Pursuit of Appiness Podcast

Internet Stranger Dennis

Marta Reeder Season 1 Episode 8

Meet internet stranger Dennis who has probably up and moved out of Salt Lake City by now. The last 10 minutes were cut off for some reason but don't worry -- I let you know what you missed. Dennis has so many friends, you guys, one of them is bound to listen to this podcast. If you do, say hi!
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As always, please applaud our Sound Supervisor B.T. Measles!


Hello and welcome to the pursuit of happiness podcast. I'm your host Marta and this week we talk to internet stranger dentists. And we discuss things like how Whitney Houston makes the best tunes to groove to end. The only reasons why someone should move to Utah. Also, just so you are aware, the last 10 minutes of his podcast, we lost Dennis's sound bite. So I'm going to just tell you what happens when it gets cut off and it's only 10 minutes. You didn't miss that much. So still listen, it's still a good interview. Okay. Cool. Hello. Danis Hello. We're gonna just jump right into the scope because that's how we do things. Okay, so we're gonna start with an icebreaker. Have you ever sent a dick pic? No, never. Not even a significant other? Never. Never. That's? Yeah, that seems to be the normal. Has anyone asked you for one? No, no. And you don't even know if I'd said what it'd be like. Yeah. I don't. I mean, some people the only people who've said that they have sent a dick pic. Is because a significant other? I don't know. That doesn't I can't compute with that. But I also feel like I don't feel like people wouldn't admit admit to it. I don't know. Like, it's kind of weird. In my opinion. It's kind of weird, but it is weird. People are being honest with me, which is always surprising. Okay, so now, I'm going to ask you some questions. Because you're, I don't know you like so I'm gonna just ask you some questions. So I can kind of gauge what kind of person you are. So what is your favorite movie? And if you don't have a favorite movie, maybe the last movie you watched and if you liked it or not, favorite movie has to be children of men. Oh, hell yeah. That's a good that is a that is a word that is that is like, I can only watch it like, once a year because it's very hard. It's very. My soul hurts when I watch it. But yeah, it's really it's really good one. Oh, yeah. And by Alfonso choir on this. Oh, yes. Amazing. Yep. Yep, yep. Okay, well, that helped me some people. I don't know what they're talking about, but I know your brain a little bit better. Okay, what about a band or song? If you have Spotify, you could tell me your top Spotify artist, top Spotify artists. Least for 2021 like you're not doing that like rewind thing was crumble. Yeah, yes. Krung. Ben was crunk. Ben, are you familiar with them? It's like k h. There. They got a weird spelling. They're kind of like a psychedelic band out of. Okay. Out of El Paso, I think. Yeah, it's KHRUANG bi N super good. Really high. Okay. I'm excited to listen to it. But psychedelic Okay. That makes sense. Yeah. And they were your top, their top top art. Top Artists. Listen on the most. Okay. Okay. Okay, now tell me what your job is. Maybe don't say where you work? Because I'll bleep it out. And yeah, no worries. I work for a software company here. And I work for a software company. I'm not gonna say where? Yeah, don't say and I work. I do customer success, which is essentially like account management. I work the network for the Latin American division. Oh, yeah. So everything. Oh, do you speak Spanish? Yes. Is that what you're telling? Yeah. Cool. That's awesome. Okay, and then here's our last question. And you can interpret this however you want can be dating or just life. What's wrong with you? Oh, gosh. I don't know. Several things. Yes, see, you can just choose one you can tell me all or you can choose one. It's up to you and I can share something that's wrong with me if that helps. I feel like it would probably is like I'm just never satisfied with things. I'm just always like, need something new or like need to always be like, I always need constant stimulation. I'm never satisfied with just like, being like, okay, like I just needed like always look for something new. doesn't mean dating wise, but it's just more just in general in life. Like, does that mean you travel a lot? Or move a lot? Both? I mean, this has been the longest I've been somewhere so I'm already feeling a little bit antsy. Are you from Utah? Are you moved here? I'm originally from Miami, Florida. Okay, so this is very different for you, I assume just about how long did that How long have you lived here? Say like, three and a half years now. As long as I've lived anywhere outside of Miami, was it job oriented? Or are you like, I love Utah seems like a cool place to live. So it's actually a funny story, how I learned about salt lake. I mean, it was known about seeing like, but I was traveling through New Zealand and I was like, I hadn't been living. I've hadn't been back to the US in like two years. And I really wasn't sure what I was going to do. I was like, Hey, I don't want to move to the east anymore. I kind of want to move out West somewhere with mountains where I can go climbing and do outdoor activities and just happen to be in a hostel with these like two girls and they're from Salt Lake and they're like, it sounds like salt lake is perfect for you. So I started doing some research. And here I am. Now, now, everybody's counting. They just like, loaded up, you know? Yep. Okay, we're gonna move on to our next segment, which is called overgeneralize questions for men. And I pulled these from multiple sources. So if you hate it, it's not my fault. I have a stack of cards here and I'm going to pull them randomly. Okay. Oh, okay. So you're answering this on behalf of all men. As if you don't relate to this question to maybe take your best guess. what do what do men think is going to happen when they cat call? Best case scenario I can relate to that. I just never do like it just just not a thing. I don't know. Yeah, I me personally, what I would expect is to be just come off as really creepy and just shitty. So that's me personally. Yeah, I feel like you don't do it in like, I don't think any man in the universe is like if I yell at this woman, she's gonna love me they do it because I don't know. I mean, I don't understand most men, so I can't really speak for them too much. But personally, for me, absolutely. 100% I do not expect. Not that I've ever done it before. I wouldn't expect anything except to be judged as a creeper. Yeah, clearly. Yeah. Yeah. The one time that I've been caught cat called, I flipped them off. And then they started yelling at me angrily. Like we used to call it was like, what? You cannot. Okay. Yeah. And then I like ran away because I was afraid of that. But yeah, it was. It was an interesting time. Don't recommend it. No, I don't recommend anyone do it. Hopefully someone learns from this. Yeah. Okay. Let's pick the next one. Okay. Do you know who Pete Davidson is? That's the first question. What's your theory on how he lands all these hot ladies? He's hilarious. He's a funny dude. Is he he's, I think he's pretty funny. I mean, he must be That's my opinion. I mean, he's kind of a strange looking man. But I mean, you know, there's there's unconventionally attractive people out there. Yeah, I feel like when he does weekend updates, they're funny, but he's not very good at at being in the actual Saturday Night Live skit. I mean, he just like an interesting human. You know, like, there's just like, he's just an interesting person. So I feel like that kind of draws that. And he's also like, self deprecating, doesn't take himself too serious. I think that's like, really key he like, yeah, me like, I also think like, he's very, he talks about how sad he is. And there's always like, you know, people want to fix that type of person. Right? They're like, My Love can heal up Davidson. Let's do this. Yeah, that's my that's my I don't even know who is supposedly dating at this point. I don't know. Okay, yeah, yeah, they went on like at an amusement park ride and held hands and everyone's like how what? What a weird life to be like just living. And then someone catches you like, holding someone's hand and they're like, Destiny is so much. That's like my worst nightmare. Maybe famous, I always save famous name, but nobody knows who I am. Yeah, I would say you can't see my face. Yeah. So like, people will be like, Oh, respects that name. No idea who she is? Visually? Yeah. I don't know. You could get into cool places. Probably. It's true. That is true. Okay, so this is a submission from social media. This person asks, Do men really think about nothing when they say they think about nothing? And this was from a man? And I was like, do you say that? What? Shouldn't you be able to answer this question? So yeah. Attempt. I mean, I mean, it's something I wouldn't say thinking about nothing. Because I'm always thinking about something at least me personally. Yeah. But it's usually nothing important. It's like, yeah, thinking about like, the work or like thinking about something like, maybe like a future travel plan, or like something dumb. I said, in the past, I was like, Oh, why did I say that? You know, but like nothing? Yeah. Usually when I say nothing, but then again, I'm a pretty open book of people. So usually, yeah. Yeah, like, usually, it's like, nothing important is what I will say. Nothing relevant. No one. Okay, so I have this has not really anything to do. This. It does. Okay. It's about thinking. I watched this woman on the internet. And she said that there's two types of thinkers. Do you hear your own voice? When you're thinking or you like just seeing images of voice above? Voice above? Yeah. Like, there are people who exist that don't hear any voices? That is why I don't comprehend how they even think it's so wild. To me. I would say it's definitely a strong mix of both because there's definitely some times that I don't have a voice. There's definitely some times I do. Yeah, yeah, that is I think that makes sense. But it's just, I can't imagine like, they must not. I don't know, I think that those types of people are not the over thinkers, which, I mean, it sounds like you're you have similar brain to me where like, I can remember something I said when I was 13. And be like, Oh, how are you still living after saying that? So? Yeah, I just thought that was wild. Okay, we did our overgeneralize questions for men. Now, I need my phone for this one. We're gonna talk about your profile. So basically, what's good? Tell It's not scary. It's basically I'm gonna tell you like, Okay, you chose this picture for this reason? And then you can tell me really why you picked it or you picked this probably pull up a profile on my phone. Okay. Yeah. Do you like screenshot them because you're not on there anymore? Um, I wrote these before. Okay, so yeah, I got banned. Somebody reported me, but they don't tell you that you're banned. So like I was, so I would, I'm a woman. So usually, like, we get likes all the time. And I had no likes and nobody was like responding to what am I messages that I was sending? And I was like, something weird is happening. And you are the person that made me realize I was banned. Oh, well, because you messaged me, and you're like, I can't see you anymore. So I had no idea but I had a sneaking suspicion because there was a guy who I didn't match with but he messaged me and was really mad that I was doing a podcast. I was not using it for dating, so I haven't failed because I think it happened right after that. So things like stress. Oh, yeah, I could tell this guy was taking it very seriously and I am mad that because I had really like, I had stuff set up and I hadn't like scheduled it so people come on. Okay, so you have a pulled up? Yeah. Okay, so first things first. You Rick rolled us, which is pretty awesome. And you set us up for it because you said Don't hate me if I and then you Rick rolled up. Did you do this because Sit, you'd have an inside joke right away. Because what's more intimate than an inside joke? Explain yourself. Yeah, I'm just all about overall fuckery so you know, just want to Yeah. I mean, if you can't handle getting Rick rolled in, you're really screwed if you're gonna date me, because there's a lot more coming. I just more all about just the scenery and messing around. So yeah, definitely inside jokes. Huge into that. Yeah, that's, I was very, I, I love that when people use the like voice prompts and trick me. It was, it was a delight. So good job. Okay. So your rock climbing picture. From above, it looks like you're above a large body of water. Is this because you want people to imagine you like Wesley from Princess Bride, and you'd climb up mountain to save somebody from danger or have like a really cool fight with you know, respectful man. So, you know, the funny thing is don't hate me. But I've actually only seen The Princess Bride like twice. And it was like way back. So I can't really picture that scene too much. I'm not. I'm not that cool. So I honestly thought it was just my family thing. I didn't think any. When I was a kid, I thought I was the only person who saw Princess Bride. And it turns out I was a cult classic. But basically, it shows the cliffs of more, which is in Ireland, and it's really scary. But he like climbs up it. And that's all you need to know. And he's like fights. He fights the guy. And it's a very respectful sword fight. And that's basically what happens. Well, I probably lose in that fight. So I wasn't going after that. Yeah, but where were you? And were you actually above a body of water? And could you have fallen into the water? Yeah, so that was taken in. Swimming gorge was above a body of water, but it's not. It wasn't super high. I would have been fine if I thought I fell on that. But yeah, it's not photoshopped or anything. It's just, it's really not that high. I think it was like 20 feet high. So it's like, if I fall off the wall, like I'll be I'll be fine in the water. You know? That's still pretty high. For some people. I would not like falling from that. And where are you? Okay. So you said there must have been some sort of shore at the bottom right? If you are climbing, how did you get on the wall in the first place? It's like, we were just doing some Cliff jumps off of that wall. Friends like doing it. And then like we and then there was like a shore that you could like, climb up, but I wanted to like, see if I could climb up the wall. That seemed pretty easy. And then as I'm like, getting to the very end, my friend like leans over and like takes that picture. And it's like, just happens to be like, right when I'm like, Alright, I don't think you get over this lip. Can you please like, help me as I like, put my arm up. And he just like, grabbed my arms and like pulled me up? Because it was just like, it's like a really overhang impossible. difficult, especially with like, no shoes or anything. Yeah. Well, it looks really impressive. To people who don't know, I don't know anything about climbing and I was like, that seems terrifying. So. Okay, on to the next one. Okay. I think it's important for men to state that they love to dance on their profile. Because it just slots there is a fear within dudes, and I don't know what it is. Okay, so basically, you are saying that you are a dance party goer. So if you are going to match with you, if a person is going to match with you, they have to like dancing basically. Yes. Like yeah, absolutely. Yeah, we like are we to dance parties and like our friends so dance parties all the time. So usually one of the first ones for just gotta that not saying that I'm a good dancer. I mean, who cares, but just gotta be anyway, you know? Yeah, you just have to not I feel like what it is. It's like, you just have to not care and have fun. You don't have to be good at it. Why do you sit? Yeah, nobody wants to watch good dancers. I mean, some people but added at a wedding. Come on. You just want to go crazy. Yeah, no, it's all about just having fun. That 100% That's what it's about. It's about like showing like dancers or anything. It's just like, who cares? Like it's just no, it's like letting loose. You know, it's like, just being in the moment. That's for me, at least that's what it's all about. Do you have a song I go to? Like if you hear it, you have to go dance to it. For several, I would say for going like 90s I would say like, return to the Mac. Who's a buyer? forgot his name is? Return the back. It's like, yeah, no, it's so good. It's like, I feel like several people share that like, sentiment that like if that song comes on, you just gotta dance to it. Yeah. Let's see. Also we need mark more. Yeah. Mark Morrison. Yeah, yeah. And also like Whitney Houston, you know, dance somebody. Oh, gotta get on. That is. That is my top song, which maybe is very unoriginal of May but Whitney hits. Or Celine Dion and easily valid. I've been listening to her a lot lately. She's great. And she's so cool. She's like, the coolest. older lady. What a doll. Okay. Oh, wait, I have another one. Okay. Let me find it. Where did you go? Okay, got a feeling I know what this one's about. It appears that you have a lot of friends. Is this. You telling us that if you go out with us, it means something. Because you have so many friends that you could be hanging out with. But you choose the person to go out on a date with you have like a picture with like, 30 friends? Yeah, I am very lucky. And I do have a lot of friends here in Salt Lake just got lucky and got adopted by it by them. So. Yeah, I mean, like, that's not really the message I'm sending. But it's like, I guess it's just more like, just to show that I'm like a social person and like have a lot of friends. And yeah, I do still like kind of not really trying to show that like I'm Oh, like I'm choosing to hang out with you. You know what I mean? But yeah, I Yeah. But yeah, but you do have a lot of for ads. Yeah. I'm very that's impressive. A lot of things are always going on, thankfully. Yeah. Do you have so is the one the one photo of you dancing in the desert? Where are you? That's over by. That's over by ibex, Utah. I'm not sure a lot of people know about that place. It's like a dried like bed. We just like threw a party out there. That's cool. A lot of fun. That looks like a fun time. Okay. Oh, yeah. And also for those dance parties. I'm gonna get a dress up from Louvre themed it's even better. Yeah, like, I costume. The best. Yeah. I agree. I've next question is a costume related question. Um, I wrote into I don't have it here. But. So do you take Halloween very seriously is my question. Do you make a good Halloween partner? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Definitely. No, you're not one of those people who's like you just choose it. You have to be involved? Is that what you're saying? Definitely, um, I wouldn't say my call center super elaborate. But it's like, I will definitely dress up and honestly, I'm, like, almost every party we go to is like a costume themed party. So like, we have a Frank Sinatra party once in a while. And we also Oh, yeah, so we like dress up to the nines like 1930s clothing and then I think my birthday party like pre COVID Of course was a yeah like a medieval parties. Everyone like dressed up as like knights. Yeah, that's and that's the cool the picture. I'm guessing that's from you have a picture with you and another person and it looks like you're dressed up medieval. That was actually like promoting. Yeah, that was actually the party that was promoting the party because it was my birthday and her birthday party. She was she's my she was my roommate at the time. So that's so fun. What's your best Halloween costume or just costume for dressing up anytime? Oh, gosh, that you have fun Halloween costume? Oh, man. There's so many. I would say. I mean, I had a really good king costume. That was like really realistic. We found it at the Goodwill bins and it was just like, shout to my buddy green green. He's the one who found it. But it's just like this. Like really elaborate like King costume. You could tell us like really like a movie prop. Yeah, that was probably the best quality one that I've found. But also like I taught, I taught English in Korea for like a year and a half. And cool. I dressed up as Mr. Bean like I had like, ended like the comb over and like I had a little teddy bear with me. And that was probably the most ridiculous costume but the kids loved it. Did anyone Uh, okay, do they do they know Mr. Bean? Yeah, they are immediately like, oh my, they loved it. And it was it was a hit. It was great. But he's on Hulu. Maybe not the sexiest costume, that's for sure. But you know, like, No, but that's I. I don't love sexy costumes. I have a Paul McCartney Sergeant Pepper's costume. That was to my sister's like, Kay, you got to try to make this sexy because I think it's funny. But it's not because I like we're a full mustache and a wig. But it's just shorts. Like, yes, I want to confuse everybody. And yeah, that was my favorite costume. But yeah, but I love Mr. Beam. That would be my I mean, Mr. Ray, I would stay up till 11pm On Saturdays because they would play it on like PBS or something in the 90s I was obsessed with it. And you can rewatch it on Hulu. Still so funny. But Rowan Atkinson. Hate it. Like Mr. Bailey, I didn't know believe that. Such a legend you missed a legend. So sad. And also my favorite comedian, his girlfriend. His name is James a caster. His girlfriend dumped him for Rowan Atkinson. And he's like, twice as old as I'm like, Who is this woman? She just attracts all the funniest dudes while okay. Anything. Any other great stories from your profile that you feel like sharing with us? I guess the one thing that I'm sorry, was it my, I think it was like, my love languages. And then like I put crying after sex was my answer. Yes. And a lot of people have like, not understood that that was a joke. And they just like liked it. And they're like, why? Or like, what's wrong? And I'm like, I feel like it wouldn't be putting that so open this that was costing me. Yeah, I couldn't think of a good weird question for that. You already went weird for it. I should have. Yeah. Do you think that's the most like which one of your like many prompts and photos? Would you say? People comment or like, I'm honestly a mix of all of them. Like, I would say it's a mix of all of them. I think like that one definitely gets a lot. But I think really it's a mix. Because anyone that like sticks out for people. But that one does get strange ones or people are like, Well, why are like what's wrong? Or? That's weird. Let me let me heal. Yes, sir. Please. Yeah, I have to say as a woman, it's always the first picture. People don't. People are not creative. They don't. Oh, yeah. They're just to be like, Okay. Like, yep. Okay. Hi, girl. Like don't add all because I stated in my profile, that if you just like a picture, you are disqualified immediately. I'm like, no, let it Wow. Yeah. Wild Times. Yeah. Okay. Now we're gonna do, would you rather yours? And I picked the most interesting slash. I feel like the hardest ones to answer, but, I mean, maybe it won't be for you. Okay. Oh, this is actually I felt like this is a hard one. Would you rather go on tour with Elton John or share Elton John, John. I know. I know. But it's just like, John. Yeah, share would be great too. I get that share would be great too. I just feel maybe not. I don't know. Like, she like looks like she's still Party right now are like, um, she, I so she posted this thing. I feel like a year ago that was like, I'm 75. And I can do a five minute bridge, not a bridge plank. And I'm like, That's pretty. She's still parties, write her face. Pretend to, like go on tour with them and like, hang out. I would say probably you if it didn't say like, what you'd be doing them. I assume you are like, on the side of the stage or hanging out with them. Being buds. Yeah, I'm gonna go with Elton John. So I don't know. Maybe it'd be awesome because she's amazing, but I feel like I would learn more from she So just because she's like an amazing person, but Elton John also hangs out with my favorite singer brandy Carlisle. And so I would probably meet her, even though I have met her before. A long time. Well, so I funny story. I loved the band Hanson growing up. And weirdly, Brandy Carlisle opened for them in 2004. And I was at, oh, man, that concert. And I was like, Who is it? Me and my sisters were like, We love this woman. We actually had to mail her a check to get her her CD. And so I've loved her since then. And she like did a she did a little mini performance outside of gray well, and she did like a meet and greet and, like signed these little like posters, so I met her but like, I feel like if you're hanging out with Elton John, you're on the same level as her and you could be friends with her. It wouldn't be like a fan moment if that makes sense. Yeah. You get that? Plus, I love Cher. But I I mean, it was like, her night, her 90s music that I know of, but ultimately, like no more of his, you know, full music. Okay. Let's see another one. Okay, would you rather watch nothing but Hallmark Christmas movies or nothing but horror movies? Horror movies? Oh, my God, anything Bahama buys them? I would. It would have been something else bad. I probably would have just said kill myself like, Oh, my God. Can I tell you something hilarious that will probably I read? No, I don't. I had a meeting. I'm a writer. I'm a screenwriter. And I had a meeting with somebody at Hallmark. And they were like, You should write well, I don't know if I got the job. But they get paid pretty well. And I feel like they could tell that I had too much Satan in my soul. To like, want me to write for them. The time will tell. I don't think they would like any. My scripts are very not Hallmark. And I don't know why this person he read like a script I wrote forever ago. And I haven't heard from him. So maybe he changed his mind. But Isn't that wild? Oh my gosh, I had to pick that one. Just in case someone was like I hate most people hate them. I don't watch them. So it's just Well, yeah, I mean, oh, man, you could have been the person that like pivoted to like more, you know, well, that's what the guy was. He was like, we're trying to go with like a younger and actually funny audience, like people who actually enjoy comedy. And so they were they're saying if they should go that direction is what the guy told me. But yeah, I sent him the script that he already had read, but I think maybe they read it and we're like, this is too much same level. There's too much hell in this so yeah, get out of here. But yeah, maybe maybe one day you'll watch a Hallmark movie and it will be my new but like, that's not that doesn't make me want to drown myself in the ocean. So. Okay, let's see one more. Would you rather be reincarnated as a fly or just stop existing that's a good one I'd probably want to reincarnate as a fly. I mean, why not? You're gonna fly around and I mean, I'm not going to be conscious of like my past and be like, Oh my god, I'm eating shit right now. This is disgusting. Yeah, I would just be a little sly probably like really happy with his little life you know? For Yeah, for his one month of life. I don't know how long flies or whatever however they live. Plus you could maybe be in the situation of like the movie the fly. Become. Fly Jeff Goldblum. So there's always a slight chance that true yeah. Yeah, come a giant monster throw up in your hand. I don't know your his vomit is like, melts people's skin. It's pretty wild. So I would love to come back and I don't know if you would mold into Joe Let's go for that. But you know, yeah, yeah, fly, I guess is like yeah, all right, but Jeff Goldblum seems a little better. Yeah. But you would still get a fly, which probably is a worthwhile experience if you own even if you only live for a week. That's a good choice. I agree with that. Okay, so now we're gonna go on to dating, red flags and green flags. So, when you are looking at at a profile, what is something that you are like, Oh, no, immediately you can do that. Like, no, yeah. If every picture is a selfie, I'm just like, come on. Like, I don't know, it just. I'm just not a fan of like, if every picture being a selfie, I don't know. It just seems like I want to see you do your hobbies if that makes sense. Yeah, no, that's 100% Show me Don't tell me I guess it's kind of where it goes to. Let's see. I guess if like a person relies on like, their looks or whatever, like I feel like it's pretty easy to tell that they don't really put much on their on their prompts or just like one word answers and then it's just like, throwing rely on their looks. I'm just like, all right, like I did it a red flag for me. No, no, I know nothing about you. Showing me so that's that's a no for me. Let's see green flags. If they're funny, don't take themselves too seriously. They take like a picture of themselves or something like that. Like primo Primo. Yeah, I mean, like people that also people that like, like, my profile, like actually don't really use the thing that often like, I honestly never go through people's profiles. But if someone likes me, like, it's usually something like okay, cool. Like, this was like, kind of a go getter, like this person, like, has some like, I don't know, is willing to show what they like or whatever. Yeah. But usually, it's funny for me, like, I'm not much of like texture, or like a person on the app. Like, I'll usually ask someone out within like, the first three messages. Just because like, I feel like I know people better to, like, actual dates than Yeah, that makes sense. I'm not sure there's like green or red flag thing or anything, but I do want like, it's a green flag of someone's like, Yeah, let's do it. Like within like three tags. Yeah, because it just seems like it's like cool. Like they're not they're not looking to waste their time. I'm not looking to waste my time. Right. I mean, really, I'm not to I mean, obviously, like it's and then it's like the typical like red flags where it's like someone's like, oh, like all my exes are crazy. Or like, oh, like I'm crazy or something like that. I'm like, Alright, cool. Thanks for letting me know. But I'm just I guess, like a little bit like a 31 I don't I just don't have time for that anymore. I just I don't know. Right? That makes sense. Yeah, it just I don't have time for that. Like I just don't want my time wasted. Like not to say that I'm looking for anything serious. But it's just like someone who like kind of knows what they want or is like willing to like explore but I mean, obviously like I mean even not obvious I don't know your audiences but I usually like conservative is like a big no like I think I've actually have it as see those people. No, you can't you have to pay to be able to say no conservatives but you can say no Christians which that works sometimes goes hand in hand and hands one of my nose is a Christian or religious I'm just like Mac and now like yeah, I don't know I'm looking for like like minded people who are like into the outdoors, right? kind of share similar hobbies are down to the biggest green flags I'm looking for is like someone who's funny, someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously and like he's willing to like he's like, curious and like, willing to try new things and have fun. Yeah, that's that's kind of what I'm famous for. I'm sure it's a common theme that you hear from people actually, I mean, there's that some people are very specific things. They're like immediately swipe Yes. Like sundresses then and sneakers or liking cars was one of them. But that's like sharing interests. So like Yeah, but looks don't matter. Like things like that. Like I don't know, it looks it doesn't matter too much to me anymore. It's more about like, yeah, I don't know getting along with someone Yeah, if you're gonna Yeah, vibe with them and this person it's very interesting. Because I think my profile said that I was liberal. But I had so many Christian dads that were like, what? I had a pretty wide age range. Because I was like, I want like, if there's, the problem is that people that were like in their 40s were like, very take everything very seriously. So I couldn't like I couldn't have them on because they would get offended, probably. And then I have like, some very young people, which is just wild the way that they do things like Snapchat, every second. I don't even know how so yeah. I, I had it when I was like, in my early 20s. Like, for me, it was like, someone just has like, their Instagram and they're like, I'm just like, yeah, nope. Like, I don't even I don't even have an Instagram anymore. So I'm not doing that. And, like, first off, if you want to talk to me, then you could talk to me like, I'm not gonna chase you down. Yeah, we I think that's I think everyone has said that as a red flag, just because, yeah, it's you. Obviously, they're just on there to go followers. So Yeah, makes sense. And that's funny, like, I went on the date with this girl, and I just like, kind of went on a rant about like, Instagram influencers. And she's like, Well, I was just firing it. I was like, this is not gonna end well, like Yeah, but yeah, I guess it's yeah, people trying to be influencers or anything like that. I just, I just don't care. Like I'm not into it. Yeah, I mean, what about I mean, I guess they're not I mean, I love the reason why I'm I love Instagram is because there's lots of comedians, but I don't know if they're, they're considered an influencer. But some of them do. Please hold for technical difficulties. Everything is fine. Nothing is ruined. Okay, so if you're wondering about Dennis is bad date. I recorded this a very long time ago. But what I can remember, and after listening to my own voice, one sided conversation, he had a catfish moment, you know, he went on a date with a woman. And she showed up. And it turns out that she did not look like her picture. And he wasn't saying that she was like, gross or anything. He was just very surprised, and also confused as one would be in this type of situation. And then we discussed one of my favorite TV shows 90 Day fiance is because that kind of has something to do with catfishing. We lead the conversation there. We talked about how like, you kind of feel bad for like the people who are getting scammed. But also you don't really because their entire family and friends are like, hey, this person scamming you and they ignored them. So it's their own fault. So that's kind of what we talked about for our last question. And if you're wondering, our very, very last question, the one that I end all my podcasts with, is, do you love me now if you're a stranger, I ended differently for other people. But so I asked him if he was in love with me. And he paused for a very long time, which I was like, Come on, man, you gotta decide. And he said he wasn't. You said he wasn't in love with me. But the long pause gives me hope that in the future that is gonna wake up and he's gonna love me one day. So yeah, that's the ending of of that pod part of the podcast. I hope you enjoyed my little rehashing. Also, thanks for listening, because I appreciate it. And you can always follow us on our social media, which is in the description. I feel like I'm tired of seeing it at the end of every podcast, just look at the description and feel free to follow us. It's a real fun time on our social media to do it. Okay, and also you can like subscribe, and also give me five stars because I love you and you love me and let's just share this love we have together okay, bye

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