Pursuit of Appiness Podcast

Internet Stranger Anonymous

Marta Season 1 Episode 3

Internet Stranger wants to remain anonymous, not because he's inappropriate, but for other reasons. This might be the most wholesome episode yet! Men with sisters RULE!
Sound supervising, mixing, and editing by B.T. Measles. 


Hello, and welcome to the podcast pursuit of appiness. I'm your host Marta. And this week we talk to internet stranger anonymous. He doesn't wish to be named where we will talk about having a photoshoot and target with your sister. Also naming your car George. So stay tuned we're gonna start with an icebreaker. Have you ever sent a dick pic? Yes. I don't know what was it? Somebody asked you for it. Or we did ask for it. It was not unsolicited. I love that kind of guy. I would think so. I don't think anyone who has been on it so far would you don't seem like that kind of guy. But yeah, that makes sense. I'm always curious. What was the story? It was just a sexy time. Yeah, we were just flirting spending pigs and she she asked for it. And so I was like, Oh, it didn't have your face in it right? against you. Okay. Yeah, yeah. You don't want to mess with that somebody could use it against you so smart. Okay, so now that we've gotten icebreaker out of the way, I'm going to ask you some questions. Just because I feel like it will kind of tell us what type of person you are. So first question, what is your favorite movie? If you can think of a favorite movie? What was the last movie you watched? That's easy. Shaun of the Dead. I love that. Yeah. The first time I saw my cousin I was I was hooked. That I love. Love it. I love Edgar. Right? Yeah, like Hot Fuzz. Scott Poe groom. I know. He makes good stuff. And I love it. What's his name? Dan did I know his name? I'm blanking. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. I think I love it. Yeah, they're like best buds. So it's just really well, yeah. I highly recommend watching the bloopers of those too if you have it. I'm a blooper. I love bloopers so I always look them up. But definitely recommend. Okay, good. I feel like I know you a little bit better. How about your favorite band? Or if you don't really know, maybe your Spotify Top Artists of the Year if you have Spotify? I don't use Spotify. But I can tell you the song I put on Tinder. Okay. Yeah. I think it's Charlie Hilton. 100 million years. Okay. I know. That's cute. What? What? Genre? What's the genre? It's probably like indie. Okay, yes. Yeah. Well, okay, so what do you do for your job? So I work on for me, like just a channel. As far as I can go, it's all security. That's fine. You don't have to tell us? I probably wouldn't understand it. Anyway. So cool. Yeah, I get that. Does anybody ever know what I'm doing? Yeah. Okay, here's our last question. And you can interpret this however you want. It is. My question is what is wrong with you? Oh, shit. It can be in terms of dating or just like, you know, day to day life, whatever you want to tell us about you. I'm pretty damn introverted and also socially awkward. And so this is weird for me to be out here doing this. Like I have to do this. You're Ryan helping me. I've always had social anxiety, like, conquering this is huge. I, I haven't totally the same. And this is helping me practice for the real world because I haven't been out. COVID right. Just hanging out. Yeah. I went to a party between it was like before Delta, was the thing it was after I got vaccinated. And then after I got home, I was like, Oh my God. What did I say? Who What am I doing? overthought everything I said, so I get that? Yeah, I get that too. A lot. Okay, well, now we know you. We're going to ask you so the next segment is called overgeneralize question. It's fair man, which means that you are answering behalf of all men all men. So if you if they get mad at you, that's your own fault. Yep. These questions I sourced from many sources, but if you hate them, I'm gonna say it wasn't from my brain. Okay, I have him on note cards. Let me pull one out. Okay. Why do men write so many songs about black dresses? Do they? I guess. black or red? I feel like it's either black or red. Red. I see. I can hear a little more. Because girls are sexy. Younger women are sexy. Yep, I think that's that's it. I wonder I don't have a little black dress. I'm like, I feel like I need one. Because there are people who expect it from Should I Get one too? Yeah. We'll pull it out. When when we need to go to a fancy party. And um, I don't know. Yeah, no problem. Yeah, I don't know. I guess dates. I don't know. I don't try that hard on dates. That's, that's my problem. I don't try. Okay, next questions. Okay. This one is from the internet. Just I feel like everybody just wonder every woman wonders this. When they start going out with a guy. What is it about commitment that makes man shit their pants? Oh, this is scary. As one of my peers. You're hitting me here? I have no idea. It's a maybe like almost loss of control in a weird way. I would say, because like, now you're with somebody else. You can't. You can't just go home on your own, I suppose. Yeah, you're like, shit, it's like committing is also sharing your life with another person. So you have to like, ya know, include them in decision makings? That's right. And so like, I don't know, commitment also generally means it's getting serious, you know? And like, I don't know, is there a kid? Is there a house? Who knows? Like, it can scary honestly, I think it's Yeah, I think it does scare us. And I don't know why. So if a guy asks you, well tells you on the apps he's like, if they're like, I'm not looking for anything serious. That means they don't want to call you their girlfriend. Right? That means like, we're not Yeah. funsies. Like, I see a lot of that too. On my end. There's a lot of girls saying no, like, no commitments or whatever. But I feel like that is a question for both sides of things. But because I'm asking the questions towards men. But yeah, I felt like women have those the same thing, but not looking. Or I don't know what this app hinge doesn't have. Like, what are you looking for? On right? On it? Yeah. But that's a good question. I mean, that's a good answer. Okay. No, no, that was good. That was great. One more question, and then we'll move on to our next segment. Okay, why do men want women to be poor than them? This is gonna go like, weird. Men have a weird history. All right. We I think it's a power thing. Honestly. It's like we're in control league to decide what kind of back to the commitment thing in a weird way. Like, yeah, we're sure we could decide what's happening. Yeah. But I want to find a girl that was richer than me. Yeah. Are you cool? Are you cool with like, a girl? Paying for dates? Yeah, why the hell not? I wouldn't mind if she was smarter than me either. Like, as long as she was kind of I don't see the issue at all. Yeah, I feel like there's a certain type of man that just hates it and feels like really escalated by it. I kind of come from a weird family that I have, like all aunts, nothing but kind of like women in my life. But that's good. I feel like every man should have at least five women they're close to to teach them. Right. But that's weird. I don't know. I guess. Yeah, I'd have to be powered. I think it's a weird get down to the power of sort of thing. Power to say. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. Next segment, we're gonna break down your profile. So this is what's gonna happen. No, no, it's not that it's not. Alright, let's do it. So basically what I'm gonna do is I am going to say why I think you chose a certain picture or a certain prompt, and I'm gonna say, and then you can tell me why you really chose to defend it. It's anything you're saying. It's not scary. Scary. I'm not roasting you. Okay. All right. So the first photo you have is you holding up a welcome mat that says, hope you like hugs. Is this because, you know many of us have been without hugs from people outside our families for the last two years? Trying to lorrison I thought it was a sweet way of being intimate. Oh, yeah. Saying that you're, you're good with physical touch. Hi, you know, I'm human to over a year. Now, as I'm taking photos with my sister, she's like, grab that. And I was like, Alright, and then she took a photo. So that worked at Target. WeChat I feel like that's also a signal to women actually just human beings all like, in America, it's like Target is a weird comfort spot. And so when you see someone inside it is like, okay, that person will go to target with me and we can roam the aisles. And it will be Yeah. So your target shopper? Yeah. I mean, it's weird. So I hear where I grew up. It was like the first like, big store, and so kind of had a weird impression on me. I don't know. Yeah, target is. Awesome. Okay. Next one. Okay, so you answered one of your prompts that you're waiting to meet are introverted girl we can already talked about. Um, is that you telling women that they'll always have a partner to go find cats or dogs at parties to hang out with? I'll go with them. We'll go hunting down. We'll hang out in the corner. We'll both just I don't know. Enjoy the quiet. So do you are you like a person? You don't like parties for yourself? Do you like any sort of attention on you? Or God? I hate attention. I always prefer to be the fly on the wall. And like my whole life, but I don't know. Sometimes attention finds you. Yeah, that's see I feel like I'm like, introverted because I need to be alone a lot. But I also love being the center of attention. So I don't know what I love parties when they're about me. Really like that like, yeah, yeah, but I don't love other people's parties. And I'm like, go find the dog. Go find the cat. So he helped me drag out or you dragged me out to all those I actually did go to a decent man parties are like my 20s Yeah, I already kind of ground. A lot of Did you meet a lot of animals? I did have a semi one. Okay. This is an interesting thing. I feel like people with reptiles really love to show you at toxic or reptile. Is that ever? Has that happened to you find his way into spiders. He has like a whole like wall of spiders. And he loves like seeing people's reactions. He loves like, yeah, that's his go to party, saying it's girls show Fievel wall of spiders. There's like, there's those people who have like those YouTube channels, and they have their wall of spiders. And they like go. I don't know, that freaks me out. But yeah, I know. Yeah, and I know so many people. Like one of my really good friends has a bearded dragon. He is obsessed with making people love his bearded dragon. I've yet to meet him. It's like the weird social creature right? They like want to show off their pets. I don't know. Yeah. Because like other like dogs and stuff they introduce themselves but like, How'd you got to like bring them out? You know? Yeah, sure. Yeah. I have a lot of I have a lot of cats but only two are okay with other people. I have. I have four cats. It's mostly like I have two cats because bother to hide. How many cats do you think is the limit of cats? Unfortunate. It's probably for all asleep. Are you just being nice? Matt? Is that honestly? I don't know if they like hung outside. That's a little tip. I don't know. Indoor couch. Yeah, yeah, I know. You know what, it's fine. I've come to terms with my life. Okay, so yeah, you are you are, Jen, you're genuinely looking for an introverted person because you need your like, energies to match. I think so. I get, I can get overwhelmed with social stuff. And my job involves a lot of it's like, I kind of come home and I'm drained. Yeah, like recharge. Yeah, I think it'd be fitting. But it's not a deal breaker. I don't think so. I mean, they say opposites attract, right. So yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure it could happen. Yep. Okay, perfect. Okay, next question. Okay, this is a strange question. And if you don't understand that, I'll just let you know, my brain was at a weird spot when I thought of it. Okay. So there's the photo of you next to a statue. statue is very strange to me, because it appears that it is a father reading to their daughter, but there's like a duck emerging from the stories coming out. You know, it's like, it's evolving, I guess. I don't know. So I was like, Okay, so he's telling us that he likes art, or that he's very confused by statue. And he's worried for this duck that may be trapped in a book. Tell us about the statue, honestly, is off the cuff and my sister, we take photos. And so we're just roaming around trying to find funny photos. And that's kind of what popped up. She's like, go sit over there. I think you're interested in is like, alright. Yeah, I mean, that's so weird. Is that is the weird? I mean, it's so are you telling me I should take it off? No, no, I think it's interesting. Like a person like me. I'm like, What is like what is with this? I get that the duck is like coming out for reading. But it's just so weird to me. I know that's, that's my my deal. I'm reading way too into these these things. But that's how my brain works. Some other women are probably doing it to be worn shit. I think it's great that you went out and had a photo shoot with your sister, because I'm gonna tell you, there are lots of people who don't have friends to take pictures. On the app is fine. It's like a thing that I try to avoid because they're just like, you don't have a friend to go take your picture. Yeah, it's all like selfie. Like selfies can only go so far. You got to help me out. Yeah. That's amazing that you went out with your sister, Doris. A lot of fun actually. Okay, so this is our last question about your profile. So obviously, cars are a thing cars, are you. So has anyone guessed the right car? Nobody? Okay, I haven't gotten much response from it just to be honest. But do you have a guess? I came to my was a Camaro but I have no idea that what is it is a Chevy so you're close. I don't close. It's actually pretty rare car. That's kind of the twist. Okay. Yeah. And Corvair. 1965 Okay. Has anyone on any of the apps? Is that? Okay? Yeah. I mean, it's like one of my favorite cars I have so rare, Ralph Nader that bastard. So how many cars do you currently have three? Okay, I gotta read 95 to coma the other ones kind of rare. It's as 10 So like there's the front end from the Cadillac like the the engine and the drive train and everything was put in the bed of it. Sounds kind of funny. I know. It's kind of wild. We're making it a racetrack it's gonna be cool. Oh, sounds that sounds impressive. Even though I do not understand. So my question is, because my brain if, like I would try to name your car because you say if you name this car then I'll meet I'll introduce you to my family. Has anyone tried to like give your car a name like George or Same thing. No, not a sold. It's crickets over here to be honest. That is insane. That's such a good opportunity to be. Um, I don't know if that's a dad joke. It's a girl messaging is like, is your car named George? Would you be like, Yeah, that's a good dad. I can roll with it. Okay, well, ladies, see why do it. Pick a better name. The George though I was that was not creative. As long as you wrote a book about well, that Corvair specifically, Unsafe at Any speeds. Anyways, if you're intrigued entirely about that car, he wrote, I think there's other cars involved, but that one is involved. That's the reason we have like safety standards and seat belts and whatnot. So I kind of hate them. But I also I get it. There's an interest I would I say, I've met Ralph Nader. My bad. I threw out the wrong. Oh, they're all they all came together. Yeah. All right. We all kind of love together. So I don't blame you. All right. Now we're done with your profile. I want to ask if you've ever like, it doesn't necessarily have to be an app date. But have you ever had just like a terrible date? I want to hear about it. I feel like usually somebody's like, on a date. Somebody broke up with you. I broke up with her. Then she stole my keys I couldn't leave. Right. It's just like, Okay, let's, let's hear this story. I'm been trained. It was forever ago. So basically, we're all pretty young at the time. I was like 18 or 19. But yeah. I can't remember if we went to saw a movie or something. And by the end of it is like, I can't do this. This isn't happening. Next to this woman, you're like, Nope, just all those things do is there's a lot of stuff. But yeah, at the end of it. I was like, I think we need a break up. And she just took my keys and grandma. Just like I was like, What the hell? So did you catch her and get them? Or did you just tried to like talk to her? I was like, What are you doing? I didn't do after get back together with her. So you could drive home. Like I was just joking. In the car. I was joking, baby now. I think she finally after a little bit of talking. He surrendered them. And I got that. I I have to say that so far on this podcast, it's always the men who make the date a bad date. So I think the source of bad dates so far, what my theory was men make the dates bad. And most, most of the time, I had one sided. Yeah, it's just what Yeah, I have so many bad dates, stories. And I'm like, I don't think Ben really comprehend what a bad date really can be. Even though we probably see it differently, we probably see is that a cat of yours. And it has been her per is going to be in every single podcast. And they can replace my sound guy can have about I don't know how that works. But she will just scratch at my door until I let her and so she's just yeah, she's mean though. So she might bite me and I might scream so be prepared for that. All right. Okay. So yeah, you had your car key soil and but that was your fault. You broke up? I guess. Obviously, okay, so the date wasn't bad enough, where you remember even remembered the mother was kind of building up. It wasn't just that data. Yes, it was it was building up to it. It wasn't that. And you don't remember the movie that you went? I don't. I cannot remember at all. Because my damn keys. I went on a bad date. And some have a date didn't ruin the movie for me. So I went on a blind date because somebody was like, Hey, I know musician, and I was like a musician. Sweet. Let's do this. But then he was like something like a flute player, which is Yeah, I'm sure that he's a nice guy and a great flutist or whatever they're called. But I was like imagining I was like nine classic guitar player. Yeah. So I went to state it was The Blind Date never met him. And we went to Scott Pilgrim. Edgar Wright. Yeah. And I had I have bad scoliosis. So like, I have to readjust myself if I'm sitting for a long time. And this man who I barely talked to read it as I wanted him to scratch my back, even though I had not talked to this man, like, we maybe shared, like 20 minute conversation. And then he pulled me back. He was like, now you me. He grabbed my hand and made me scratch his back. And I was like, Oh, no. Yeah. You're like, yes. I was like, scratching his back. Like, is this what I'm supposed to be doing? It was so yeah, I don't really remember anything else. But that movie usually like I will have associations with movies if it was like a bad time, and I'll hate it. But I still love Scott Pilgrim. So power the power of a good movie means I'm still liking it even though backscratcher will ruin it. Yeah. Who knew? Okay, we're moving on to our next portion, which is would you rather yours? Which I just try to pick the most interesting and hardest ones, but I'm guessing some people. It won't be hard. Okay, let's see. I'm gonna close my eyes. Okay. If you rather share an onscreen kiss with George Clooney, or Leonardo DiCaprio, you have to pick between them because that's Rooney or Leonardo. Yeah, yeah. Leonardo is pretty popular. But George is a handsome man. He is. I have to go George Clooney. I forever love him after watching. Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou? I love him after that. Yeah. He just directed a movie that's on Amazon with Ben Affleck. Looking. Yeah, I forget what it's called. But I haven't watched it either. So it's good to hear that the soundtrack is great. So that helps might be worth it. Okay, George Clooney. I think George Clooney has aged very well, Leonardo DiCaprio. I don't know. I'm in a darker hair anyways. Yeah. Yeah. Come on, George. Yep. Okay, next one. Oh, okay. This one's an interesting one. Would you rather have police hunting you down for a crime you didn't commit or a serial killer actually hunting you know, please hunted me down for crime. I did not commit. Yeah. Or serial killer trying to kill me. Yeah. Or just hunting me down. Yeah. I'm guessing the serial killer is trying to kill you. Yeah. Maybe the serial killer. Maybe try to fight him off and then be like, Yo, self defense? I don't know. Yeah, I think that's what kind? Yeah, I can't i i have this love for Amazing Race. Me and my sister finished all like 30 seasons during COVID. But there's a guy on the new one who was wrongly accused of a crime. And he was in jail for 10 years. Some time now. Yeah. But now he's out. He's an amazing race, which I don't think is like a, like, your life is much better even. But I was like, That sucks. Yeah, it's a turn around. I guess. They recalculate you or something? Yeah, yeah. I think the government gives you they should, should give you a lot of money. Hopefully he got a lot of money. But now he's like, he was like, I'm on amazing race because I want to go travel around with my friend because I've missed out 10 years of my life. Yeah, God damn, geez. Serial Killer seems like the right. I mean, it's spooky, but I don't know. If you do. Yeah, if you knew how the killer worked, you could kind of defend yourself. And I think 100% That's why women like murder podcast. They love that. They do. And so there's a podcast called My favorite murderer. And they talk about Yeah, and they talk about the reason why they're obsessed with these is because, like women They're always afraid they're gonna get murdered. So if they learn about all the murders that happen, then they'll kind of know how to defend themselves. Yeah. I think that you could survive, I think you could survive, you find out about like, what kind of murders are happening around you and you're like, I mean, you would be notified if, if you knew a serial killer was chasing you, you'd kind of have to know what's up with him. So hi, thank you. Now, you know, Okay, one more, and then we're moving on. Okay, read the book. Would you rather read the book or watch the movie? Oh, I guess it depends on the book slash movie, but I've been I've been trying to read the book before the movie. I've read all the details before the new one came out. And then I can't do Lord of the Rings. I don't know why Lord of the Rings is hard to read. Fantasy is just they have to like build the entire world. And it's like it takes 200 pages and then you get into the story. It's rough. I also tried to read Lord of the Rings. And I was like, No, I can't Yeah, it's tough. I like reading. I'm not like a super avid reader. But yeah, I think it helps to do that be like before a movie or something? So yeah, I think I heard that. You should read dune before watching it because there's some like subtleties. That background kinda. Yeah. And like, if you've read, I'm guessing there's multiple books. I think the movie is covered. Yeah. I don't know what the series or movie is a movie. So it's a movie, but they're making another one. And I think that if it was a standalone movie, people will be pissed because it just can't fit that all in there. I don't think Yeah, yeah. But I heard that reading. It gives you like, context for what's going to happen next. Because it stand alone. It kinda is. Not as good. I like talking about this, but I haven't read the movie, but everyone's eyes. Yeah. But everyone. I mean, I love Sunday. And I love Tim. It's Timothy shallow money, so I'll probably see it eventually. I just haven't. Yet. Yeah. Okay, so we're gonna talk about profile red flags. Oh, you see that? You're like, No, I can still swipe left. Yeah, yeah. Let's hear. I hate lip piercings. So if I see a lip piercing and a girl's mouth, and it's not even just like the rings, it's the ones that are like beauty marks or something. Where it's on top or on bottom? Yeah. drive me nuts. I called snake bites. She is stuff like maybe when I was younger, but in my older days I don't understand the lip ring that just seems it's away. Well, yeah, like try to kiss someone to or if you like yeah, to like put a you know, it was just like, link right? It's just kind of Yeah, I don't Yeah, I get that one. Is there a lot of those few it seems to be more on Tinder to be honest. Okay, I see it a lot on Tinder. I think guy's swipe more I don't know what to say. Yeah, probably that's your destiny as All right. Let's hear some more. Some of them that are like the attitude where you like you like you have to keep up not even like try to keep up with like, you can't handle me or something like that like trying to word it but like they feel like they're so full of energies like you're right I can or they're warning you that they're very their expectations are very high. High Maintenance like yeah, you have to take me out to steak dinner every Saturday or else I will they all seem down to earth that Oh, you're just like yeah, and then course check scare me. I don't know why so I swiped but they are very committed horse girls when they've grown in from a horse girl to a horse woman. That's something else. I can't explain it. Sorry. I'm a little bit afraid of horses so I get that. My family's had Oh, and I just I stay away. I can't really. I hear that the that horses don't have great stamina, like they can walk as much like as long as a human and they need to I just feel bad for them. And they're like, I hate this get off for horses. Okay. Let's hear about green flags like anything about your like, really? How to swipe right immediately. Obviously, if girls are into cars, that helps a lot. My family is tremendously into cars. Let's see. I mean, obviously the physical attraction, I guess, but I guess it's different for everyone. What, what is something you gotta give us? Like? What is it? What my physical attraction is? Yeah. Is there like, there was somebody who said that, seeing a girl? I guess it's not. I mean, it's sort of their style, like seeing a girl where some dresses sneakers really made someone be like, Yeah, I think I mean, there's a lot. I think some guys do it too. And maybe they're in the same position, or they don't have friends. There's a lot of selfies, like, I mean, I'm not trying to be rude, but like, I want to see more of you, I guess before Yeah, something off. And then. So I guess it's like you're showing more of your personality in a way by taking more. Not just selfies, like doing something or like, friends or an activity. Everyone I swear to God is like an adventurer out there on Tinder. And it's just like, if somebody's actually being reasonable and being like, yell, it's just chill. Like, alright, cool. Somebody I can get, like, be with you know, fell it's there for so there's a lot of women out there that are like, cuz I'm gonna tell you every single so many people were climbing rocks today or in the they're climbing rocks in the morning. They're going skiing during the afternoon. They go bike riding at night, like how they're showing all these like crazy stuff. All right, how are you alive? Is my question. Do you sit down? That's what I want to ask them. So you like but you want a chill, lady, maybe event as every once in a while. Like I said, I'm pretty introverted. So I mean, adventures are fun. And I can go out and do stuff, but I like being home too. Yeah. And do you think? Do you think the word adventure is used to frivolously on apps? I feel like it's an adventure or I'm always on an adventure or I don't know. There's just and life is an adventure. You don't have to stay are all here doing it. We all know, we all know that life is sometimes insane. You don't have to say you're just trying to be like, it feels like they're trying to be more maybe than they are. I think maybe they're trying. They're trying to find the men that don't sit there like they like that word. Wow, shit. No, it's fine. Not I think they're lying to themselves when? Maybe, maybe? I don't know. I don't comprehend that type of person. I think they're all lying to us. I think Tinder is all little lies even like the other ones. I don't know. It's like social media. I guess you're just showing the best of your side, aren't ya? Yeah, in a way. I guess. So. I try. I mean, when I was on the apps for actual dating, it was like, I'm going to try to be as strange as possible. Oh, yeah. What happened? was kind of like a social experiment. And like, I don't know. It's never I mean, it's obviously never been successful for me, but maybe one day, maybe one day Yeah. Okay, are you ready for our last question, and then I'm hanging up. All right. You ready? Yeah. Okay, are you now in love with me? Well, you a little easier. I mean, you're like the first one I've talked to you so well, yeah. Heard him Ladies and Gents and everything in between. I make love a little easier. So why not subscribe to get notified when these little podcast episodes get released? Just do it. Well, every man in Salt Lake City loves me by the end of this podcast. Spoiler alert. The answer's no. Because I've been doing this podcast a while but I know the answer. Remember to follow us at Pursuit of Happiness podcast on Instagram and pursuit of happiness on tictac See you next time. Bye.

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