Pursuit of Appiness Podcast

Internet Stranger Nik

Marta Reeder Season 1 Episode 6

On this week's episode we actually hear a bad date story, and it's not this man's fault! This is a rare occasion! We talk about various things like antiquing and gaming -- two ends of the spectrum. 
Sound supervising B.T. Measles. 
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Hello, and welcome to the podcast pursuit of happiness. I'm your host Marta and this week we talk to internet stranger Nick. And we discuss things like just straight up chillin during a zombie apocalypse, and also a size 14 finger size, which is a size that exists. mind boggling. Okay, we're gonna start with an icebreaker. And the icebreaker is have you ever sent a dick pic? Yes, actually have was it did somebody asked for it? Or were you just like, shooting babies out? No, no, it was requested. Okay. Yeah, it's usually not until I've met them. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. Because they could use it against you in some way. I'm sure. Okay. That's good. I feel like that's appropriate. Yeah. And it's okay. Yeah, I feel like that's always so far. Unless people are lying. To me. That's been the case if they ever have so you're in the free. Okay, we're gonna ask you, by way, I just mean myself. I'm going to ask you some questions that I find kind of tell me a little bit about yourself. And then we'll get on to the the big business. So what is your favorite movie? Either Grand Budapest or The Royal Tenenbaums falls by Wes Anderson. Wes Anderson fan a. Did you like the French dispatch? Did you see it? I actually haven't seen it yet. So I need to get out and see it. Yeah, Bay rail wasn't my favorite. And there's a very loud chewing scene in there. And I have I get really angry when I hear chewing and I didn't even pay attention to it. So okay. But yeah, my favorite. Wes Anderson. Is Darjeeling Limited. It's my favorite. Okay, favorite music. It can be banned. It could be your top Spotify artists for this year. It could be whatever. Either glass animals or palsu. Okay. What kind of music is that? I feel like I know glass animals. I can't. They're both kind of similar in their own way. So that's a mellow like some you can just listen to and enjoy in the background. Yeah, you say that your entire vibe. Are you a chilled mellow guy. So you say I've been called an old man. Oh, yeah. So I'm kind of minimalistic and a lot of ways so yeah, like, just Nick. Like, yeah, life. I have been called an old lady. But I don't know why. I don't feel like I'm an old lady. I think it's because I like to cross stitch. Maybe that's. That's an old lady thing, I guess. All right. What, okay, without telling us where you work. What do you do for work, though? So I work in the video game industry. Shuster ways so you just get to play video games. Pretty much. Holy shit. That's pretty fun. I mean, I wouldn't know how to play most video games. But that seems like a dream. Yeah, that's a dream. Pretty cool. So I do performance and game testing. So I'll play the game some days and just kind of write up reports on what's wrong. Yeah. And then other days, also play the game. But I'll take like five steps, and then look at the output of that game. And a different type of report based on that output. That sounds cool. That sounds like it. Yeah, I feel like there is. There's a big gaming company here, but I don't know that much about EA. There's there's a bunch of them out here. So yeah, that's really cool. All right. Now, our last question, and you can interpret this in any way you want to could be Yeah, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with me? All right. Um, nowadays, it's like what is? No, I think, what's wrong with me? That's a good question. It could be it could be in dating. It could just be like, your back is hurting today. Whatever you want to tell us. And gee, I know that I'm definitely waiting. Gee, you're stingy. Like, what? In what way? I don't know. People are like, Oh, he's so cheap. It's like yeah, I'm cheap. But like, you know, is that way I can do Save for later. I would Yeah. But yeah, that makes no I think that's a quality us millennials. Like because none of us are good at saving money, right? We're speaking I'm speaking on behalf of the whole generation. There's some good ones out there. Okay. Well, that's I feel like that's a pretty good still, even though it's something wrong with you. It's pretty good quality to have. Okay, so now we're moving on to our segment called overgeneralize questions for men. So you are answering on behalf of all men everywhere. And if you have any idea, because you don't relate to the question, you can just take a guess we'll just be a fun little guess. And we'll be like, Okay, that's the answer on behalf of all men. Okay. Oh, this is an interesting one. I've read. These are the sources not sure. So scientifically, this could be totally just incorrect. But I've read that men think about sex every seven seconds. How do you get anything done? How, how if that's true. That's what I read. That's what I read. I don't know about that. Every seven seconds. All right. Um, blow my mind. Um, if that was true, if that was true, yeah. We probably use that as like a motivator. You know, be like, alright, if I can get this done. Yeah. Then this is what can happen. But no way. I probably think about food. Yeah, I also read, okay, so there was another thing that I read, but I didn't do the math. I was like, this guy thought about it 514 times in an hour. And I was like, Well, what's this guy doing? Is he just sitting there in a room full of like, hot people, then that would make sense. I didn't really tell me but I don't know. Okay, that makes sense. As a motivator. That's like when I get this and could maybe go have a good time somewhere? Yeah, exactly. Okay, this one was a submission from my social media. And, again, it's one that you're gonna just have to interpret, I don't really know what it means. It just says Why are men so could be like, could be like, what you think? Like, way back when, when we were turning into humans? What happened? Where they are, if you wanted to refer to Atomy? I don't know. What do you think about how the men were created? can take a bear view. Why are men I think it's partially, but I think this goes like both ways. But I think guys, especially if any guys like we know it all murders at all ever. They're like, Yeah, we don't know, anything. Anything. Men are here to essentially like, ask the questions that I asked at the wrong times. And so that way, we can keep the flow of thought going. Like yeah, I think everybody does that. But I think men have like, this inherent natural. Yeah, like a very special unique thing. A dumb question. Yeah. makes everybody else in the room. Why? Why did you ask that? That's a good theory. I like I like it. I also I had been thinking about, like, there's this show called Dennis the Menace. And in it this kids like, they talk about, why do men have belly buttons? But really, I think the question that they're asking is, why do men have nipples? And I think it's because men used to be women. And so they use it, but I don't know why they still would have them though. Just for fun, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, next question. Um, okay, this one is bigger than truck smaller. The deck. Is this true? You know, so this is actually a great question. I drive a smart car. Oh, yeah. So like, very small car, or like, yeah, most you can get on the road. And it's great. Because anytime I've gone dates, anything like that, you know, I get the look of like, this is what you drive. Yeah. And I just always have to think of like, the way to come back depending on who I'm with. And how, yeah, I'll just be like, yeah, don't have to compensate. You know, there you go. Yeah. That is perfect. Yeah. So is it this smart cars that don't have any seats in the back? It's just like the Your front seats. Yeah. The cars literally like, you just got two seats. And yeah, a cube. Yeah. And you know, if you put your arms out you pretty much at the length of the vehicle itself was there. I mean, those are very fascinating. I haven't seen one in a long time. I don't know where they've gone. I mean, they're great if you go downtown, especially Yeah, actually see quite a few of them. Just kind of zipping by and round. Yeah, like, we'll call me parking and pick up people from the airport is all hell yeah, that's it. Yeah, that sounds great. I also haven't been downtown for a long time. Because COVID So I, it's like, I go down there. And it's like, there's a new building. Every time I'm like, what? Where did that come from? I was down here like three weeks ago. Yeah. Okay, we're gonna move on to our next segment called, we're just gonna look at your profile. And basically, I'm gonna just ask you questions, or like, I'm gonna interpret your photos and be like, This is why you posted this photo, and then you tell me the real reason why, okay, I have to get my phone out. Because I read them really late at night, and I need to read them. Okay. So, this one I have to ask to every person who has a mustache, and it might be a little too niche, but I'm gonna ask it anyways. You have a photo with a mustache? Is this so women can imagine you as an old timey light housekeeper. But you probably wouldn't go insane. Because I'm, I'm referring to the movie The lighthouse. And the best part of that movie is Robert Patterson's mustache is the real star of that movie. Why what? explained your mustache they brought up boy, how, as I'll joke, French's me like find single. I'm just gonna move in to the light. Oh, maybe that's part of it. Yeah, for what's funny about it is when I was a kid, like real little, like five, six years old. My best friend Jake and I were always talking about when we were adults. Yeah. Yes. That's yeah, I just want to must sash. You know, my dad had a mustache on like, pepper. So I'm like, I'm gonna have a mustache. And so that was my life goal. And then once I hit like, ninth grade, I finally started growing one. So did you have like a tiny mustache? A tiny knife. Yeah, they looked like dirt and everything. By the time 10th grade though. It was pretty much to where it is. Oh, wow. Impressive. That's very impressive. I think my thing when I grow beard, but I mean, I love a mustache. So I think it's great. That's all I would care about. If I was man, I would have a mustache. But when I was little, I just wanted to have Jennifer Aniston hair. And I kind of I mean, I kind of it's up right now. But I would say could be the level of Jennifer Aniston if I tried more. So there's that. Okay. So this question we've already kind of talked about it. You tell us you have an electric electric car and an E bike? Is this you telling us that when we go on dates with you, it will lessen our carbon footprint. And that's just like a drag div right. Saving the planet. high enough so it's sort of funny. My Smart cars actually gas No. Okay on that whatsoever. Oh, it's still fuel efficient. Yeah. But the ebike that is? Oh, it's great. Like, it's the borders on being a motorcycle and a biker. Yeah, it's like, as soon as I take the pedals off, I have to register it. But since I threw that so long as like keeping the Eco because they think 30 Thunder you can get Yeah, so fun facts for anybody listening. But that is cool. No, essentially either way. You're still you're still lessening. Yeah, carbon footprint. Yeah, that is get up to 60. So Dang, can somebody write on it? With you? Okay, up to people on there. Yeah. Yeah, that's probably not a good idea. Yeah. A little cold and like, just right now The air is so bad that I would just not be the greatest. Okay. So, you are self proclaimed nerd about a couple of things. I googled Elder Scrolls, but I don't, I guess explain it to us. Those of us who do not know Yeah. So it's a video game series. Essentially. Just like little RPG, you kind of go around and do Kind of sad and like this medieval ish time, but my cats like attacking me. Oh my cats right here too cute. Oh yeah. Yeah, all yours is so cute. My cat is just mean and just bet me but yeah, your cat is way that is one adorable cat. Oh my god. Little cat. I love a quarter of the time. All cats. Sorry. Go ahead Elder Scrolls Oh yeah, so just a video game essentially like there's a lot of work put into them. They got a lot more actually have books in there that like, Oh that guy who downloaded like an app that has all those books but yeah, just like read through them all just like understand little secrets here and there. Yeah, yeah, so that series I can get into way fast. Okay. Yeah And do you like do my question is so RPG is? Yeah tell me what that is? Okay, that's okay, and then do you is it like a game you finish? Or is it like, oh, I can go and do this? Like, yeah, I don't know anything about it. So one of their games, the most recent one is called Skyrim live put a boy Yes. 800 or so hours into it. Okay, and so you can definitely you can finish the main story and then there's about like, one or the other storylines you can go through and then there's like 100 side quests you can do after that. So okay, so it's like you can branch out. Okay, that this makes sense. Okay, cool. The only video game I've ever played as Sims. And I still play it still play to I was addicted to it when I was like 13 I would make my like school crush be my husband. That was bow. That's about the only thing i i have the attention span for I don't know, maybe I should try other things. But. Okay, so you also nerd about antiques, which is another great way to save the planet. So if you're I mean, girls who are looking for someone who wants to save the planet, here he is. Um, okay. So what is the antique? Like, what is your favorite and T key thing? So I buy a lot of antique jewelry. Oh, that's cool. Well, that's kind of fun. So both the rings everywhere. I'll know y'all. Oh, yeah. Okay, they're like green cool. Like, with gold. They're very, I'm bad at explaining. They're very cool. Like it is this one. It's actually 50 years old. It's from a company called Burlington Northern Railroad. So, railroad company, essentially after you work for them for 10 years, you would get one of those rings sounds like a thank you. Oh, cool. I was able to find one. It was in the size 14. And I took it to my jeweler who brought it down to a size seven. Yeah. Man, so ginormous has been unbelievable. And then the is how cool. The other one kind of similar fit a little bit better is just like a size eight how to run a size seven. But yeah, I mean, that's kind of what I go for or antique safes or firearms even. Okay, that's cool. Where do you like where's your Do you have a place that you hit up? Or do you just like walk online? So most time I'll go to like the antique mall. Downtown. Yes, yes. I love that. Yeah, there's one across from Salt Lake Community. Oh, okay. Yeah, very small one, but they got some interesting stuff. And then there was a old auction house I would go visit and I was able to buy like a retired federal jewelry safe from them. Wow. That sounds awesome. Yeah. Wow. Cool. Yeah, couple spots for sure. I definitely love I love finding like old coats and like, they kind of fit weird. Feel like just they but I love that love coats. I always go find like scarves, love scarves and like, records are always fun to find. But I love that antique mall. That's by downtown. That's like my favorite place to go. That places the best. Yeah, it's giant and just, you always find the weird boobs. And those are so fun to just like spend hours going and looking through stuff. All right. We have a photo of you between a painting of a tiger and a lion. But they both have. Yeah, and they both have babies. Which is this you telling us that? Yes, you're ferocious like a giant eggs. Arctic Cat, but you also have a nurturing side, or was it just to show off your cool jacket? So So I got those from a friend of mine was getting married and they're just like, Hey, have these two like pictures? I don't want my husband doesn't want them. Can you just take them? And I was like, Yeah, I'll take them. Yeah. And at that time, I have moved into this house with like, six bedrooms, all these guys. And some of them were kind of tools and Shoka. Like, put them up, like got the jacket, and I was like, Dude, this is like the most Hugh Hefner ish. Yeah, it looks so I definitely could see that. Yeah, you have no red jacket. Yep. So it's kind of a joke, for the most part, but I was like, You know what, I got my moustache pretty well, so I'm gonna Yeah. And those fixtures are, are great. I feel like you could be like, I am like a ferocious animal. But I like, you know, being nurturing. That's, that's what I see in that. Okay, I once had my friend just give me swords and one day, and I displayed them in my house. And then my sister was like, we're throwing, we don't need swords in our house. But they were like, there was a guy chasing us. And we got out of the car. And I had swords in my car for some reason, and we thought it would scare him. And he wouldn't like get mad at us because they cut them off or something. And then they're like, here, you count these swords. So I had them for a long time. But yeah, they were like a weird joke that got out of hand. And then I was like, Okay, it's time to let these go these weird swords? Yeah, no, eventually, I decided to give her the painting skeleton actually. Yeah, love it. Yeah. And your cat is really cool looking. So he's also, he's like, less than a year old. She's behave. So my cat that is on my lap is getting old. She's 17. She's, yeah. But she seems really healthy. She's just, she's gotten nicer in her old age. So that's always a positive. She used to be a real, real, she has a bite me like every day now. It's only like, once a week, it's fine. Okay, so here's one of your prompts. You say that you can turn an awkward conversation into a deep one. So I'm gonna I'm going to challenge you. Tell me how you would turn an awkward conversation about celebrity couple Megan Fox, and Kelly into a deep one. Or if you were if you're like, I there's no way I can turn this into a good conversation. How would you find a good way to leave? Because you say you're really good at Irish goodbyes? i Well, Irish goodbyes are fantastic. Because you just get up and go. Yeah. So um, someone. So say someone's talking your ear off about that celebrity couple who just got engaged? What would you do in this situation? I've been known to just do the classic like you look at the watch. He kind of like pat your phone. And then you just kind of like give him the like, you know, a hand signal? Sorry. Yeah, yeah. I don't know if I could. I don't know if I could spin that either. though. I mean, very strange couple. Honestly, when it comes down to it, it's like, hey, if it's working out for them, you know, they're happy. Yeah, whatever. Like, that's really the end of it. I mean, yeah. If you're worried about their relationship, and not about your own ability to form relationships, then you got to figure that one out. There. That's a that's a great point. That's a very great point. And they somehow survived it an entire I don't know if it was a word show. But they like chained their nails together. I think it was and I'm like, that's impressive. Let's, we should all be applauding them for somehow staying chained together for that whole time. Like paying who knows? They were creative about it. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Okay, now we're going to move on to a let's do the do you have any bad dating app stories or just date stories in general? Because, you know, not everybody does the app thing all the time? You know, I'm one of those people who kind of like to think optimistically, you know, if it's a bad it's yeah, it's just a way to learn how to deal. Yeah, we went on a date last night. Hmm. That is interesting to say the least. We had planned on meeting up at like eight o'clock, you know, go to Mars. Just get a drink kind of get to know each other. Yeah, well, that's like six o'clock, like a steal, get for eight. No, she comes back and was like, Hey, I'm actually out at Top Golf. Can we do like 10 And then oh, yeah, we can do 10 Just 10 o'clock. I don't really hear anything else, like, you know, probably finishing up, like, give it some time 1030 hits like, hey, we still get for tonight or you want to reschedule? And she's like, Oh, yeah. How about we go to echo, which is a club? Yeah. And I was like, I've never been there. I'm not really the club and type, like, I don't know. Yeah. Do that looking at me, like, know what I'm like, okay, yeah, I'll go there. So I get there. And I'm like, alright, you know, let's see if I can find her in the crowd or whatever. Find her. And she's like, Hey, I'm like, Hey, I was on your first like, goodgoodgood. And then, like, she's got like three other people there. And then she got like, this other guy. I'm like, in my third wheeling date thing, like, what the hell's going on? You know? So I'm like, Yeah, sitting there trying to figure it out. And hurting this other guy who kind of just like, go on the whole time. Eventually. They're like, hey, let's leave. Guys like yeah, let's just go back to my place. I'm like, okay. Hey, come on. Like, okay, like, let's Uber. Like, Well, I actually drove knock. Oh, we'll take your car. Yeah. Really small car. Like it only seats to like, I will make it work. And yes, smart cars sitting on each other's like lap. And like McDonald's get food. And yeah, that's it. This guy's house. You know, we ended up watching, like, be moving. Be movie taking shots and like, doing eventually. I'm gonna leave. Y'all have a great night. Wait, so you were driving? You this woman and this other guy. That's all. Yeah. But I was just like, What am I doing? Oh, God is quite amazing. But that. Yeah. You are very nice to give those people a ride. Yeah, I'm just like, You know what? It was more. So I just didn't want them to not make it home safe. And I'm like, yeah. I might as well take them home. Like, yeah, let them figure out their stuff. Yeah, back to my cat. You know? Yeah, that's really nice of you. I haven't seen the movie in a very long time. It's terrible. It's like the bee falls in love with a woman. Right? Does that make sense? Oh, wow. That's a pretty. I mean, that's a pretty good. It's an add date story. Yeah, yeah. I don't think I've ever been on a date where there's a man talking to another girl. But yeah, I'm like, like, Hold on. Are we here on a date? As friends? Like, what is this? Ya know? Like, she just goes to top. Like, what was she doing at Top Golf? Was she like, yeah, up with her other friends or something? Okay, and that was already like, pre plan. Yeah. Okay. Like, you know, you do you like yeah, you got plans. You know what I'm just like, Okay. I remember my first ever Tinder date. Right when it was like, came out whenever that was 2012 12. Yeah. And I was like, so scared of meeting a stranger. Yeah, that I brought my sister. And so it's like, my sister was sitting there. And I was like, basically on a date. She was like, our chaperone. And I like didn't want her to leave. Because I'm like, best friends with my sisters. And I was like, she always makes me seem better than I am. Because like, we have funny banter with each other. Yeah, that person. Yeah. Like, withstood a strange day. And then he was like, Oh, I forgot my wallet in your car. And then I had to, like, bring it to him. And he's like, that was really fun. So it was like our moment of like, yeah. Being Yeah. And then I forced him to watch Pride and Prejudice. And then he stopped talking to me. Good times, Tinder. Wow. Wow, today's wild. Yeah, I am afraid like I want to try to hit up all that the different apps and try to get interviews from all I have to work up to Tinder. I don't think I'm it's wild over there. So we'll see. Okay, we're gonna go on to our next segment, which is we're going to ask you some water Would You Rather and I, I tried to find the best ones. We'll see. We'll see if you these are hard for you or not. Okay. Okay. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature? sea creature for sure. Do you know which one you would be? What is it called? I want to say it's like a mantis shrimp or something, but I'm not sure. Like this little shrimp punch punches like, so fast and so strong that they heat up the water under it. And it can actually like break glass and stuff. What? Oh, no, look this up is a punching shrimp. And it's like the coolest thing ever. I mean, 100% would be a sea creature, the sea is wild. Like, I don't know, I think I would probably, I really am obsessed with whales. So I think I would they're very, I mean, they, they have very high emotional, like, they have emotional depth to them. And so they're very much I feel like they're a little bit like humans in that way. Like they love their families and are sad when they're separated. Yeah, but seems like living in the sea could be Trey, like very tragic, because there's just so much shit after the like there's so there's this documentary called The Lonely whale. And there's this whale that sings at a different frequency from all other whales. So he's basically just singing the song and nobody can hear him because they're different frequencies. But then they figured out that there might be two of them that could maybe sing to each other. But they're in this like zone where all these like cargo ships come and go. And so they couldn't find them, because the cargo ships are ruining everything. So sad, but maybe that poor little lonely whale has a friend and that that made me you know, feel a little bit better. But yeah, I think it'll be a whale, probably a humpback. Because orca whales can be a little nasty. They can be a little mean, and hurt. And humpbacks are just like happy little. They like jump out of the water for fun. That seems like a great life. Yeah, they're like, yeah, so that's what I choose. So we're the same there. Okay, next one. Oh, this one's perfect for you. Okay, would you rather be trapped inside a video game? Or have the video game come to life around you? I feel like that's basically the same question. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I I'd be okay with either or probably rather be. Have a couple of live around me. Yeah, video game and somebody shuts it off. Like what happens? Yeah. Where do I go? What do I do? Yeah, that's true. happening around me. It's like, cool. I can just do my day to day and then have like, you know, a dragon or like, some random event. Yeah, it's like sweet, this is great. But you would have to help us people who are not trained in video games, you would be a hero in many ways, because we've been like, what the hell? Why do we do here and then I can show you the way normal. Non video not normal. But non video game players. I feel like it's more normal to play video games than it is honestly. Okay, good answer. Next all question. Okay, would you rather always hit every red light for the rest of your life? Or always get slow internet connection after the sun goes down? Oh, that's easy. I'd rather get the slow internet connection. Really? Do not like use the internet at night. So that's how weird I am when I first moved out. I was 19 new downtown Salt Lake right? Yeah, I had a little studio. Really nice area. Yeah. I didn't use electricity for a year. But I didn't do anything. I just didn't do anything at all. I was just like, all right, like other than hot water. Yeah. And occasionally the stovetop. I really didn't use electricity. I guess you could have 10 bucks a month. I guess you could have a I don't know really in depth but if you had a gas stove would you know you start to plug those in right? I don't know. I mean, like other than the bare minimum? I was yeah, I never paid more than $10 a month like wild heating bill was just the minimum as I never had it on what made you do that? Were you just like this maybe goes back to your stingy miss. It was just like I don't need it. Yeah, I was like, you know, hardly here. Like when I come home. I just kind of sleep. Yeah. I'm like, Alright, I don't need to worry about this. This is pretty much just like a couch to Lip Balm essentially. Yeah. I also think part of it was at that time I was driving a 1974. Like to so like this big steel boat. Yeah, it would cost me about $80 to fill up a tank of gas. Oh, God, maybe on a very good day get like eight miles to the gallon. Yeah, that car was eight to the euro like, terrible. Yeah, most of my money was being dumped into that. Okay. Wow, that is wild. I feel like I probably use the internet the most at night. And I felt like if I planned out my drives, which I do already, because I'm just like, I have a weird, I'm just like, really loved to be on time to things. Like I'm very anxious about it. So I think I would be fine with a red light because then you can listen to like your favorite music or podcast. But I mean, that is very cool that you lived without that you could you could survive. Oh, I forgot to ask you one of your questions by your profile. Because there was a question about zombies. Oh, yeah. Okay, I have we're gonna go back to that just for a second. Okay. Here's the zombie question. You say you'd probably become a zombie if the zombie apocalypse happened? Is this a call back to your post about saving the planet? Like you wouldn't be a good zombie fighter. And that's you trying to save the world? The world we're living in? Or let's explain this. Let's it seems like you'd be good at surviving a zombie apocalypse? Yeah, from what I'm hearing? I mean, about you? I don't think it'd be like, I think a lot of people would be able to survive it for the same. Yeah. I mean, it's like, okay, quality of life isn't really like that. Sure. I just be like, No, I've turned into a zombie. I'll live my best zombie life. I don't want to be up at night, you know, hearing shuffling of zombies and be like, Oh, are they? I just rather be one of the zombies being like, Oh, I'm gonna get you. Yeah, I 100% agree. Like me and my sister were like, we would be bad. It would not be fun to live. Every time we watch like, I mean, we haven't watched the walking dead in a long time. But any movie like that? It's like, what? Why do you even want to live in that life? Just like, turn me into a zombie man. turned me into a zombie. Like, I wouldn't give up on this family. Like, alright, take me now. Yeah, I have a little community all that but I do a bit like, yeah, that's happening. Yeah, so it's like, if you? Yeah, I'm sure there's cool. There would be cool communities that were finding of zombies. And you could go you know, hang out with them for a while. But yeah, not the end of the world if you become a zombie. Who knows what's going on in those guys brains? Exactly. It could be a fun time. Could be party time. Okay, I'm glad we went back to that. Okay, now we're gonna move on to dating do's and don'ts, but it's really like, what's something on somebody's profile that you would consider like, a red flag? For me? If like, all their photos, have multiple people, like have figured out who they are? Oh, yeah. Just an immediate No. They're trying to disguise themselves with their friends. Yeah, yeah. That's confusing. When somebody's making pictures like them and three other people. You're like, you're trying to hide something from me. I don't know what it is. But the trust Yeah, I get that. Where he just came in, why don't you who they are. It's like, okay, you know, every photo you go through and it's like, hands over the face or go Yeah, asking sunglasses. It's like, it's like, okay, like, this will be a blind date at this point. Like, yeah, yeah. Okay, any other red? Red flags. Honestly, if people put down like, I don't know why, but this is just like a personal flag for me if they're like, Yeah, you know, seeking adventure. Yes, that's actually a red flag. That's a very common. I'm learning that this is a very common thing that that is a red flag because what is adventure? Like, what do you mean by this? What's an adventure? There's lots of ways to adventure. Like, okay, what are you looking for? Like, what's your adventure? Is it just going up to like going to the beach somewhere? Is it? Yeah, okay. What are we doing? What's the plan here? Yep. Yep. There's lots of that. I haven't I've yet to see that many people use adventure. But there it's like, every single picture is like them doing something crazy. And I'm like, how do you have energy to do these things? Wild Yeah, that's a Yeah, that's a very, I felt like that's a very broad word. And I think it's a very Utah thing. Like, I mean, I'm curious. I'm trying to like, I might go like beyond Utah. So I'm very curious to see like, what specific to us, but I do think that's a very specific utopic. Anything else? Yes, actually. So this one was brought to my attention by my friends, because apparently, the people I have dated have been crazy at times. Yeah. Okay, what am I missing? What is this flag that I'm not seeing? Yeah, if it's, you know, if they have like their Instagram tied to their account or something, yeah. And you just see nothing but photos of them. Apparently, at least quarter boyfriends. I mean, it's crazy. And I have yet to see, like the fault in the one I've like, yeah, I guess relationships. I'm like, okay, maybe there's something there. I think that speaking on behalf of all women, I know everything about all of us. I think it's like a very, I feel like you can tell that person's a little bit insecure about themselves. And so they need a like this outward. confidence boost. And so like, if you post a selfie, then it's like, strangers. I mean, just everybody was like, That's uncomplicated. I can like that. And I think, yeah, people who are very insecure, and haven't really realized that within themselves and taking the time to be like, Why do I feel this way? Those people tend to be like, a little bit difficult to handle, because I assume it comes with like, jealousy and like, bigger things that would be extremely difficult to date. So yeah, that makes sense to me. Yeah. I'm all for like, take a selfie, you know? Yeah. Take a photo of your pet. Take a photo of like, in a van, or something like, yeah, you what's your What are you doing that makes you happy? Like other than like, yeah, so that makes sense. Yep. Anything else? I think those are the biggest ones that I can think. All right. Is there anything that's like, if you see it, you're like, immediate? Yes. Like, this is what I want in my life. Hell, yeah. Swipe right. The media. Yes. It's usually if they have a job. And they're able to like drive. Sufficient. This is like, the lowest bar if they're an adult that can take care of them. I'm surprised I've met many people where they're like, oh, I don't have a car. And it's like, people like, okay, you know, situations happen. But yeah, at same time, they're also like, oh, but I'm worth like, four years. And they're like, 26. Yeah. Like, what are you doing? Like, but yeah, it's like the bare minimums. And those those are very eye catching. But if we're looking for like, just like, beyond Yeah, listen, yeah, it's beyond that. Here we go. Like this is a great person. Yeah. See, say like, I'm a homebody. Like I like to just stay in, you know, they're not necessarily like looking to go out and do all these crazy. They're not doing Top Golf and then go golfing right after? Yeah, exactly. It's wild. Those are like some good home hitters where it's like, okay, you're mellow. Like you Yeah, it's relaxed, you know, right. And so, something very passionately so if they're like, Oh, I love food, or I make this all the time, stuff like that. Yeah. And obviously if they have cat, like, yes, okay. Yeah, they're a cat. But yeah, I feel like there's a weird thing where they're, I feel like cat people like cats and dogs. I feel like dog people are like, cats. I'm like, you've never. Yeah, well, it's funny. I used to be kind of that way. I grew up. Yeah. anywhere between eight to 13 dogs at once. Oh, my. Wow. Okay. We also had about four cats at the same time. Okay. Yeah. So I was always like, kind of in charge of the dogs taking care of home and so I kind of wanted more with dogs. I want to become an adult. I'm like, I can't get a dog. There's so much work. Yeah, it's like cat. They require nothing. Yeah, just here for a party. So cute. Yeah. What's your cat's name? Did we did you tell me? Oh, yeah, so his full legal name is Captain a him. Okay, he's calm hammy or ham. That is a perfect nickname for that cat. Ham. Man, we might need to share a picture of your your cat When we release this because that's, that's the very adorable cat. I love it. Okay, any other like, just any other instant? Yeah. If they have, like, if I can see who they are, they have photos of them like doing the things that they put in there like Yeah. Oh, like, Oh, I love rock climbing and they got a rock climbing photo. Yeah, it's like, okay, you actually do this stuff like yeah, you're not. You're not saying it to attracts. Yeah. Somebody that's like a solid. Yes. Okay, I can appreciate that. Yeah, that makes sense. I feel like that is always good when when they seems truthful, and they're not trying to like, yeah, I don't know. I don't know why people would want to trick you. But I guess I'm sure there's people out there that are tricky. I guess I'm being tricky, a little bit. Like, hey, here for I, I'm going to tell you something, that there are so many men who I assume have scrolled through my, my profile. And they're like, what you're doing. You're doing a podcast like, sir, I have literally shouted this into your eyeballs that I'm doing this. And yet, so many people are like, Oh, I just You just looked fun. And I'm like, Nope, you don't read you don't read get out. automatically disqualified when they say that to me. So yeah, that's a wild thing. It's so wild to me. And someone's like, Well, can you blame them? I'm like, Yes, I can blame. Shouting Well, yes. Yeah. Fallen every single thing. Yeah. On their podcast. Podcast. I'm very annoying about it. Yeah. Like, it's very clear if anybody just takes the time to spend 30 seconds to read. Yeah, they know. Yeah. Are they sure? Yeah. There was one guy who was like, No, I'm just here. I just feel like I really want a relationship. I'm like, No, you don't. If you want to relate, you're not reading about these women that you're magic with. And you don't take the time to like, read it before they talk to you. Like that is insane. But I'm learning I'm learning these things as we go. I feel like all the people who've been on the podcast are bio readers though. I have yet to convince a non bio reader because, like just there to try to date me none of them want to be on it. So weird. Okay, are you ready for our last question, and then I'm immediately hanging up on you. And this is perfect. So I'm running out of battery on my iPad. Okay. Nick, are you in love with me now? No, unfortunately. How dare you just hit a cow in a mall? Okay. Hi. Good night. What i Nice dude given people rides when he's the third wheel can't find anyone like that. Usually. Yeah, if you want to support this podcast, you know, you can subscribe to it. And also follow us on our short social medias. Which is app suit of happiness podcast on Instagram and at pursuit of happiness. On Tik Tok. We have a Twitter POA underscore pod. If you want to look for us there. I'm not very active, but eventually maybe I will be. Also you can follow Nick's cat on social media. I don't have it because he gave it to me on Bumble which I am kicked off about but I will find it for you by the time this podcast episode comes out and you can follow ham. Oh hammy and see how cute he is. Okay, see you next time on the next episode. Bye

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