound by B.T. Measles. 
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Hello, this is Marta, your host of pursuit of happiness. This week we talk to internet stranger Garrett, where we discuss things like the age of cougars, which turns out to be in their 30s, which was a hard pill to swallow. And also how Snapchat works. I don't know how it works, but now I sort of do. So please stay to icebreaker time. Have you ever sent a dick pic? Yes. Did that person to ask for it? Yes. Okay, then that's, that's your free card. That's appropriate. Yeah. Okay. Next, we're going to ask you, we, I mean me, I'm going to ask you some questions because we kind of got to get to know you before we give you dating questions. Okay. So what is your favorite movie? That hard. Or the last movie you watched? Last movie you watch and did you enjoy it? That works to last movie I watched his meat Miller's as funny as fuck. It's not seen it before. What's Jennifer Aniston sat Hosanna is when they smuggle all that wheat across Mexican border. What Wait, does that have just Jennifer? I'd have to look up Jennifer Aniston. I'm not good with actors. Oh, actress. And you are probably too young to really know who she is. Meet the Millers. Let me look it up. So you did like it? Yeah, it was fine. Okay. Wait, well, why isn't it coming up? I think it is. I think it's Jennifer Aniston. And they basically hire people to come feed their children. Right? Yeah. And their wife. Yeah. The greatest movie of all time. Yeah, probably Talladega Nights. I haven't seen that in a very long time. They would that shit. Okay, I that's I love classic Will Ferrell and the other guy that's in it that I can't think of his name. But he also does very serious roles. And I was very surprised by that. Okay, favorite music? Probably band. But band. Or artist, or band? Favorite Brass Band? Sorry. It's probably Loverboy okay. What is that rap? No, it's 80s. Oh, rock. How do I love her voice? Okay, what songs are you? You know, working for the weekend? Yeah, as a boy, do you know? Okay, okay. The kid is hard to write. Okay. Yeah. No one knows who they are. But they know some of their songs. This makes sense for oops, sir. Playing something. We'll talk about your like 80s Looking sunglasses. A little one. That makes sense to me. Okay. So you can either because you're only 21 You can tell me either what your job is. Or you can tell me what you wish to be doing within the next 10 years? Because who works their dream job when they're 21 Maybe you're lucky and maybe you are no, it wasn't my dream job. And I think my my dream is job would be like being a social media like a YouTuber. Okay, or would it be my favorite? But I wanted to be a cop for a long time and I went to school for that. Yeah, I got my Associates in criminal justice. It's no college. Okay, and now I install fireplaces. Did you have to get sprayed in the face with my sight here? Yeah. I didn't go to police school. Oh, yeah. To me. I didn't go to the academy. I majored in that in college. It would start at a higher pay. Oh, sweet if I do that sounds good. Okay, so what kind of social media like YouTube doing what just being yourself and people are videos that yeah, why do you wish probably gaming mainly but okay, like, I would hope to change it more into just a lifestyle. Like you see some of these popular like NELC Stan Duncan, just some just some of those people. Okay. Yeah, I tell my niece really loves watching You people play video games on YouTube, but I know nothing. I'm really showing my age, right? That's okay. That's okay. I'm okay. Last question. And you can interpret this however you want. What is wrong with you? What was wrong with me? Yeah. It can be in terms of dating, it can just be, you know, your back hurts today. Whatever you want. I overthink way too much. Okay. Yeah, really bad. I overthink a lot way too much. In every aspect of life relationship word. Yeah, social. Everything. I just, I'm in my head really bad. And not very many people know that. But I'm really in my head. Thought maybe I can. Yeah, I can relate to that. Especially now things are going back to normal and I don't know how to socialize. Why do I say the things that I do? It's okay, though. We're all coming out. Okay, I think we know a little bit more about you. So now we're gonna go to our segment, which is called over generalized questions about man for man. And you can answer it how you yourself want to answer the question, or on behalf of all men alone all over the world. Maybe you don't relate to. Okay. To Doggy Dog world. This one might. Okay, that one won't work for you. So you don't know actors? I think you probably don't know that actors specifically. Okay, this one, I did not come up with someone on social media submitted this? Do men not notice their manspreading? What do you do mad? Men just are so unaware. So it's like, if you are in a public transportation or like a bench of some sort, where you share with other people, men tend to like sit with their legs very far apart. Yeah. And you can't, like women are always like, half to like make themselves smaller. And men. I don't think my what I'm learning as men don't even realize it. Or do you realize that? I didn't know that was like a thing? No, that was some that women were worried about. But the way I sit is it is intentional. Like I sit down and I spread my legs that you're explaining as a Yeah, I sit down and spread my fucking legs because I'm not going to be the guy sitting there with his knees touching. Because Because he doesn't got room like I'm gonna like this is my space. Yeah. So it's, it's not even like a big conscious thought. But it's like, yeah, like I do do that. You. Yeah, that makes sense. So it's not like you're really saying I'm going to spread out so no, so people can't see but you just are used to sitting like that. Yeah, I just I want the room. I don't want to be sitting there. My knees touching. Yeah, ain't got space. And you're six feet tall. You got to have space. We'll also talk about six feet to help in a bit. Okay, question that was from a website article. Who do you think should make the first move? In? Okay, why? Why do you think that because we're the tone setter. I feel like men are the tone setter. So I've known for prior experience from early on if you just like you're watching a movie with a girl and you're just saying like, like laying on the bed. Not sure you watch that whole fucking movie. Go home in a year and go do shit with that girl. That is true. She leaves like this motherfucker didn't make move. I've had people tell me like, I was really into you, but you just never made a move. Yeah, I feel like I've told people I live by if you you miss every shot, you don't shoot. Yeah. Okay, that's a that's a good explanation. All right, let's move on to our third and final question of this segment. Okay. Here I don't remember where I got this one. But Why don't men care about babies? I think they're ugly. To play. Like, I don't think I've held a baby in the last up for five years because the way I see this is when I was young, I got puked on my baby like really young cousins. And so ever since then the thing is, I don't, because what if it starts crying? Then is crying when you're holding it? And so it's like if it picks on you poops on you on your wholeness. I just honestly, I want absolutely fucking nothing to do with babies at all. Okay, yeah, they're a little bit scary. I get up. Yeah, babies are when they are fresh out of the womb. Very. They're very weird. Like a, like a fucking mole rat. With a baby looks like when it comes out. Yeah, my niece when she was born her like her face was very swollen. And my friend sent a picture to my guy friends just to see what they would say. And they sent me back this alien from men and black. I was like, That's me. But also, I guess that's fair. Yeah, they're pretty weird looking when they're when they were tiny. But I love holding them because they just when they're fresh out of the womb, they're just like, warm sacks. I wouldn't even know. Warm like, I don't know they're like folded to like, be held perfectly. I don't know. Yeah, I I don't think that they're cute. Really? Third cute in a weird way. And maybe that's my maternal instinct. Like, oh, this baby would be helpless. If not for its mother. I don't know. Yeah. Okay. That's a good so you're a little it's because you mostly don't know what to do with them and they're ugly. Yeah. Do you think if you ever have a child, you will think it's cute? Probably because it's gonna be a little Garrett Jr. Yeah. It doesn't look anything like you. It will because we got three boys in my family. So I'm destined to just have boys. And you guys go ahead. My older brother. In high school. He could grow sideburns. My than it was me. I'm the middle child. I only to grow a mustache. Like this was about two weeks. You came two weeks. But my younger brother. He's a year younger than me. Full ass beard. Like is a freshman. He should have a beard. So I just knew my dad was a cop for 20 years so they can't Yeah, facial hair. So all he had was mustache. I've never seen him without one. So it was just like destiny. So I just know I'm gonna have a Garrett JR. He's gonna have a mustache. Mustache. He's gonna pull. Yeah, do you? Do you and your brothers look alike? No, not any of us look alike. That's so he might not look like you. But the mustache but he will. A little baby boy will have a mustache. My brother's dog got the mustache, but like we don't have it. It doesn't just grow in right here for all of us. That's so weird. Facial hair is I watched this person on Tik Tok pull out, pull out her husband's I don't know, I can't do that shit. But she pulls it out like the ones that are I don't know bugging him because they're ingrown or something. But it was really weirdly satisfying. I liked. Like, I could date a man with a beard to pull out. Okay, next, we'll do our next segment. That was three. Yeah. Okay. So I'm gonna take a look at your profile. I already did take a look at your profile. And what's gonna happen is I'm gonna tell you why I think you chose certain things. And then you can tell me why you actually did. And I'm gonna tell you that they are weird, because that's just how my brain works. So you might not understand a lot of them. Okay, my first question is that you are 21 years old. What are you doing matching with women in their 30s? What's going on? Straight up well, I have never killed them out and I but I would love Toku there's just something about me is like, I'm from small town, Utah. Like I'm from Delta, Utah, like, like less than 4000 population. Yeah, I just like I've only been with girls or I have to take control. You know, I mean, I'm not like I know and go into that but yeah, so I want to know what their fucking doing. You know, I mean, throw down. That's good. Oh, yeah, I've had a taste drive and I haven't had the fucking piece of cake. Before I'm looking for a button. Okay, about how old does your your age limit go to? 30 Yeah. A wild, give or take a couple of years 34 is considered. I mean, that makes sense when I was like 20 I probably thought I feel like 34 my method is that I think anything past 34 is trash. Like, like, but I'm a junkyard dog. So like, but anything past like fresh trash? Yeah, I don't want any piece of that if they're on Tinder at 34 years old. I want a fucking pizza that. Okay, good. Good to know. I mean. I mean, I'm sure there's diamond in the rough. I don't want to say for anyone over there. Yeah, but most of you are a 34 year old woman on Tinder and you're looking for a 21 year old. That's a little strange to me. Because my age limit I think is to the lowest and the highest because podcast reasons but 21 You're just a week you were born in the 90s It's wild. Okay. What next? Is it where if I wasn't born in the 90s It freaks me out. But you just I know. weirds me out. Here's an example. This is getting maybe a little dark. But I there I was in a class with someone. And they are writing a script on 911 And I was alive. And I remember 911 And this girl. Yeah. And this girl was like, Oh yeah, I'm a 911 Buff. Like I love learning about it's just very weird to be that disconnected because I wouldn't like go and learn all about 911 says alive for that was like traumatizing. But yeah, that's weird to me. And having you were a baby are not born yet. That's wild. I was born for 911 Okay, so you were a baby, though? You don't know? Yeah, I was okay. So go put me down like that. Okay, okay, you're alive. You have that going for you. Okay, so, you're next you say that you are not first class, but you ate white trash. Is that saying that you always have beer in the fridge, but it's not an IPA. But it's also about a PVR it's somewhere in the middle ground. Yeah, that is probably the best way to word that. That's half a song. And I love ever since I heard I was like That is me like I but I write trash. Yeah, I got Michelob Ultra is in the fridge. That's my that's what I got in my life jacket. koozie. They got to Michelob Ultra in there. I don't. I've never had a PPR. But I'll say, This is what I always say. If it has light in the name, I'll like it. I've never I've never had an IPA. And I had a Guinness one time in college. And it was like, one that year to pour it upside down. It was Yeah. I didn't finish it. And it was just like chocolate beer. It was great. Yeah, you have to. I will say that good. I've been to Ireland. And it what they say is that it's just not the same in the US. And that is true. It's better. It is really good there and we had this guy's and the regular like me. No, I don't like IPAs. They are ways there. But this one IPA? That's a stout style. I've never had a style again. Yeah, okay. There they are. I mean, I can't like drink. If I ever want to get tipsy. I won't trigger style, because they're very, they feel like a milkshake. You can't drink an entire thing. Like that. Yeah, I can't drink more than one. So if you're trying to get tipsy, you go for something in between. Okay, cool. I guess that one correctly? Yeah, me. What? Well, I saw him in between. Yeah. I interpret it. Yeah. interpreted correctly. You interpret that I don't like IPAs are shit. Fancy beer. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'm also who has anyone quoted that song back to you. On the apps? Nobody's known. me one day, maybe. Okay. This one. I just know that you will not understand but I'm going to read it. Hey, anyways, okay, so your theme song the song that you chose is smash mouth's walking on the Sun is because it was featured in the 1998 movie can't hardly wait where Ethan Embry was the cutest version of himself. And shout out to those directors because I love them Deborah Kaplan and Harry L. Fogg. You weren't even born yet. Why did you choose that sock? What's What is it about that sock? Is it because you're trying to find a cougar? And you know, I don't know, in your nose? I don't know the director. I don't even know the actors that he knows on that movie. I don't know. I just know Smash Mouth. Like Smash Mouth. And I'm gonna try to word this in the least incriminating way. Okay, but because I'm sure family and friends of podcast, so I don't want to cremate myself, but if you ever if you've ever been feeling good, maybe you're driving, you know, maybe in a recreational state. Yeah. Probably not a recreational state, but it was done incorrectly. So yeah, I dive in. And fucking walking on the sun comes on. And you just fucking railing every word of that fucking song. It's just a fucking vibe. I just love that song. Just one time. I was feeling really good. And I just just sit in my room. Listen to that song. And I just found out I was like, yeah, that's my that's my ad. It is a very nostalgic song. So it's great. If you're looking for a cougar their rage. They'll be like, oh man back in. And that arrive you won't be? i It does. And also it's like, if you watch that music video, it's very like saturate. It's very, like late 90s It's like quintessential late 90s music video. Yeah, I actually learned a Smash Mouth song and sixth grade for like, it was like our year song. And how not smash Valve has been a big part of my life. But yeah, I can hardly wait. It's like, one of the like, rom coms were very popular in like, the late 90s. And that's like one of the best ones and my favorite directors directed it. So there you go. That's how I connected those two things. Okay. This is about your sunglasses, but it's probably not in the way that you expect. You have two pictures with ran looking at these shades. Is this telling women you believe in some protection? Because skin cancer is preventable? No, not at all. Is it cuz you like 80s fives? I don't even look. I'm like an 80s vibe. I just feel like I went a really long time without having like a style. And then I kind of got into this style and then the pit vipers is before it was really big as a pair of got same. I got the same time. Same style, but just the second paragraph I got scratched up. I don't know. I just in the weirdest least I think like when people comment on that was like You look like a douche bag. Like that. Like goal. achieved. Goal. succeeded. I don't even think I don't think they're their douche bag vibes. Me Maybe at like, that's the guy in the 80s that was a douche bag. I just think they look retro. Cool. So I don't know. Good job on picking your Did you know, here's a fact that I learned. People with lighter eyes are more sensitive to the sun. So what color your eyes? I can't tell. I actually do change colors. They look blue. They're blue right now I could share my driver's license they say Hazel. Oh, when I was really young, they would like transition to like a gray color. But yeah, do that anymore. But like it literally depends on the day like because i That's why I was looking I didn't know what color they were today. Yeah, that's usually like a hazel blue. I get they look really blue in the with the web. Yeah. Well, do you feel like you always need say, Hazel? Do you feel like you always need sunglasses? I always felt like I need I do but I didn't use to it before I got those. Like I say the one thing I'm addicted to in this world. My sunglasses like yeah, have him at work. Like I get headaches and shit. Yeah, me too. So I checked the weather before work every morning and if it says cloudy, I don't bring them in and it's never cloudy. Yeah, I feel like even when it's cloudy Still, like any make sense? Yeah. Okay. On to the next question. Okay. You tell us that you you're six feet tall is that because you know women know that men was short complexes have the worst personalities. So you want to tell us you're tall? Because short man who have a weird complex about it or the worst? Not at all. Actually the only reason I even put that on there was because it was like, I was off Tinder for a while I got a really bad relationship I got out of it. So we got back on Tinder. And I matched with someone in the in their bio, they had said five foot six, because since it matters or some side Yeah, so I was like, okay, in there, but I've seen since then I do see a lot of people that do say like, six feet or over sorry short kings like ruthless. Like they don't give up. I yeah, that's, I mean, I'm just thankful it doesn't apply to me. I thought yeah, you're tall, tall, but it's not sure it's not. Yeah, I'm in a really good boat. You're in like the good. The middle ground just like your beer. Hey. Well, life average. Yeah, there's, I don't know. I think that. I mean, I've never cared about that. And I didn't know that was I didn't know women put their height on there. But I guess like, do guys. I guess if there were if she was like six, five, you would want to know, but you probably could tell. I think if there was a woman who was six, five, you'd be like, okay, but she's shrinking. Sheesh, he could dunk. Yeah. But yeah, I do think that. I think a lot why women are ruthless is because short men have a complex. And they I'm guessing that women have just been like, oh, sorry, you're too short. But really, it's like you are the worst personality I've ever had to deal with. I can say for sure. Oh, it's the short dobro 62 Your short motherfucker. I'd put them on blast. Sorry. No, that's okay. You can well tag when this gets you a little short bash. Yeah. That was from him. I don't know you. You might be a nice guy. But here, I'm gonna list off some short men that are celebrities who have landed women who are taller than them. And probably because they don't have short man complex. But I also had no idea that these people were so short. Jeff Richmond who is married to Tina Fey, he is five two. He's a teeny tiny, teeny tiny man. And I love that for them. She's two inches taller than her him and she is a teeny woman five, four. I mean, that's not that short. But that's wild. Joe Jonas. He's five, six. He's married to Yeah. Which means I think it was five, six. I grew up. When I was really young. My mom would listen to the Jonas Brothers. Oh, hell yeah. Good for your thought makes me feel old. Your mom listens to the Jonas Brothers. I think that was her just trying to be young. And like, yeah, she was like, Oh, here. Here's the thing, too. Yeah. And they were like, PG back then. Probably. Yeah. But he's married to Game of Thrones. Sansa I can't think of her name. Sophie something. Oh, you didn't know that. I'm teaching you something. Yeah, there. I got the biggest crush on Sansa. Oh, she and Joe Jonas are they're the cutest. Like she's know that. And she's like, I don't know three inches taller than him. And it's just cute. Okay, Rod Stewart. He's short. He's just an old man who seems cool. Daniel Radcliffe is five for Harry Potter. He's teeny No, he was when he was young, that's why they need continued movies after the last ones because he was way too short for all the well yeah, they were like, I mean, that will be hard to cast children. And then also Yeah, the fact that these kids had to like, be each other's love interests and They like we're like brothers and sisters such a weird thing. Tom Holland. I don't know how tall he is, but Sunday is taller than him. I didn't look at you were like, really? Intense, right, Shane? You're like, F bucket that is. Sure. I bet he seems like five nine energy. Let's see if I'm right. How tall is Tom Holland? Five, eight. I was so close. I was so close. Yeah, here's smart. Whoa. Tom Cruise's five? Seven. He's a shorty? I bet he has a short man complex though. I hear. I didn't know Tom Cruise. Was that short? I hear that he makes them put out like crates for him to stand on. So he's always taller than everyone else. But I didn't know he was that short. That makes sense. Okay, well, everyone don't be like Tom Cruise and be more like Joe Jonas. Moral. The story if you're short. Just you know, have a tall man personnel. Have a good personality? Yes. Yep. Okay, so, here's a weird one. You have what is technically a mirror selfie. But the phone is nowhere to be seen. And you're flipping the bird? Is this you telling women that your act? You're here to say fuck everyone's expectation of what a young man should be. And then you follow this unexpected mirror selfie? With an expected mirror selfie, which became even more unexpected. Did you do I have to wear selfies on my Tinder. You have one? I don't know how you took the picture. You're like, you can tell it's a mirror. But you can't see your phone. And then right after that you have a mirror selfie with a friend. Oh, okay. The one is just cut off. And I didn't even know it was that cut off till after was on there. But I am putting the bread on. Thank you. I'm not trying to hide that like, like, I'm not explicit, you know? Yeah. You got a lot of people that. But no, not in any intentions of that just I thought I looked good in that picture. And then the one following up. I met I used to have my hair. I used to have a bullet but before was yeah, it was just these wings. That's what we'd call them in Delta, Utah. I don't know what they're called just these wings that would come out. In that picture. I have them in there. And it was bright before I got my haircut with my best buddy Jerry. We had a great night there. We went to a party in St. George. Yeah, like three hours to go down there. And it wasn't even like that much of a party meeting. Just that picture happened. And I just I just think are really good in that picture. But you cool. Sure. Yeah, that's my party. Sure. Wait, you drove three hours for a party in St. George. Why aren't my friends from high school? I ended up moving down south. Okay, so we said that we were gonna go to this big party and then we ended up not going. There's drama amongst the friends. So that means we were like, Yo, we're here to party. As you do you avoid the drama. We're upstairs. And we're the only ones upstairs when we were out there for like two hours by ourselves. Well, we know what you look like when you're partying. Which is a cool party. Sure. I'm glad that you have I got a chain on I don't think you can see it in that picture. No, you watch my chain. It looks like a puka shell shell necklace. It was my poopy I lost those as well. Yeah, the cookery shows I used to fuck with it. I got those in Florida when I went down there are over there. Yeah, that was really I was. I also was like, He's called back to the 90s. Again, that was very popular. I'm telling you you're getting these millennial ladies will be like this guy I'm shooting for. Okay, next question. You have a photo with you. And two trays of the classic love treats chocolate covered strawberries. Is this to show us ladies that you are a classic romantic, or that you can sue make those that's a good skill to have. I explained this situation it's super easy to make contact with our server. It's really easy to have fun, fun so I'll give you the story of my life. In a short time. I've been dumped every month of my every time I've been dumped in my life has been in February. No so I've only actually had one Valentine in my life. I thought I was dating someone and you can make those super easy. I just really thought looked good in that picture but but yeah, we can make chocolate colored strawberries like that. Yeah easy with that Shut up. You got your someone can't say that word subliminally messaging us. What those chocolate covered Okay, sad. Let's let's get you another Valentine everybody Yeah, well yeah. Here's our last question about your profile. You like photo with a guy? The punching guy the guy that you pay for practice does this mean if needed you could fight for somebody's love I could most definitely fight for someone's love. Yeah, like a Glock 19 Then someone wins. But yeah, I could I think that hand hand combat is more romantic faces because you're using your body are you in a fight and I'd be dirtiness this fight much. Okay, but could you you could defend you think you could win some fight? Oh yeah. 100% I'm dirty. Perfect Guard Dog there's you are you are okay, so we finished that. We're gonna go on to we're gonna do what you rather's because those are fun to to break it all up. We're gonna do some random random ass. What's your others? Oh, okay. Well, would you rather pee through your mouth every time or have your best friend pee in your mouth one time? My best friend pee my mouth one time. Cami got me I know you got clean piss up this wall right here. He's got clean piss. Oh, good. Perfect. He's very hydrated. Yeah, what you're saying? No, this shows all the time. Yeah, she's drinking a lot of water. It will just be like I know this dude. Schedule. I take the place the mouth right. Perfect. Be like, peace out of my mouth. Yeah, time that had passed on my tongue. Yeah, that would be gross once. Perfect. That was. I'm glad you chose that so quickly. Okay. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature? Or an airborne creature? sea creature? Which one? Which kind? A great white probably. I thought it was definitely great. Whites are the most like dog shark of them all. Like those still the fuck of any other shark to maybe like they well that's a big motherfucker. Whale sharks. Oh. No, they don't. They don't fight. They don't get fired. Yeah, like they know not to fuck with them. Yeah, but um, yeah, probably a great white because I think there's a whole bunch more to be seen in the ocean. Oh, yeah. Come back. A whole life above one. Yeah, they're fighting if I got to come back, not if I had to if I got to come back. I don't know if I had. Yeah, that'll be pretty sweet. Great while also hanging out in what seemed like very beautiful waters. like South Africa. Thick. They hang out New Zealand. Be great places to hang. All right. Let's see. And you could jump out of the water. So as you seen those Yeah, those slow motion? Yeah. I'd come up, dig in and come up like that. That'd be like, my picture. Yeah, I would probably be great for science. For Scientific use. Yeah. Okay. digs? Are you they? I'm sure they do. I don't know. I haven't ever. I would assume actually. I'm gonna do it for sure. After this. I don't know how they, they might just have to know because they could just like just out into the ocean. Yeah. floats into the Pacific. I got they gotta have some going. All right. They hear that? Yeah, they would be scooping that shirt. Like yeah, give me all that. I don't know how it works. But I mean, it could. It would be weird to see that. I don't know how fish have sex. I think so it works. They just go in and out. That's possible. Dolphins on the other hand, do they get freaky? They get freaky. And if their mouths shit like they got if they are in like, if they are captured. They will like have sex with dead fish. That fake has fake they get bored and then yes they do these poor just let them go out in the ocean and stop having sex with carcasses. Poor little dead fish for like that for I think they kill it. I think they kill it and then they are fucking dead body and they just figure out there on that. Yeah, there they I feel like dolphins they're on there a little bit creepy. They're a little bit Okay, last one, would you rather be able to read minds or predict the future? I'm gonna go with read minds because I have I've said this out loud to other people. I think my long story short, but my whole perspective on life is that we I have I I'm a person who see it to believe it. I grew up religious until I was about 1415, then not since then. And so yeah, I need to say believe it. So I think we're the we're the most unfortunate species on Earth. Because of that we have the most brain power to the point that we know of that we know that we can consciously grasp the concept of life, truthfully, all we are is we live and then you're just dead. And we're just the shittiest ones that have so much brain power that we can consciously decide everything through life that we like what we enjoy and share it just maybe like that, too. But that's my whole perspective on life. And so I can't even really remember the question and the honest. Do you if you can remember Yeah, I live in now. Because I because I know that when I die is over it. I don't even know what happens after that. I'm terrified of that. That's my biggest use is dying. So I live in it now. So I don't really know what everyone say good all the time. Yeah. You could call out all the I don't know, Kirby's or whatever else I do. I would have proof to all the girls that see me and just like Damn, that's a hot motherfucker. You. Yeah, your confidence boost, man. Okay, next one. Do you have any bad date stories? From the apps or not? It doesn't matter if it's not from the apps. You don't have to name names. I tried to think about one. Cap. Just one time, I went to a party, and there was a high school and she ever hears this. She'll know for sure. That's her. It's a small town. Yeah, I was really young relationship my senior year and I started hanging out with this girl. And I went to a party like years after this. Two years after we we talked for a couple months. And then we go this party and I had said to my buddy, he was he had come back. We're like 19 or 20. This time he's doing a party. His mom's house. She's out of town. Yeah, we were all just back like on it must have been some break at college. But we were all back seats in Wyoming for college at dobro. And we fucking I told him he like plan this thing. I was like, dude, anything, don't invite this girl. And so all week, even the day of like four times, dude, just don't like I'll show up with my own beer. Like, I'll bring extra beer for everyone. Just don't invite I walk in there to 30 racks. And when the first person I see through that front door is her. So I just like went crazy. I would just I didn't go crazy. But like, what I would do is I went over and like it was called shotgun a beer. So we'd go outside and shotgun a beer and I did it like seven times in a row. Every time we shot a beer, I'd walk into someone else go out striking a beer. I got super fucked up. And then I ended up going back to my house and feeling good. And then I came back to the party. And then it was like it just normal. I was feeling good. And then she called me she's like, What the fuck gear and I was like, Why is she so it's not really date. This is just what comes to mind. Yeah, because she's like, you're not even say hi. And so we're like talking and then next thing I know. She's like under my arm on the couch. Where if I appreciate pit vipers on and she's like, let's go outside and talk so I was like yeah, what was like buck? Yeah, get let's go let's go there. She just screamed in my face for like 30 minutes. Everything I did to upset her and how she had all these problems with me. And just like yada yada yada just like explode on me and I was just like, I had no clue that was about to happen. I thought I was about like, I thought I was about a score. Not what fucking happened. So it wasn't really deep but I haven't really had bad days because I don't associate myself with people that I would have like an awkward or bad day with and I do a lot of prepping for it. So I have high standards. So you have you been on it. dating app date though. That's gonna be up there awkward. I don't think I've ever on Tinder you So I don't think I've ever like gone on like, let's go out to dinner. Yeah. So maybe I don't know if that's just what Tinder is for, or that's just my general. But I do go either with someone over the age of 30. So I guess that could be considered a date. But I did not. I have not gotten like a real Tinder date. Dinner. Yeah, I don't think that most people expect that. From Tinder. I don't know. I've never been nobody has ever been like, let's go on. It's in our date. But I have a friend who is I feel like she just is that type of person. She always gets us out to dinner and I'm like, Tell me your ways. To that, and I would go, yeah. Okay. Yeah, that sounds like a very confusing date. Hank, seems like she was into it at first and, like, slowly building up resentment go get Yeah, I think she's paying me to go to get those words out. shouldn't hold them for years. Good thing you were, I mean, seven beers. I assume you're pretty wasted. So hopefully you only had to experience that in a state of Yeah, complete obliteration. Yeah. Okay. We're gonna go on to our final segment. What are some red flags that you see on Tinder? Or? Yeah, on Tinder, Tinder, if there's not a full body picture, and especially if they say I live in the gym, I've seen to this one person that I know and she had on her Tinder, but she said, I live in the gym and there wasn't one full body picture and I know that person. Yeah. And so it just like those are red flags. If like they are a bunch of shit. That's just face only. That's a red flag. Yeah, it means you're Yeah. Yeah. Or you're like, really or not? You're thinking about it. Yeah, you're not confident in the way that your body looks. So to me where I've had such toxic relationships with toxic people right now. I'm looking for someone that is thinks their home, they think their shit. They just have the confidence that they just don't want to deal with those kinds of emotional issues anymore. I want to look for someone that has has that shift figured out? Yeah, okay. Yeah. Anything else? Yeah, I could see that. Any other red flags that you can think of? I don't know about on Tinder, but this is a red flag. If you got someone on Snapchat, and their SNAP score is over. So everything is explained. Yeah. It all I don't I'm too old to appreciate if you did. Every time you send a snapshot you get adds a number and people don't know what mine is. Yeah, but yeah, but as you learn three years of dating and she got one on add that hope Yeah, she is talking to a lot of people. Probably yeah, yeah, a lot of people okay, that's good to know. And I do feel like that people put their Snapchats in Tinder so that's kind of a red flag red flag is your fucking red flag if they got their fucking Yeah, that's it No, anytime I say shit as a note. Okay. Yeah, that's that's a lot of people's feelings about that. Okay, what about green flags anything that you're like immediately swipe right don't even have to think about it. If they got like if I so first picture is a lot to me. If I scroll past it must have just like left right left or it's like yeah, whatever it's no no no and then if it's a yes then or if it's a maybe and I'll go through the next photos. Yeah, go to the next one. You got a little country any like I see but you're not like so you gotta make it past the first round to even get this part of me Yeah, you got a little country in there cuz I'm not like super country. I don't wear a cowboy hat like I'm not like yeah yeah, yeah them wranglers on that's a flag if they got a country that's anything else anything? Any other green flags? can be as specific as you want. I don't know. Like I'll fuck with nose rings hard. I think those rings are hardest fuck. Where's the put the hoop not the stud? I think studded Yeah, I suppose. Am I rude? But I think dads are ugly. And I think hopes are hot as fuck. Studs just feel like a lot of work. They fall out time I wouldn't know I don't have I don't know how because I've never had a said I've only had hope and that's actually if you get your nose pierced you you have to give women Yeah, you have to give women time or yeah who? Because girls just rock this. Yeah, some girls do and I don't. I don't I also don't like that. It's just easier. I forget that it's there. And it forget it's there. And you're like, oh fuck, I got my nose ring. Yeah, I don't realize it and then my niece who I'm with all the time just will like play like back what is that? Like? Oh, yeah, just part of my face. Now people don't. People who know me forget that I have. So I don't know what that means. But if you have to say you should people should get the stuff first because it's either get listed or I had like a big bump on my nose for my rank for like, a year. And I was grosser than instead I'm gonna say that it was just looks disgusting. So yeah. Any other green flags you want to tell us about? Before final question. No, I don't think I got it anymore on top my head. Okay. Okay, ready for the final question. And then I'm immediately hanging up after this entire podcast. You have to tell me if you are in love with me now. Oh, no. Did you hear me? He did not answer if he just hung up everyone. He did not answer the question. He pulled the unthinkable which is hang up on me for just hilarious, sir. I guess we will never know if Garrett loves me or not. My my I'm leaning towards not. That's just the reality of this podcast and I'm fine with that. If you want to support this podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified every time a new episode is released. And you can find us on social media, Instagram at Pursuit of Happiness podcast on Tik Tok at pursuit of happiness. No podcast and Twitter at POA underscore pod, so see you there. And let's chat and have a good time. See you next time.

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